Disney warroirs x chubby warroir

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So all your life you had been train to be a perfect warrior, your family was filled with many warriors and you being your father only daughter being his last student in the family was the only way you could win him over. You had done everything in your power to finally get your father to say he is proud of you, but he has yet to say those words to you when you become older you soon had left home to help deal with some conflicts going on in the world.

Y/n " can someone please tell me why we are here again I keep on forgetting why we were sent to the middle of nowhere"

Shang " because it our duty"

Y/n " do not give it that it our duty speech Shang it never works"

Ping " she is right about that Shang it comes to the point where you tell us it our duty dose not work, we get treated horrible here and horrible back at home"

Merido " come on guys we can't let this get us down we have done everything, and won the respect of others before"

Y/n " yes but how long will that respect last"

Shang " you know what I'm no longer going to let you all speak down about yourself y/n you have helped people make peace, and you won battles without killing someone"

Y/n " aww thank you Shang"

Shang " you ping have show us even when someone seems weak they can become a great warrior"

Ping " I hate it when you give these type of speech's"

Y/n " is it bad I'm getting impresses by his speech"

Shang " you Merido have taught us that you can still be a ruler and make your own history"

Y/n " okay I'm in keg get this done before he says anything else"

Merido " fine I'm in but we are going with my plan this time"

Shang " deal ping what do say"

Ping " court me in and hey this will be a good story to tell later on" soon the whole camp was already back up and the warriors are ready, and off to the next adventure.

Ping " oh yes and y/n when we arrived that my village, my mother and grandmother wang me to arrive you over to dinner what do you say"

Y/n " I will love too ping"

Shang " we are coming as well we are not leaving you alone with her ping"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now