Male vampire duke x chubby human reader

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It was the Victorian era for the vampire world you had been arranged to a duke named Alexander, the two of you had only meet a few times. Now you are on date with her which was arranged by Alexander himself he had sent a letter to your family house during the afternoon, and soon enough everything was set in stone. Alexander is a handsome guy so you didn't know why he choice to marry you, and stay true to this arrangement.

Alexander " thank you enjoying me on this day lady y/n"

Y/n " you are welcome duke Alexander"

Alexander " please call me Alexander or Alex we are going to be married soon"

Y/n " sure I have a question to ask you alex"

Alexander " ask away my dear"

Y/n " why did you stay other men would of ran away but you stayed away"

Alexander " there is something interesting about you y/n one is that your done care for my family riches, you take care of your family, and you have a kind nature"

Y/n " oh"

Alexander " the other ladies here want me to for my looks, money, and family power but you don't and that's why I love you"

Y/n " thank you"

Alexander "when it comes to your family they seem to not want to lose your for marriage verse all the other families, I meet lady Anna and she some work"

Y/n " oh yes Anna has always be a ..."

Alexander " spoiled and ungrateful brat and her family snobby"

Y/n " yes that is true they are a price of work my brother, William was suppose to marry her older sister but she ended it because we so called didn't have enough money for her to spend like crazy"

Alexander " see i think this marriage will work out after all"

Y/n " yes I think so as well I rather spend the rest of immorality with you"

Alexander " I can say the same and I was hoping you will join me for dinner, my father will love to see you again"

Y/n " sure I will love too I enjoy your family"

Alexander " thank you for saying yes because I was told if you said no I should stay, in hotel for the night so right now you are my savior"

Y/n " oh I'm"

Alexander " yes you are my love"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now