Chad dickson x cuvry reader

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You were once a kid next door agent but when you turned 13 you were suppose to get your memory wiped clean, but thanks to teen next door you were their new member. Keeping everything hidden from the kid next door was hard but ir was more hard to keep everything hidden from your kids next door siblings and cousin. You are the oldest child of father meaning the delightful children are you sibling and Nigel is your cousin. Father had made your siblings into the delightful children but thanks to number one and rest of secret v they were able to break the mind control but your siblings still act delightful towards father.

Y/n " ummm"

Maurice " what the matter girl" you are with your two best friends during the lunch hour at the high school.

Y/n " well my siblings and cousins have been putting themselves in danger, and oh yes my father is still trying to ruin kids lives"

Chad " easy up everything will work out on the end sector z has been found after all these years"

Y/n " yes bur father still trying to get the old medicine of his to work again and that bad news"

Chad" well I know you will do an amazing job"

Y/n " sure you but everything think why I'm the only girl here"

Maurice " because you are the only girl we have on this team at the moment, because you showed you are a great leader and care for others"

Y/n " yes but can't the teenage see that making the kids lives hard will effect them later"

Chad " yeah ..... hey y/n there was something I been meaning to tell you"

Y/n " sure Chad"

Maurice " oh I remember I have go get this book from the library... yeah the library here at school see you two later bye" Maurice soon left leaving Chad and you alone together.

Y/n " what the matter with him"

Chad " I don't know Maurice being his usual self so what I was going to say was I .. want to see if you are ..."

Chuckle " In coming" a football almost hit you but Chad caught it and looked straight at chuckie who looked scared.

Chad " not cool bro"

Chuckie " sorry my dude oh did you ask her yet"

Y/n " ask me what"

Chuckie " well Chad boy here has a major ..." the lunch bell had rang and everyone was leaving the cafeteria.

Y/n " what were you going to ask me"

Chad " nothing I will tell you some other time"

Y/n " okay see you" Chad was looking at his friend mad who had ruined his confession.

Later that night

Y/n " ...." You were laying in bed when you heard knocking at the door.

Y/n " come in guys"

Ashley " hey sis"

Y/n " what are you up to"

Lenny " well we are meeting our friends but father not home and left you in ..."

Y/n " be home before 9:3o there some money over there for pizza if you get any, and have fun okay"

Bruce " thanks"

David " what will you do if father calls"

Y/n " I will cover for you all now go have fun"

Constance " thank you" the five kids had ran out of the room they were going to attend a secret meeting but need some excuse for their sister.

You were hanging out in the kitchen minding your own business, when you heard the doorbell ring. You ran downstairs to answer it to open the door to see Chad standing there.

Y/n " hey Chad come inside the pizza I order just arrived why don't you join me"

Chad " sure but I also have to tell you, something important"

Y/n " oh sure" Chad walked inside the mansion and followed you into the kitchen.

Y/n " so what do you have to say"

Chad " I love you"

Y/n " ....."

Chad " I knew you didn't feel the same hey why don't we" Chad was soon silent when you kissed him.

Y/n " well I love you too idiot"

Chad " ....."

Y/n " earth to Chad hello are you there"

Chad " so it looks like you are dating a foot player now former number 17"

Y/n " umm I love that idea" so it was officially the former leader of kids next door and number 17 had started dating, when news had gotten around at school everyone thought it was cute but for the kids next door. They didn't like the idea of their former leader who had become bad dating a good hearted former agent. Mostly your siblings and cousins didn't like the idea, but the new leader of the kids next door like the idea of her older brother dating her former mentor. There was one member of sector v that like the idea as well but was keeping it hidden away.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now