Flint x curvy joe reader x duke

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You are walking around the Joe base after getting the job here as one of the scientists here it was all thanks to the help from your friends, and your father they had told you about the job and your applied right away. The last laboratory you had worked out had let some staff go who didn't have many years at the place, and you soon were fired with paid leave. You were trying to find the laboratory but couldn't see find the right building.

Shipwreck " hey there beautiful are you lost"

Y/n " yes im looking for the laboratory here"

Shipwreck " oh so you are into the smart type"

Y/n " well yes and for your Information im the new scientist here the name is y/n"

Shipwreck " well that Interesting'

Lady j " hey shipwreck who the girl"

Shipwreck " well lady j she is our new scientist here"

Y/n " hello"

Scarlett " wow I didn't know the scientist was a good but it great to have a new female member here"

Y/n " it nice to meet you ladies"

Dusty " wow you are beautiful so are you dating anyone"

Y/n " wow getting to the point right away"

Dail tone " you must be Doctor y/n there is truck with some of your stuff waiting near the laboratory"

Y/n " oh thank you" the group of joes had shown you to the laboratory and saw a truck filled with some of your stuff.

Lifeline " wow you have any good notes and tools here"

Y/n " thank you my dad helped me get this stuff along with my friends"

Shipwreck " so what im hearing is that you have no boyfriend"

????? " back off shipwreck"

Shipwreck " oh come duke"

???? " y/n sorry for being late we were told you had arrived"

Scarlett " wait you know each other"

Flint " yes y/n here is our childhood friend"

Lady J " wait I can't believe I didn't remember you ... from the pictures of duke and flint desk their graduation photo"

Y/n " yes that me"

Scarlett " wow that shocking"

Dail tone " so will it be fine if we ask her out to dinner"

????? " that is off limits dail tone"

Dail " hey Sargent slather"

Slather " so dear how is everything going so far"

Y/n " everything is well dad"

Everyone " dad"

Slather " yes she my daughter anyone have a problem with it"

Everyone " no"

Duke " why don't we help you unpack you still owe us that dinner date after you missing the last one"

Y/n " fine"

Flint " hey maybe you can explain one of your many experiments to us"

Y/n " deal if you guys tell me more information about cobra" the joes and your father could tell there was something between y/m and the two heads of joes, and it was surprising that your father was going with this whole thing.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now