Chapter 80: Better Be (Jack's POV)

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        My mouth froze against hers, unable to comprehend exactly what she'd just said. Did I really hear her correctly, or was I losing my fucking mind?

        My eyes darted down to hers, but were lost when she turned her face away. Her flawless skin flushed a light pink when she looked at my arm. She shook her head quickly, throat bobbing while she swallowed hard again.

        My heart began to pound against my ribcage.

        "I just -- I shouldn't have said that. I don't even know what I was.." she stuttered over her words, looking at anything besides my face. I cut her off when I rolled next to her, laughing quietly.

        I just couldn't get around the idea of Natalia and the word love. I definitely couldn't begin to believe she loved me. I don't think she had looked at herself properly in the mirror if she was saying that to me. It was so strange I couldn't help but laugh.

        My soft chuckles caused her to stop abruptly, shifting on the comforter. I could have guessed she was getting up to walk away. As hard as it was to figure her out sometimes, for the most part, she was as easy to read as a book.

        I rolled on my side quickly, reaching my arm across her stomach to push her back against my bed. She fought against my hold, grumbling uner her breath continuously. She refused to look in my direction, large, dark curls falling into her face.

        It was almost scary that even when she was pissed, she was still so god damn gorgeous.

        "If you think that's funny, you'll think it's fucking hilarious when I leave," she raised her voice, curling her fingers to my wrist in an attempt to pry herself away, but I didn't budge. I only bent my hand around her side, pulling her closer to me.

        "I don't think it's funny," I barely muttered, unable to keep the smile off my face. She turned to me briefly, eyes searching my face and scoffed again.

        "It's really fucking awesome how you find this amusing," she continued. I let her babble angirly at me, staring at the ceiling. I could tell she just needed to let it out. I knew it took so much out of her just to admit she liked me two months ago, and now she was saying she loved me.

        I still couldn't deny how much I liked the way that sounded.

        "Will you just stop for a second?" I said with a laugh, pressing my mouth to my cheek lightly, moving down to where her neck and jaw met, and feeling her shiver under my touch.

        "What? What the hell could you possibly say?" she groaned, lifting her hands up in frustration before letting them fall over her eyes.

        I suppressed another chuckle, shifting my hand from over her chest to under her back, lifting her off the mattress and attempting to turn her over onto my chest. She resisted for a moment before giving in and allowing her light weight to rest on my torso.

        "Are you done throwing a tantrum?" I questioned her, watching as she carefully rested her elbows and forearms on my chest, nails tracing around my collarbone with her head facing down. I tried to ignore the sensation her fingers left against my skin.

        "Shut up," she sighed heavily, her hair falling past her shoulders and brushing the top of my chest when she whipped her face to meet mine. My mouth twitched up, and her eyes narrowed in on my lips. "Don't even test me right now, Barakat."

        My hand folded to her hips, running slowly down the side of her thighs. Her shorts alowed me to see her tan skin, and I couldn't get over how fucking gorgeous she was. She was the definition of perfect, even with her piercings, small gauges, and hard-ass personality.

        Holly was beautiful, just as beautiful, actually. She was blonde, she was fun, and she was a great person. But, I wasn't sure what it was about Natalia that was different. Ever since tour started, I couldn't get enough of her. There was nothing inside of me willing to stop, and I finally felt like we were on the same page.

        It felt so fucking good to think that she felt the same way I've been trying to convince her of for four fucking months: the intense burning in my stomach, the sweaty palms, everything. She could finally agree that I affected her the same way.

        "Test you?" I was taunting her, and the way her jaw was set, I knew there was something under her skin.

        "I'm ready to go home now," she snapped, cheeks never losing the light scarlet that pressed across her skin. She tried to stand up, moving her legs to the end of the bed to hoist herself up.

        I grinned, not letting my grip on her sides up, feeling the pressure of her palms on my lungs. I moved one hand up, grabbing her wrist to gain her attention. When she continued to protest, I pulled hard enough for her arms to give out, face coming dangerously close to mine before I leaned the distance between our mouths and kissed her slowly.

        With a satisfied sigh, I felt her melt into me. Her mouth responded, and her palms held my shoulders instead. My fingers curled to the waves in her hair, smelling the sweet flowers of her shampoo. Her skin was so soft, and I had no clue how she kept it that way.

        She teased me when her teeth grazed my lips again, biting softly. I moaned a little, hands tightening to her shape. I could feel her grin, chest so warm against mine I swear to fucking god it was on fire.

        When I broke away from her lips, she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to the corner of mine, trailing down the side of my jaw. I folded my hands to her tank top, barely able to control my breathing.

        "Nat," I said finally, causing her to pause against my throat. Her lips waited patiently, brushing so lightly it caused goose bumps. "I love you too, you know?"

        I didn't expect a shooting pain to run through my neck, the burn of her teeth digging into my skin. I yelped in surprise when she retracted to look me in the eyes, a smile fixed on her lips.

        "You're a dick, you know that, right?" she said teasingly, responding to the long wait for an answer.

        I wiggled my eyebrows at her, hand curling to the side of her cheek. "But you love it."

        She paused, tongue running over her lips, glossing them in the dark room. Her eyes met mine intently, dimple showing on one cheek when her mouth turned up.

        In that moment, I knew I broke her. I knew I had her the same way Stella had Alex, and Zack had Lauren. I knew that somehow, by some stretch of the imagination, she was feeling something for me. Maybe it wasn't even love yet, maybe she was saying it because it was the strongest feeling she'd ever felt for someone else before. I didn't care, it was enough for me.

        Anything I imagined with Natalia never seemed to be enough for me. Whether it was being friends, ignoring each other, making out our dating her. I always wanted more of her in a way I couldn't explaint o anyone. It was strange feeling that way about someone. I hadn't felt like it since my few girlfriends in high school.

        "You're right."

        "I better be." I joked, closing the distance between us, heart beating fast while kissing her with everything I had.

        I guess that's what happens when you finally control the uncontrollable lead singer of an up and coming band and completely change her. When you take the most irrational, hard-headed, cocky personality and bring it down a few notches and make her question her every move.

        This girl was completely out of control, and it made me happy to know that I was the only one who could change that.

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