Chapter 20: Breakfast

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        "You're not telling me that the Patriots are better than the Ravens. There is no God damned way you're trying to say that!" Rian huffed, leaning back in his seat. I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk, glancing at Cassadee's face while she stared at him with concern.

        "The Pats had their best season ever last year," I mumbled, bringing my coffee cup to my lips.

        The guys offered to treat us to breakfast, and it was much too early for any of the guys, even Maverick, to be up. They opted out, me being the only one up because I fell asleep so early the night before. I still wasn't sure how that was humanly possible, but there I was sitting next to Jack, Alex and Stella, across frm Rian, Zack and Cassadee. I guess Lauren hadn't wanted to get up early either, she was still on the bus as well, waiting in the parking lot.

        I gues snone of the other bands were hungry. The busses were driving, about an hour ahead of us. I wouldn't have blamed them. I almsot expected Jack and Alex to still be asleep.        

        "They lost to the Jets; do you know how bad you have to be to do that?" Alex questioned, stabbing his fork into his eggs. I let out a small gasp, eyes going wide. I met his brown eyes while turning my head.

        "One damn game at the wrong time of year and you people won't let it go!" I complained, hands falling on the table loudly. It shook the plates and silverware, gaining attention from the older couples around us.

        "I like football and all, but not as much as you guys," Stella murmured, shaking her head. Alex looked over at her, before planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek. It sent the same sensation into my stomach as when Kinsley and Xavier did it.

        "It's just insane that you believe the Pats are better," Zack smiled at me teasingly. I rolled my eyes with a grin, picking up a piece of toast.

        "I believe that we beat you guys this season," I said, tapping the side of my head with my free hand before snapping, "Oh, oh yes! We did!"

        "You're insane for arguing about this," Cassadee chuckled lightly. "Arguing about sports with these guys is like pulling teeth. Any team that isn't their team is the loser."

     "I didn't notice," I laughed lightly, fixing my eyes on my plate, elbows leaning into the table.

        "I think you got hotter since you told us you liked football," Jack leaned back, hand wrapping around the back of my chair loosely. I glanced to my side, hands under my chin, sighing.

        "Is that the only thing you were thinking this whole time?" I murmured, hand reaching to scratch around my gauge. He smirked, tugging on a strand of my hair from behind. I shifted my legs, brushing against his ankle accidentally.

        "You are such a pig," Stella sighed, stating what no one else would. I chuckled lightly, swatting his hand away from my head. He took a bite of his muffin, smirking at her.

        "I love it when you talk dirty to me," He mumbled through his foot, quoting Grease. I cackled, shocked he'd know that movie at all.

        "I'm used to it, don't worry," I said with a small grin, forking a piece of fruit into my mouth.

        "Do you have a boyfriend back home?" Zack asked curiously. I coughed, nearly choking on the pineapple. I gripped my chest, leaning over my breakfast, gasping for air. Jack gave me a pat on the back, trying to help, before I finally pushed the food down my throat, grunting in pain.

        "Are you okay?" Rian asked with a small laugh. I smiled brightly, nodding my head while reaching for my juice. I downed it quickly, soothing my burning throat at once.

        "I don't date," I finally said, still beaming. I just couldn't get over all the sudden questions, mostly because I almost died on a piece of fruit because of it, and I couldn't help but laugh.

        "Don't date?" Cassadee asked, hands instinctively wrapping around Rian's, leaning towards him. I shook my head, unfazed by the question. It happened more than once with guys, and the only time it ended less than pleasantly was with Hunter. No one wants to know how that went.

        "Hasn't been something I've wanted," I shrugged once, taking in their expresions. "Never really had that feeling before."

        Rian seemed just as confused as Zack, Cassadee and Stella. Alex seemed indifferent, but I didn't mind either way. I wasn't fazed by their expressions anymore. I wasn't scared of being judged by them anymore. We'd become really close, almost to the pint where we were considered friends.

        "That's what I thought," Jack nodded towards Rian's face. HIs eyebrows pulled together, elbows on the table, hands resting against his lips.

        "I don't think we've met a girl quite like you before," Rian chuckled, a smile on his mouth. I nodded, running my fingers through my messy, curly hair.

        "I've gotten that more than once," I said quietly.

        "Not one guy at home as made you think twice about it?" Zack asked curiously. I thought for a moment before shaking my head.

        "There's one guy at home that is dead set on me dating him, but I'd never want that," I said with a breath, feeling the frustration in my gut. "I saw him off and on, but usually he hated when I'd talk to other guys."

        "Oh no," Stella murmuured from her side of the table, shaking her head. I glanced at her in confusion.


        "You're the hard to get kind of girl," she mumbled softly, hand hitting her forehead.

        "My favorite," Jack said simply from my side, hand finding my hair once again. I looked at him, eyebrows raised in response.

        "That was exactly what I was hoping to avoid," she sighed, eyes glancing over at his confident face, obviously seeing something I didn't.   

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