Louis x cuvry female wolf reader

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Your relationship with Louis was a you could say special, there were some ups and down when it came to your guys relationship. This relationship had become more complicated when he left the school with no good reason at all. There were times when you rarely even saw him or even heard from him and it made the relationship complicated, but you thought he was busy. All your friends would keep you busy it was mostly haru and legoshi who did their best to keep you busy and thought off Louis .

Y/n " hey jake I need to talk with legoshi is he here tonight" you had gone to legoshi dorm and you had become friends with his dorm mates quickly.

Jake " sure he is here hey legoshi y/n is here"

Legohsi " hey y/n what up"

Y/n " we need to talk please"

Legoshi " sure"

A few minutes later

Y/n " please tell me where he is please legoshi I need to see him please"

Legoshi " I can't y/n he made me promise not to tell you he to far in deep"

Y/n " please legoshi tell me I miss him" you soon started crying and legoshi just patted you on your head making you look down at your feet, yes you were wolf but you were the runt of your litter and legoshi and haru had shown you some respect and made you feel welcome at school.

Haru " come on legohis just take us to him im worried about him as a friend and y/n worried about him as his girlfriend and friend"

Legohsi " fine I will take you two to him but one rule stay close to me and don't wonder off" you and haru shake your heads in agreement so after changing out of your guys school clothe sand into regular wear, legoshi had taken you and haru to the black market. The both of you were feeling mixed emotions soon legohsi had stoped by a this giant house and soon knocked on the door, soon enough a lion opend the door.

???? " oh legohsi it good to see you and I see you brought some friends please come in rouis is not busy at the moment.. wait you there girl the female wolf you are the boss girl'

Y/n " the boss girl who the boss"

Legoshi " she doesn't know yet"

??? " oh I'm sorry" legoshi had taken you two a meetings room where you saw rouis and some lions.

Louis " everyone please leave expect y/n we need to have a talk" soon everyone left and you were now looking at your boyfriend.

Y/n " why ... why are you here with a mafia clan rouis why"

Louis " I have discovered something new I'm sorry but this relationship has to end you are a weak link" you soon had slapped rouis hard leaving a mark on his face.

Y/n " I hate you .... You are a stupid deer" you soon ran out of the room crying with haru and legoshi following you.

Louis " legoshi make sure she find some who can love her better then me and make her happy"

Legoshi " I will make make sure she find her soulmate but I might be looking at him now"

Louis " she need some nice I'm not that man anymore she will be okay" legoshi soon left but the lions were looking at their new boss wondering what had happened, legoshi still love you and wanted to be with you but projecting you from his dark life was better this way.

Ibuki " you still love her don't you boss"

Louis " that none of your business"

Ibuki " if you most know girl like her don't come ever year and she a very rare one"

Louis " we have a meeting right now we can deal with my romantic relationship later on"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora