Chapter 36: Charm

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        "Dude, steal the fucking remote one more time and see what happens," Porter complained while snatching the clicker back out of Maverick's grip in the back lounge. I rolled over in my bunk, letting out a loud groan in attempts to get the two of them to shut the hell up, but nothing was working.

        I'd been sleeping so little during the last week or two it was finally hitting me like a ton of bricks. It didn't just help the sleepover I had with Jack just two nights before, it only made my exhaustion worse.

        I didn't get up for food that morning before taking off to our next show in Portland, and I didn't comprehend what they were even bickering about. All I could hear was the sound of their voices and it was enough to make me cringe and moan.

        "Shut the fuck up, both of you!" I snapped, attempting to cover my ears with my pillows. I couldn't have wanted a sledgehammer as much as I did in that moment. I was imagining how I would use it, watching those morons cower in fear. I smiled to myself lazily at the thought.

        "Go suck Jack's dick, Nat," Maverick said with a loud cackle. Xavier grunted in response from his sleeping quarters, and I rolled my eyes, flipping over in my bunk.

        "Wouldn't be the first time," a familiar voice finally spoke up, catching my attention for the first time since being woken up. I let out a deep breath, hearing the confidence driping from his words.

        I dared to pull out my blind, squinting at the sunlight that passed through the windows, leaning on my elbows to look at the back lounge behind me. I sent a glare in his direction, the same familiar smirk plastered on his mouth while holding an X-box 360 controller in his long fingers.

        Everyone knew about my night with Jack by the time we finished lunch yesterday. I wasn't sure who from All time Low sent out the message to every person on tour, but they all knew. Everyone knew and everyone would continue to give us shit until forever. I was already getting used to the small comments, realizing how frequently they were happening.

        "It was definitely the last," I shot back, flipping onto my mattress and tugging the curtain closed. The links connecting to the metal rod clanked loudly, gaining a frustrated breath from Kinsley who was in Zave's bunk with him.

        I didn't bother to ask why he was on the bus, probably because his band was still trying to slep too, or maybe they sent him this way to keep their bus quiet for a few more hours. For whatever reason, I didn't question it, because I didn't care for the answer anyway.

        "Always so feisty," Maverick commented, sarcasm coating each syllable that left his lips.

        "I'm going to fucking punch you all in the face," I growled into my pillows, feeling my pulse vibrate in my ears. I clenched my sheets, trying to take deep, easy breaths.

        "You guys are awful to each other," Lauren yawned from her bunk, voice traveling from the top and third layer of the beds. Sometimes, I forgot she was our manager, or was supposed to be int he moble home. She was more like a friend than someone who kept track of us. She was always spending the night with Zack, and sometimes it was weird to see her staying with us.

        I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get away from those two idiots and the couple-of-the-year either.

        I let out a deep breath, settling back into my bunk when my drape was yanked open, causing way too much noise, even if it might have been early afternoon. I didn't remove my head from my pillow, in fear I might strike whoever was daring to bother me hearing what I ws mumbling under my breath.

        I felt a memorable hand touch my lower back where my tank top had ridden up enough to expose a good portion of skin. I wiggled under his touch in an attempt to stop him from pestering me.

        "Not your best idea, she has no problem making you bleed," Porter commented from far way, but I didn't make a move, too tired to do much about it but groan softly.

        He didn't take the hint. If he had, he would have backed away slowly and retreated to play video games with my two least favorite people at the moment. Instead, he was attempting to shift my body closer to the wall of the bunk, and I felt the pressure of his weight next to mine, and I instantly knew what he was doing.

        "I don't cuddle, bud," I grumbled, turning my head away from him.

        "Do I look like I'm the kind of guy to fucking cuddle?" he questioned, fingers trailing my lower back lightly, sliding under the hem of my tank top just enough to give another suggestion.

        "I'm in the middle of sleeping, moron. You're not getting a quickie whenever you damn well please."

        "If I hear one more fucking comment about your sex life, I swear to God, someone's going to die!" Xavier finally broke, snapping in a raspy voice.

        "I think he's just pissy because Kinsley's ot putting out," Mav sighed.

        "Fuck you, Sage," Kinsley's voice finally found life, voice quick and angry.

        "Are all you girls on your period, because all I've been hearing from your mouths is 'bitch, bitch, bitch,'", Porter let out a breath.

        Porter and Maverick were going to be the death of me, I swear.

        "Is there any way we could kick them out of the band now?" I asked curiously, finally reaching my hand out awkwardly to touch Jack's fingers that were still tracing patterns on my back. I tried to stop him, but my hand fell limp when his hand touched the back of my forearm lightly.

        "It'd be hard to get a record deal missing a drummer or bassist," Lauren commented, like she wasn't completely against the thought until the realization.

        I let out a pathetic chuckle while Porter's and Maverick's voices boomed in dramatics, whining and pouting about how mean Lauren was. Xavier and Kinsley were attempting to talk over them, trying to get them to shut up. It was almost easy to drown out because it was so loud, almost allowing me back to bed until a long, lanky body shifted next to mine, drawing my attention once again.

        His hand pushed my hair off the back of my neck, and I felt his lips press to the back of my throat. His teeth grazed my skin, and I finally looked up to meet his eyes while he pulled away.

        "Your persistency is annoying," I said softly, biting the inside of my mouth. He smirked at me, pressing his lips to mine firmly, causing me to lean back on impact.

        "It's called charm, you'll learn to love it," he wiggled his eyebrows at me after coming up to breathe. I snorted, resting my head back on my pillow.

        "That doesn't seem likely," I taunted, yawning quietly and pulling my covers closer to my face.

        He didn't budge, though. He didn't get out of my bunk when my eyes started to close. He only snaked his arm around my back and ducked his head to kiss me again. I answered willingly, feeling the same ache in my body I'd had the night before. It was hard to fight the urges I had, not feeling them disappear as fast as the other guy's burning kisses do.

        "The busses will be empty when we set up for the show tonight," he whispered in my ear, cool breath on my cheek.

        My face fell against the side of his neck, giving his throat a small bite in response. My nose garzed the goose bumps on his skin while he let out a short, labored breath. My mouth turned up in the corners at his reaction.

        "Well, maybe I'll see you on your bus before the show, then," I smirked up at him, noticing his eyes sparkling just with the small, unofficial promise I'd made him. His eyebrows rose with excitement in his eyes when he pushed his thin lips to mine again, eagerness obvious by the way he moved his lips to mine.

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