Brunt tadashi x chubby nurse reader

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You are a nurse in the burn unit but you are assignment which involves you helping a newly arrived patient called, Tadashi who had gotten burn after a explosion at the popular college in the city. Tadashi had stated off as a shy person but he soon came around, and started opening up to his personal nurse.

Y/n " good morning tadaish how are you feeling this morning"

Tadashi " great as I can be y/n I was waiting for you arrival"

Y/n " aww you are so sweet hey I brought you some breakfast and some apple juice"

Tadashi " thank you" you have placed the tray of food and drink on Tadashi bed side desk, and he soon started eatin* and drinking.

Y/n " once you are done I will give you the medicine you need"

Tadashi " okay" you give Tadashi his medicine and soon take a sit on that stood near his bed you are checking his bandage to see if they need a change.

Y/n " so your brother and friend cam for a visit yesterday how was it"

Tadashi " it was good and I'm allowed to take my classes from here and maybe in person when I feel good again"

Y/n " that wonderful Tadashi so what are you going to do when you get out of here"

Tadashi " hang out with my friends and brother ... then go on a date with a beautiful girl I like"

Y/n " aww who is the lucky girl"

Tadashi " well I was wondering if you were free during the weekend and maybe we can do a date together"

Y/n " aww Tadashi I will love too"

???? " she said yes .... Cool" you looked at Tadashi who is now bright red you soon walked over to the door and open it, soon his little brothers and friends come falling into the room and looked at you.

Hiro " hello I'm Tadashi brother hiro we came to see him"

Y/n " hey guys it nice to meet you all"

Lemon " hey we brought some movies and food would you care to join us"

Y/n " I will love"

Tadashi " great bur guys please don't embarrass me even more"

The gang " oh we won't"

Tadashi " we will see about that guys" you have a sit next to Tadashi and the two of you were even acting like a couple already.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now