Louis x chubby dear female reader

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You and Louis had an arranged marriage which was agreed upon by your guys fathers, you knew of Louis dark past and you didn't judge him on that and didn't force him to tell you more. You had attend cherryton academy as well it what your father wanted and, because he wanted you to keep Louis attention.

Louis " you know you don't have to be here with me you should be ....."

Y/n " I'm fine waiting here and I would be with haru be she on a date with legoshi"

Louis " okay so is everything fine at home with your father"

Y/n " he seems to be good so far but you know my father always trying to control my life"

Louis " both of our father are controlling and hate it when things don't go their way"

Y/n " so about summer vacation what do we want to do or are you doing work at your father company again" you were standing in front of Louis trying to get his attention.

Louis " I think we can hangout this summer for a few weeks, but I do have some other matters to deal with"

Y/n " yeah"

Louis " happy maybe getting away from the city for while will be good for me"

Y/n " hey if makes you feel good we can ask some of our friends to come as well, it can be a good trips for friendships and romance"

Louis " you still haven't changed you are still the same little fawn I meet many years ago , with big dreams"

Y/n " aww you are so sweet" Louis soon reached out his hand for you and you had taken it soon the two of you started dancing together. You and Louis are a perfect couple and you guys really loved each other, it was something great for your fathers because you guys were not faking the relationship like it was hoped for in life.

Y/n " now come on let go get some dinner"

Louis " fine I'm coming"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz