Young emperor x curvy reader

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You have always had done your best to stay out of line light of Roman society even if you father and brothers were high ranking generals you still hated being in the public. You mostly hated all the fake people around you alway acting fake nice, just because they wanted some stupid favor from you. You didn't like them at all and you mostly would stay away from public events, but this time it was hard when it was order to attend the emperor party in honor of his young sons return. You had become a very shy girl over the years of being used before that you didn't want to trust that many people .

Y/n father " my dear child what the matter"

Y/n " father I just don't like big coward couldn't we just.... you know lie about me being sick"

Y/n father " because we couldn't sweetie and this night might be yours, because you could find the one"

Y/n " oh come on we are back on my marriage issues I don't feel like getting married now or any time now"

Y/n father " I know love but if something happens to me or your brothers we want someone there for you"

Y/n " I know father but if I find love the way I want it then yes I will take or but we live in Roman, and there are many people getting hurt or killed each day"

Y/n father " that life in Roman my dear ... oh here comes prince Alexander"

Alexander " general it great to see you again I have been wondering how you were doing"

Y/n father " young Prince it good to see you this is my daughter y/n"

Y/n " hello your highness it great to see you"

Alexander " your father and brothers have told me wonderful things about you lady y/n"

Y/n father " you know I need to have an important talk with your father and some old friends, Alexander will you keep an eye on my daughter"

Alexander " I will love too"

Y/n father " take care young ones" now it was you and Alexander together you were feeling uncomfortable, because there were some people looking at you and Alexander making everything difficult.

Alexander " hey why don't we take a stroll around the palace gardens it will be a better aura then stuck in here"

Y/n " sure thank you"

Alexander " then let's go my lady" you and Alexander soon left the party and walked into the palace gardens, that were filled with many beautiful statues of marble or gold.

Y/n " the palace gardens are so beautiful and I love the flowers"

Alexander " you know are you the first women who has ever talked about the flowers with me verse, all the riches she has"

Y/n " I'm sorry I'm not that excited your graces"

Alexander " no I love hearing you talking about flowers"

Y/n " oh"

Alexander " so your brothers have told me you are well educated women"

Y/n " well yes most women are told they are suppose to have a lower education but I wanted a higher education, you don't mind a women having a higher education"

Alexander " no i think women should have a higher education like men here in Rome"

Y/n " then I think we will get along my dear Alexander"

One year later

Alexander " umm where are you going anyways"

Y/n " it the afternoon silky and you have royal business to attend to"

Alexander " oh come on why don't we forget that royal business and spend some time together"

Y/n " get up you have work to do"

Alexander " fine" you and Alexander were getting along very well and you soon had become his wife, which had helped out your family majorly.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat