Chapter 69: Center Pieces

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        "Hello?" I called into the door while pushing it open. No one answered me, and after rereading Jack's text with the address, I was positive I was at the right apartment. I head a constant flow of noise coming from inside the space, I just wasn't sure from which direction it was coming.

        It felt strange, not being with my band. Even if we drove each other fucking crazy, I was always with them. They were my support system even when I didn't want them to be and it was just easier when I had them standing at my sides.

        I was in a new relationship, which meant that if I needed someone, the option was more than just Kinsley and the guys. It meant I had a completely new person who I could find comfort in, even if I barely knew if this was a good idea for someone like me or not.

        A pair of shoes squeaked against what I assumed to be tile, before appearing in front of me. Jack's smile made my mouth turn up, and I let the door shut behind me while he approached me. His hand fell under m chin, angling my face towards his before planting a kiss on my lips firmly. I chuckled while he pulled away, leaning forward and kissing him again.

        Even if I wasn't sure how to be in a relationship, I was adjusting easily to the physicality of things. It was the only part of a relationship I really ever know without having been in one. I didn't mind his mouth touching mine, or any other part of my body for that matter. None of that bothered me much at all, especially with the way my heart pattered against my ribs, and my skin burned at his contact.

        "Hey love," he teased against me, arm snagging around my back.

        "Hi," I said uqietly, pulling away from his embrace. "What's up?"

        "Well, I'm pretty sure Alex and Lauren are going to kill themselves with all the stuff Stella's been planning," he said smirking, before nodding for me to follow him down the hallway. The noise still hadn't stopped, and I was almost surprised to hear Alex raising his voice.

        They were seated at the table beyond the granite countertops. The wood top was covered in magazines, printed off pictures, schedules and a calculator. Lauren had her head in her hands while Alex and Stella sat next to each other in a stare down.

        "Stell, it's just a fucking center piece!" he groaned before meeting her narrowing eyes a few inches away. He sucked back a breath before letting it out slowly and speaking softer. "There are three colors to choose from: white, green or black!"

        Her jaw set, tiny frame furious in the direction of her fiancé. "I'm well aware of the color choices, Alexander. That's not the problem: it's the fact that the table clothes are white, the ribbons on the chairs are green, and the settings are black, and if I put one color in the vase, it'll look stupid!"

        "Why don't you do all three?" I questoined from the counter. Jack's side hit mine lightly when he shifted his weight. The attention of the three stressed0out twenty-four year old lookced in my direction at the sudden realization of my presence.

        "What was that?" Stella asked, facial expression softer and tone lighter.

        "Uh," I itched the back of my neck awkwardly. "Well, if you do like, white roses, and a green and black ribbon, it'll even everything out."

        There was a pause, and I honestly never thought I would have come up with the idea. I was almost surprised Lauren and Stella hadn't yet. It seemed simple to me, but maybe they just overlooked it.

        "Why the hell didn't I think of that?" she muttered, almost to herself before a grin broke out across her lips. "That's actually perfet. Thanks, Nat."

        I smiled back nodding in response. She dove back into her planning, and Alex gave me a thankful smile before focusing on his wife to be, a relieved expression on his lips.

        "Told you Nat coming over was a good idea," Jack said, sticking his tongue out in Stella's direction. She rolled her eyes, still focused on her new center piece idea.

        "The only reason you wanted her here ws to hang out with her, and avoid helping me with the wedding planning that everyone refuses to help me with," she said evenly, flipping through the pages of a sample book. "I should have asked her to help months ago when the rest of you assholes hid from me."

        I didn't take offense to it, and instead chuckled with my arms crossed lightly over my chest.

        "Well, we're leaving anyways, cause you guys fucking suck," Jack said casually, arm falling over my shoulder.

        I wasn't sure why he had me come here in the first place, I couldn't have been there more than five minutes. He should have just told me to go to his apartment if I wasn't going to stay.

        But regardless, we said our goodbyes and walked towards the door. Jack shut it behind himself and I slowed my pace for him to catch up once again. The hallway was long, and the bright lights were harsh on my eyes.

        "And why you made me pay a cab to bring me here for ten minutes was because.." I trailed off, looking over my shoulder at him with a smile.

        He fell into step next to me, hands fixed in the front pockets of his jeans. We were only a short distance from the elevator at this point, feet shuffling against the dark carpeting of the hallway.

        "It seemed like a good idea at the time," he shrugged while we got closer, hitting the down button and the door opened almost automatically. I was surprised at the speed, but stepped in anyways with Jack in my tail.

        Only moments after the doors shut behind us, a fast blur moved at my side and I was pinned against the back corner of the box we were in. My shoulder blades were exposed because of my top, and the cool metal pressed to my skin as Jack ducked his head quickly to capture my mouth on his.

        I laughed once, hand reaching up to touch the side of his face lightly. His dark hair tickled my skin, and his crooked smile against my lips made me grin as well. My heart pumped faster, not interested in breaking the contact between our bodies anytime soon.        

        His hand folded to the bottom of any elbow and the other around my back. We broke away for a moment, and his chocolate brown eyes never pulled away from mine. Instead, he stayed in that position, loking at me intently.

        I felt my face turn hot, something I was still getting used to. I looked away from him, pulling my hand back to run it through my hair with the small space between our faces.

        "What?" I murmured quietly, feeling like an idiot for being effected this way.

        "You're just really fucking gorgeous, you know?" he said simply, as if it were easy to admit.

        "You're so fucking cheesy," I gigled, shaking my head.

        "You like it," he wiggled his eyebrows, bending forward to kiss me again.

        I didn't care when I heard the elevator open to our floor. All I did was kiss him harder.

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