Anakin skywalker x cuvry chancellor daughter reader

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Y/n palatine was the daughter of chancellor palatine  it was just you and your father left of the family, most of the republic knew very little part you until your father had become chancellor. Soon your life had changed alot as your had guards keeping you safe all the time. You didn't know your father dark secret that he kept hidden from you, and that was him being a Sith Lord and his dark plans for the future. Your father did everything in his power to keep you safe you were the only light in his life and he had found you a perfect husband a man named skywalker.

Y/n " father do you think this war will ever end"

Palpatine " my dear daughter the war is long away from ending"

Y/n " yes I know but the galaxy has bene destroyed because of this war we need to end the war"

Palpatine " don't worry yourself my love everything will be fine"

Y/n " yes father" soon the doors of your father office had slide open getting you and your father attention.

Anakin " chancellor palatine we need to have some words with you ... oh lady y/n hello"

Y/n " anakin ... well father I will see you that home good bye masters jedis" the jedi masters had bowed in respect to you but you had caught anakin eye, she had whispered Someone under his breath towards you.

Padme " y/n"

Y/n " padme good day"

Padme " it seems like peace talks with your father didn't work"

Y/n " no but soon anakain and the rest of the council showed up so I was unlucky"

Padme " speaking of anakin you two are not keeping secrets from me are you"

Y/n " what do you mean nothing going on we are just friends"

Padme " sure whatever you say my old friend" you and padme laughed and you were helping her with some bills she was one of your closest friends here and didn't use you because of who your father was in the republic.

Later that night

????? " y/n" you were about to leave the senate building and head home when you hear someone calling your name, you soon turned around and saw it was anakin.

Y/n " hello anakin"

Anakin " I got it from here boys I have bene order by the chancellor himself to walk his daughter home"

Fox " right away sir goodbye y/n"

Y/n " goodbye fox" you and anakin started walking away together anakin was another friend of yours when anakin need the coast was clear he soon pulled you closer to him.

Y/n " what are you doing silly"

Anakin " nothing just helping you to keep warm during this cold night"

Y/n " oh ani what I'm going to do with you"

Anakin " love me forever" you just laughed and kissed anakin on the check making the chosen one laugh and smile back at you, yes maybe there was an romantic relationship going on you and anakiin haven't put a name to it just yet.

Anakin " so where did you go after the council arrived"

Y/n " oh I went to help put padme with some bills that she wanted to show my father, and we talked"

Anakin " did you get her to open up about Clovis"

Y/n " no it seems like she dislike him after The Who betraying the republic and nearly kill her, I really thought they will make a cute couple"

Anakin " that why sometime we have to look deeper into the ones we trust the most"

Y/n " yes but I feel some quilt beach was the one who introduced them and set them up on that one date"

Anakin " it not your fault we all thought Clovis was a friend but it seemed like we were wrong"

Y/n " hey why don't you stay for dinner"

Anakin " well I'm not needed at much at the temple so sure"

Y/n " good"

Chancellor office

Masa media " sir I don't know you would allow your daughter to have a relationship with anakin"

Palpatine " because he is the perfect one for my daughter out of all these other failure she loved"

Masa media " whatever you say but what with the council starts questioning their relationship"

Palpatine " I will deal with them I will deal with them they won't get in the way of my child happiness, now come on we have some other matters to deal with"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now