Male neytiri x female navi x jake sully

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You young female navi of the Omaticaya Clan but you are also the baby sister of Tsu'tey and he was warrior in training but highly over protective of you. Your life was filled with fun and happiness as you had taken each day as a blessing. You had become close to the tshailk and ole'eythkan sons but you were mostly close to neytrio as you and him were around the same age and would always spend time together having fun. Soon life had changed when you two had meet grace and she had invited you both to join her school where you meet her adopted son Jake Sully. Over the years of growing up you had become close to Jake and neytrio making you three into a tiro.

Y/n "  hello Jake"

Jake " yeah y/n you are here" you had arrived at the scientists base coming her to meet Jake and grace.

Y/n " aww did you miss me that much" you had walked around Jake laughing and he soon grabbed your tail making you laugh at him.

Jake " no it boring without you and neytrio here now where is neytrio he own me a rematch in basketball"

Y/n " well he was ......"

Neytrio " I'm right here buddy for read to end this match and see who the better warrior"

Jake " oh we will see about that neytrio there take more of being a mighty warrior"

Neytrio " coming from the loser of the last games"

Y/n " please guy now can we play or do something else"

Jake and neytrio " no we will settle this now"

Y/n " here we go again come on why do you two act like kids"

Jake " we don't act like kids"

Neytrio " we are just trying to see who the better warrior"

Y/n " oh great mother give me some strength please" you shake your head trying to understand the two guys words.  

Y/n " here I thought we could go swimming but it seems like I was wrong" the two male Navi looked at you when you said that. You were looking at some of the human stuff.

Jake " would it be the three of us or will big bro show up" Jake didn't have the best relationship with Tsu'tey as your older brother didn't like him that much. Tsu'tey has seen Jake as trouble for his sister as he was always dragging you into some new adventure that lead to danger.

Y/n " my big brother is away training the young warriors so we are good"

Neytiro " fine let's go" you were happy that were able to get them to agree to do something else and have some fun. Soon you all headed toward the lake having a good time.

Y/n " see this was a better choice for the day we have some time off we should spend it relaxing verde trying to settle some old scores ....guys" you couldn't see the guys anymore you were swimming around and didn't see them, you soon sighed and decided to look for them near the rocks. That where you found them standing on some rocks on one leg testing each other.

Jake " oh hey y/n"

Y/n " what are you too doing now"

Neytiro " trying to see which one of us has the best balance it take a mighty warrior to balance themselves in battle"

Y/n " yes I can see that but why"

Jake " oh because we want too and hey we are still spending time with you"

y/n " ......" you soon splashed them with water knocking them off of their balance and soon sending them falling into the water.

Y/n " not so mighty warriors anymore" you soon started laughing making Jake and neytiro look at you, and they soon come after you. You soon swam away back to the shore as they chased you it seemed like they were ready to settle something with you.

Jake " you can't run and hide y/n we will get you"

Y/n " I will like to see you try"

Neytrio " got you"

Y/n " ahhh" neytrio has grabbed you as you were not looking and soon enough jake had joined none of you three, were paying attention and you three had soon fallen onto the ground and down a small hill.

Y/n " we are a mess" you were laughing on the ground trying to control you laughter and act like an mature adult, who,s Jack and neytrio were laughing controllable.

???? " is something going on here" you soon looked up to see your brother he was looking at neytiro and Jake, he didn't seem happy about what he had seen.

Jake " he6 Tsu'tey how are the young warriors doing"

Tsu'tey " dream walker"

Jake " still don't want to say my name I understand"

Tsu'tey " sister are you okay" Tsu'tey had helped you onto your feet keeping you away from the two young male navi who were still on the ground.

Y/n " I'm good brother we were just having some time off"

Tsu'tey " sure we'll get back to your day and be home before dark"

Y/n " yes sir" Tsu'tey soon walked away not saying anything else to Jake and neytiro who soon got up from the ground after looking like fools for a whole.,

Neytrio " I don't think he like us"

Y/n " well I like you and that all that matters now come on let's have some fun" you had spent the rest of day with the guys and enjoying your time with them. It seemed like to everyone else that there was something more then a friendship blooming between the three. It will take bit longer for romance feeling to finally come to confession as the trio didn't want to destroy any friendship they had.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें