Harry Osborn x cuvry peter sister reader

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You are the baby sister of Peter Parker. He is a year older than you, but he has always been overprotective of you. After the death of your guy's parents, you both went to live with aunt may and uncle ben. Soon tragedy fell when Uncle Ben was killed, and soon the family could pull together. Life had become somewhat normal once again for you a bit.

Y/n "Take a lot, Pete, for leaving me alone because you had something come up once again" You were walking home alone as Peter had run off as he had one of his work calls.

???? " hey, y/n" You soon stopped walking when you heard your name getting quickly called. A limo had stopped near you, and as you soon saw the window roll down, it was Harry. He is your and Peter's best friend. He had started as Peter's best friend but soon became your friend.

Y/n "Hey Harry"

Harry "Get inside. It's about to rain, and I don't need my best female friend walking home in the rain."

Y/n "Thank Harry" You soon got into the car after Harry had opened the door for you and closed the door as well, you soon were sitting next to Harry.

Harry " so where is Pete he never lets you walk home alone"

Y/n " well something came up for him having him take his usual Peter leave, so then that lead me to walking home alone"

Harry " I swear whatever Peter has been doing it has been taking up all his time"

Y/n '" I hope as well I'm starting to worry about him I don't want him to get hurt or worst"

Harry " don't worry y/n everything will be fine noting bad will happen to Peter he stronger then we all know"

Y/n " yes you are right ... so how are you doing with your life and everything that home" you soon looked at Harry wondering how he was feeling about everything in his life.

Harry " I'm doing good so far my dad is doing good we are become closer, but he still distance from me that time but that my old man"

Y/n " I'm happy to hear you are doing well Harry and I hope you dad does come around more for you"

Harry " you know I know everything to you, Harry, and aunt may you three are many of the people always looking out for me and making sure I'm okay .... You have even invited me to family dinners and holidays celebrations"

Y/n " well you have always been there for us and we will do the same for you Harry"

Harry " thanks"

Y/n " hey why don't you stay for dinner with me and Pete aunt may is gone taking care of a friend of hers, so we can use the company at home or I can use the company until Pete comes home"

Harry " sure I will love that" this had made you happy and after more driving they both soon arrived at Parker resistance, Harry told his driver to come back later this night when he was done with dinner and hanging out with you and Peter.

Later that night

Y/n " see you are not a bad cook after all Harry" you and Harry had decided to make fettuccine Alfredo with some garlic bread. Harry had amazing cooking skills that shocked you when you saw him cooking.

Harry " I'm only doing good because I have you and some lessons from the family butler"

Y/n " hey maybe I will have you cook me some more dinners in the future"

Harry " sure whatever you want y/n"

???? " hey you two I'm interrupting something" you and Harry soon looked up and saw Peter standing there.

Harry " hey dude I saw your sister walking him and offered her a ride home, and then she invited me to dinner"

Y/n " yeah we have been here cooking and listening to the news on spider man, what happened to you why does it look like you been running"

Peter "well when I said I had errands to run for someone I was not lying I had to ran here and there, go get the work done because everything needs to be perfect"

Harry "wow dude that seems rough"

Peter " well I'm going to hit the shower but I will be back here to help cook some dinner or dessert"

Harry " deal" Peter soon laughed as she disappeared deeper into the house leaving you and Harry alone to keep talking. When Peter had got back from his shower dinner was almost ready and Harry had found a tv show marathon for everyone to watched for the remaining dinner or until everyone was ready to call it an night.

Peter " cookies will be perfect for this moment what do you all say"

Y/n " that will be good" it didn't take Peter that long to make the cookies as they came made on pin already so soon, everyone was eating dinner and dessert. Peter could see now close his best friend and sister are that the moment, he didn't have anything against his best friend dating his sister Harry is a good guy and would not harm her.

Harry " well my driver is here thank you again for letting me stay over guys"

Peter " anytime dude it was fun to have you over"

Y/n " yeah call us next time when you are alone for dinner and we can have dinner at your home"

Harry " deal" you soon went back into the house to get ready for bed leaving the two guys alone outside to talk as they were finishing up the last bit of their conversation.

Peter " hey dude if you want to ask out my sister you can I will support your relationship"

Harry " really"

Peter " yes you can but if you ever hurt her then we are going to have a problem here"

Harry " I will never hurt her Pete I will be a good boyfriend if she wishes that and if she doesn't I will still be her friend" the friends soon hugged each other and soon parted ways for the night, Peter knew his best friends was not evil and would not cause doom to come to his sister like his life. Soon enough the two of them will start dating and everything was going well for everyone in the social circle.

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