Yandere ares x chubby reader

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You had won the love of the god of war ares you didn't mean to for it happen, you were poor girl trying to make a living for yourself. That you ended taking a job at the temple of ares you were tasked in bring daily offers, cleaning the temples floor, and tossing away old candles. One night you were on in the temple alone and that when he showed up the godmod war himself. The two of you soon started a friendship and you didn't mind the god coming to keep you company while you did you task at night.

Y/n " ares why are you always watching over me when I'm doing my work I don't mind it"

Ares " I just worry about you"

Y/n " I know but won't the other god get jealous if you spend to much time with a human"

Ares " no they are fine with it they have been questioning where I have been going lately anyways"

Y/n " you know for the god of war you have very kind heart"

???? " hey servant girl where are you" soon ares disappear knowing he can't be seen by anyone else.

Y/n " what do you want Anthony"

Anthony " oh come on love you don't wish to become my women"

Y/n " I rather die and be sent to underworld"

Anthony " watch you tongue girl I can make that happen in one snap"

Y/n " one day you will get what coming to you and now will be coming to save you" you were minding your own business as Antony walked away mad.

Ares " you know I can make him leave you alone for good"

Y/n " as much I would like that it seems wrong"

Ares " as you wish my beloved human I most go but I will come back to see you tonight"

Y/n " okay" soon ares had left you thought you were safe but you were wrong, you were cleaning the temple at night when you felt someone was watching you.

Y/n " who there"

Anthony " time to die I will sacrifice you for the gods" soon Anthony had killed you right away he thought he was going to get away with it.

In the underworld

Hades " ares I'm sad to have called you here"

Ares " why have you called me here"

Ares " because of her the human girl you loved y/n was killed her soul is here"

Ares " no"

Hades " but she no going to underworld she has become a goddesses of faith and kindness" ares soon walked over to you as you were floating in the air, he left the underworld with you thanking hades for keeping you safe from any wondering souls.

Y/n " where I'm"

Ares " you are waking my love"

Y/n " ares why I'm here"

Ares " you have been killed for greed and become a goddess but I'm sorry to say, many lives were lost of warriors I had to kill them for their greed"

Y/n " oh I understand"

Ares " now come meet my family"

Y/n " sure"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now