Tsu'tey x cuvry na'vi reader

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You had lived on the planet of pandora all your life you had once been been abandon as a baby by your birth parents and tribe, because they saw you as a curse leaving you alone to die in the wilderness. The tribe you had been born into and lost the ways of eywa and you were just an innocent baby who had done nothing wrong, you didn't have time to remember your mother or father. That night a creature had found you and, it seem like it was the end for you bur eywa was looking out for you and sent help. . You were saved that night chef  of the omaticaya and adopted into his family he had fallen in live with the child when he was the, only one to calm her down and soon his wife had come around and loved the child as well. You had become their third daughter bur you were shorter then your siblings and everyone else, so your older sister had become more protective of you as you were growing up.

Y/n " ......" you had woken up early today you want to go on scouting and check on the humans they were something that interested you every much, and they remind you of grace.

Y/n " shh" you were walking and almost scared the dire horse which will later get the guard attention, but you were able to clam them down fast. You thought you were in the clear when you had came across two guard blocking the path you wish to take.

Y/n " come on" the guards had been called away by something else giving you some time to escape, you soon ran a great distance from the home tree. You had made it the old school house, where you were able to get a good look at the human base.

Y/n " they are so interesting" you had moved a little closer to the get a better view the sky people who had become navi were seen as demons, but to you they seemed interesting.

Y/n " what game are they playing it seems ... ahh" someone and something had grabbed you sending you back into the school house. A hand was placed on your mouth and you soon looked up and saw it was tsu'tey.

Tsu'tey " don't make a sound those demons will hear us" tsu'tey had removed his hand allow you to speak, once again tsu'tey was coming to your rescue and keeping you from danger.

Y/n " they are not demons"

Tsu'tey " oh yes you silly dream well dream later when we are alive to breath, now come on we are heading home"

Y/n " okay" tsu'tey had taken you home on his banshee tsu'tey was one of your oldest and best friend always looking out for you and keeping bullies away, the both of you had tight bond together.

Y/n " do you think they know I was gone"

Tsu'tey " ......"

Sylwianin " y/n there you are I and neytiri have been looking for you"

Y/n " sister"

Neytiri " there you are y/n where have you gotten off to, when I woke up you were gone"

Tsu'tey " she was with me ..... on a scouting mission I need the extra eyes and y/n owed me"

Y/n " yes I was on scouting mission with tsu'tey"

Sylwianin " that explains where you had gone when I went to see if she was with you"

Neytiri " I'm happy you both are okay but stay away from the humans, and the school house"

Y/n " yes sister"

Neytiri " now come on we have task to work on and tsu'tey has young warriors to teach" your sister had pulled you away from tsu'tey as you waved goodbye to him getting a small smirk from him.

Neytiri " so what going on between you and tsu'tey"

Y/n " I don't know what you mean"

Neytiri " don't lie I saw the way you two looked at each other this morning so tell me what going on"

Y/n " I don't know my I saw mother and father speaking with tsu'tey mother and father a few nights ago"

Sylwaiana " maybe you found you mate already little sister" you had looked at your two older sisters as they laughed with their friends, your heart was racing about having a future with tsu'tey that was more than a friendship. You are watching over some little kids as their mothers were doing their task of the day, you were keeping the children busy by telling stories and playing games with them.

Child " hello tsu'tey" you were taking care of a little child after the poor boy had fallen while playing some games with his friends, you were trying to patch up his injury.

Tsu'tey " hello little one can I have some words with y/n with a while" the child soon ran away to play with the others kids and soon you were alone with tsu'tey as the two of you kept on close eye on the kids and banshee.

Tsu'tey " so did you sister find out the truth or no"

Y/n " no they don't know I owe you"

Tsu'tey " good you can do me a massive favor"

Y/n " sure"

Tsu'tey " before bed come with me to the top of the tree"

Y/n " sure"

Tsu'tey " good until then take care ... children listen to y/n"

Children " yes tsu'tey"

Y/n " ......."

Children " you like tsu'tey"

Y/n " hush now go play" the kids had giggled and soon ran off back to playing as you watched them until it was time for dinner, you were having a meal with your family and making small conversation.

Mo'at " my dear daughter eywa has said tonight will be special for you"

Y/n " ......"

Eytukhan " leave her be my dear"

Neytiri " Tsu'tey keeps on looking at you did you both get into a fight"

Y/n " no he asked me to talk after dinner"

Sylwaiana " aww did he" you had not paid attention to your sister and soon dinner was over, you were now climbing to the top of the tree going to speak with tsu'tey.

Tsu'tey " great you are here thank you for coming"

Y/n " everything okay tsu'tey"

Tsu'tey " yes I want to tell you I have decided on my mate"

Y/n " oh that wonderful who have you picked or has eywa picked for you"

Tsu'tey " she been by my side for a ever long time and I was wondering if she will accept me"

Y/n " she will be lucky to have a someone like you as mate"

Tsu'tey " well she hasn't answer me ... so tsu'tey will be my mate for life"

Y/n " yes ... yes" tsu'tey had kissed you he had been happy you had accepted his being his mate the two of you had stayed up there for a few more minutes before heading back down. Heading off to bed and making the announcement later to your friends and family. Your sisters are happy for you and always knew this day will come, tsu'tey had become your mate a few days later but soon trouble had come from human and new human friend as well.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें