Male loona x chubby hellhound reader

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You are the baby sister of vortex and like always your brother was a bit overprotective of you, you are that another's hell hound party. You'd didn't like these parties and you rather stay home but you brother wanted you to make friends, so he will drag you to these parties.

Vortex " hey baby sis come meet my new friend Logan"

Y/n " hey"

Logan " hey there vortex told me he had a sister"

Vortex " you know why don't you two keep each other busy, I have some more people I need to see"

Y/n " umm sure"

Logan " cool hey want to get a drink"

Y/n " sure I will love too" you and Logan walked away together and the two of you got a beer, you guys were soon sitting outside.

Logan " you brother talks about you lot I didn't see you until now"

Y/n " yeah I'm not the party type of gal"

Logan " well I think you are cool vortex did making you sound like an interesting gal"

Y/n " aww really he mostly hates it when other guys flirt with me"

Logan " well by the way he left us here o think he might be setting us on a date"

Y/n " oh so tell me about yourself Logan because I think I seem your face before... wait are you in the IMP commercial right"

Logan " yeah at my mom business she a very good and raised me since I was little"

Y/n " so your mother the female imp in changer that sweet, and coming from what you said it seems like you guys have a good relationship"

Logan " yeah she amazing hey are you looking for work, vortex has mentioned your jerk of ex got you fired"

Y/n " yeah I'm still looking for work do you have a offer"

Logan " yeah my mother look for more employees with some good skills, and maybe have you there will make work even more fun .... Hey I need someone to keep me company while everyone else is gone it get very dully around there"

Y/n " I will take you up on your offer"

Logan " thanks love" after the party had ended you and Logan had exchange numbers, and the two of you have been texting and calling a lot.

Logan " okay mom we been over don't say anything to embarrass me please, she very cute and I like her"

Blitza " aww Logan my cute pup I won't do anything to embarrass you"

Millie " we finally get to meet this hellhoud girl that has stolen Logan heart"

Moxie " o really thought hell will freeze before you found a girlfriend"

Logan " hush moxie ...she here no one say anything stupid"

Y/n " hey Logan"

Logan " hey y/n oh this is my mother blitza and her employees who are also my friends, Millie and her husband moxie"

Y/n " hello it nice to meet you"

Blitza " you are hired"

Y/n " really"

Blitza " really it would be great having you"

Logan " well we have to get going we are going to see some friends bye mom and everyone" Logan soon dragged you out of then office quickly, he was happy that you will be working with him the two of you were hanging around the rings of hell with some other hellhounds.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now