Male werecats twins x chubby werecat reader (request)

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You had been attending monster high for a while and you soon got the attention of two werecat twin brothers named, Pursues and Meowlyess had become drawn to you after the day you ran into them when you were hanging out with frank and Alucardio when they showed you around the school. Soon after that, a run-in with them they soon started showing up everywhere you were and started making small talk with you, and you made small talk with them. After a while, you soon become close friends with them.

Frank " Im surprised you are still friends with the twins"

Y/n " they are good when the are not under the control of Tony"

Claw " you seemed to changed their whole attitude around school"

Alucardio " aww y/n has perfect guys after her"

Y/n " I don't know if we are friends or more then friends"

Franke " well maybe you should take the first step and tell them how you feel"

Y/n " aww I want to but I can never get the right words out and tell them how I feel"

Claw " girl you are so complicated"

Y/n " coming from the werewolf who wont tell his special someone he likes the truth"

Claw " you are evil you know that"

Y/n " you still love me because im still your friend"

Frank " hey pursues and meowlyess"

Moewlyess " hey guys umm y/n can we speak with you for while"

Y/n " umm sure im dont eating lunch anyways"

Pursues " good"

Alucarido " see you later in class"

Y/n " sure see you boys" you soon walked away with the twins and you could see they were nervous about something.

Y/n " so what the matter guys"

Pursues " we wanted to know if you are free this Friday evening for a movie"

Y/n " umm sure I don't have anything coming up"

Moewlyess " good because we wanted to go to the movies with you this Friday"

Y/n " sure I will love too"

Pursues " well we were hoping it to be more like a date verse hangout"

Y/n " oh sure I will love to go on date with you guys"

Meowlyess " really"

Y/n " umm yes I would love too"

Pursues " then it a date we will text you more detail later on"

Y/n " sure I can't wait for the date bye"

Twins " bye" you soon head off and class and told everyone of the news of your date and they were happy for you, and you were texting the twins during class but you were making sure to be careful so you won't get caught. The guys had offered to help you get ready for the date on Friday which made you feel good.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now