Chapter 38: Laser Tag

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        "This is the best fucking idea we've ever had," Alex said with a satisfied tone, teeth glowing a brilliant white under the black lights. Stella stood at his side, mouth literally glowing when she looked around at the neon colors on the walls.

        "Who even thought of playing laser tag anyway?" she asked, and Maverick's hand shot into the air enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes, seeing the excitement in his eyes when Alex's flawless fiancé addressed my goofy drummer with an impressed grin.

        Between driving our previous show in Washington, and the next one in Minnesota, we had more free time on our hands then we thought we would have. We had three day sto get there, and it only took a little over a day to make it the entire distance. We had time to kill, and somehow, Mav came up with finding somewhere to paintball, which led to laser tag instead.

        It was a painstaking process, trying to get all the bands together, but we managed it. We found a place with three stories worth of playing fields, and enough jackets fo us all to play at once. I wasn't sure how we were getting everything to work out in our favor that day, but it just happened.

        The vests were heavy and were glowing from our chests, backs and sides. The guns had lights on them, with alsers that shot from the front of the trigger. I could hear the buzzing excitement from everyone, waiting impatiently for the instructor to come in the room and for the game to begn.

        The small room we waited in way only full for another few minutes, and after the worker explained the rules, showing us a short video about the vests and weapons, and telling us we'd be kicked out if we didn't follow the rules, she opened the doors and let us loose.

        Everyone scattered once we hit the cement under our feet, many heading up ramps, and even more taking off in the space in front of us. The walls were lined with neon colors, barriers taking up large spaces also painted with similar colors, holes at random for those to shoot through and be shot at.

        I sped up the ramps, a small smile on my mouth with blood pumping through my veins. My childhood came rushing back at me, remembering all the parties I'd gone to at places like this, how many times I wanted one and how no matter how bad I was, I didn't care one bit because it was so much fun.

        The air was humid, and while I sunk behind a barrier, I set up silently, wishing for the game to signal by a loud buzzing that came through the speakers. I was only crouching for a moment before it sounded, and there was a roar of laughter and screams from various players, lasers shooting every which was, creating light shows against the walls, ceilings and floor.

        I had a good position, saving me from being shot at too much. Within the first few minutes, I'd shot Alex Lipshaw in the back, Ryan Key in the chest and Zack on the side. I was doing well, racking up points on the scoreboard that hung on the wall. I was one of the few that remembered to dress in all black, and I was nearly invisible with the barrier keeping me from view, only my lights giving away my position.

        I stood up, looking in a small hole in a taller barrier, before shooting Cassadee in the abdomen. She let out a laugh, trying to hide from my unseen spot. I'd found the perfect place to hide, no one even came in the direction I was sitting.

        It was almost funny to watch Brian Dales search for my laser, where exactly it was coming from when I hit the target on the side of his gun, killing him momentarily. Porter let out a groan while I continuously killed him, unable to understand that I was only twenty feet away from where he stood.

        Th dark tint of the room put me in a zone, eyes locked on each of the people that passed in front of me. My targets were taken down, and it was taking everything I had in me not to laugh out loud when Stephen let out a complain, yelling for whoever was shooting at him to stop so he could actually shoot again.

        It was fair to say I was dominating.

        Maybe if I hadn't been so distracted, I might have realized the squeaking of sneakers behind me. I might have felt his presence when he tiptoed closer, or realized he had his gun pressed to the back of my bulky vest. It wasn't until his hand slid into the back pocket of my jeans did I turn swiftly to meet his ees.

        In the strange light, his dark irises were cloudy, and the white surounding it was an awful shade of green. I grunted, slapping his protected chest with my hand quickly. "I swear to fucking God, keep scaring me and see what happens."

        "It's not my fault you're completely oblivious to the world," he commented casually, voice a little louder to be heard over the noise. I rolled my eyes, glancing briefly to the space around us. I was almost certain people would no longer come upstairs for fear that I'd take them down the same way I had the entire game.

        "I was focused on winning this game, actually," I pointed out, lifting my gun and pointing at the scoreboard that revealed my high score. He looked up, eyebrows going up in surprise. I smiled in satisfaction, looking towards the field once again. It wasn't until I heard my vest sound and the lights blink did I realize I was shot.

        I whipped my head towards Jack, who was giving me a cheeky grin. I scoffed, pushing him with my free hand in annoyance.

        "Don't be an asshole," I grumbled, shooting him back in return before directing my attention elsewhere.

        My vision became blurry with fast movements, and before I could comprehend what happened, I was being pushed against the wall behind me. My vest was being lifted over my head and it fell to the ground while his lips connected vigorously with my collarbone.

        "Are you serious right now?" I laughed incredulously, fingers wrapping to the fabric of his shirt, arching off the wall to push my chest to his.

        "How many times will you be able to say you made out with the hottest guy you know while playing laser tag?" he said, pulling his mouth from my skin. I rolled my eyes, looking into his lustful gaze. It was easy to see exactly what he wanted, even with the black lights as our only source of light.

        "Hottest guy I know? Never," I taunted him, leaning my face closer. He growled lightly, fingers tightening around my waist. My body reacted to his touch, and I chuckled before closing the distance between our lips.

        Even with the echo of yelling and screaming around us, it was hard to focus on anything else. I only concentrated on my breathing, and how much I enjoyed the way Jack moved against me.

        For a guy who liked relationships, I couldn't help but question how fiercely he pressed his mouth to mine, or how greedy his hands were to touch my body. I was almost sure our new friendship would work, not wanting to give up anything just yet. Maybe he would be as easy for me to hang around as other guys. Maybe he was the perfect boy for only me to hook up with.

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