Male Harley quinn x cuvry batman sister reader

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You are the baby sister or Bruce Wayne you were a baby when your guys parents had been killed so you don't remember, them that much. When you found out your big brother was Batman you were shocked and worried about the matter, it had taken some time of you to get use to the idea. You soon meet the rest of justice league and become good friends with them, and you soon become friends with Harvey Quinn which your brother questioned a lot of about.

Harvey " hey there pudding"

Y/n " hey Harvey"

Harvey " so what are you doing anyways"

Y/n " doing some intelligence on the newest crimes happing why are you here"

Harvey " well man of bats called me and told me to keep you company will Alfred gone"

Y/n " oh"

Harvey " you know I still owe you a dinner for getting Bruce to trust me being a hero"

Y/n " umm I will love that"

Harvey " good because I brought us some good burgers and fries, before you ask I did pay for them with money and not steal"

Y/n " fine you win"

Harvey " yes I'm lucky guy" you and Harvey soon sat a table eating the burger and fries and enjoying watching other company.

Harvey " oh come on you are the bats baby sister he has to let you fight some day"

Y/n " you really think my brother would allow me to fight crime with him"

Harvey " oh yeah your right"

Y/n " see"

Harvey " oh come on hey why don't I take you out for a real date between the two of us, a romantic dinner what do you say"

Y/n " I will love that"

Harvey " good hey do you feel like someone watching us"

Bruce " hello I'm interrupting something here"

Harvey " hey bats I was just leave I came here to keep your sister company like you said, and I brought us some food now I'm leaving bye" Harvey soon took off running towards his motorcycle and was gone before you could even do something.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें