Chapter 33: Make a Move

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        Stephen was at my side, and we were talking quietly with his brother, Lauren, and Jess about some crazy story from their time on Warped Tour the summer before. I guess John got his hand stuck inside a vending machine at one of the venues, and the impressions had me doubled over in laughter.

        We were talking in the middle of our bus circle, other embers of bands in other busses, playing video games or hanging out. It seemed that the only busses without people in them were All Time Low's and The Summer Set's, which was unusual for the amount of alcohol being consumed. They were always the busiest motor homes when it was past twelve o'clock.

        A chill fell over my arms, even with the fluch visible on my cheeks from the seventh beer dangling from my fingers. My head was growing fuzzy, and I swayed slightly. My pulse was thumping in my ears from the laughing, and it was hard for me to concentrate on single word they were saying.

        "It's so fucking cold out here," I complained with a chuckle, rubbing my exposed arm vigorously. It was just above forty degrees in San Francisco tonight, and I was shaking with every breath. Lauren nodded towards All Time Low's bus, arms tucked into Zack's large black hoodie comfortably.

        "Go steal one of Jack's or Zack's, they won't care," she said nonchalantly, shrugging once. I tilted my head to the side, trying to comprehend her sentance before blinking multiple times and nodding. I turned on my heel clumsily and headed the ten feet without a glance over my shoulder.

        I yanked on the door, pulling it open and letting it fall closed after stepping in. The lights were off, all but one that I couldn't see from the steps that were two feet lower than the living area. I watched my boots when I continued up, standing next to their couch before turning to move towards the bunks.

        I stopped short when I saw there was a light on in the first place, meeting the gaze of a familiar face. It was almost hard to see his expression from the shadow cast over his face, but I could see his gleaming smirk when he saw me squinting in his direction.

        "What are you doing in here?" he asked, an audible slur in his voice. I noticed how he swayed while standing, the same way I was. I hiccupped, hand falling over my mouth to mask it before walking towards him. I brushed past him ineleganty, shoulder hitting his chest while I walked past.

        "Lauren told me to borrow one of Zack's sweatshirts," I mumbled, opening the small rectangular door that led to the lounge. I was only assuming they kept their clothes in the dressers above the couch. I set my bottle down, pulling open one of the cabinets and rifling through it. I wasn't even sure what I was looking for.

        "Why don't you just borrow one of mine?" he questioned, a tone in his voice that I couldn't place in that moment.

        I turned my head, room spinning with the fast movement to meet his gaze, holding a blue sweatshirt in his hand. I stumbled off the couch, closing the distance between us and reaching for the warm clothing. I gripped the fabric, attempting to pull it out of his hold but he didn't budge. I tried harder, giving it an extra tug but his fingers only clenched tighter, causing my chest to bump his in response.

        I was growing frustrated with him, but when I looked up to meet his eyes, I finally realized his intentions. I could almost see a reflection from him undressing me with his eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my face, and I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my lips.

        "If this is your pathetic attempt at getting me closer, you really need to work on your moves," I said quietly, tongue running over my bottom lip gently. His grip on the sweatshirt moved to my own shirt, touching the visible skin at my hips.

        "I think they work just fine, actually," he said with a chuckle, pressing me even closer to him. I could smell the Aexe on his skin, his lanky frame wrapping around mine easily.

        "It's barely been two days since you broke up with your girlfriend," I said quietly, letting the sweatshirt fall to the floor between us. He was still smiling, unfazed by my words like he would've been days before.

        "I like to think it's been two painfully long days," his face dipped closer to mine, fingering the material of my shirt in his hands. My stomach was bubbling with the same excitement I felt with Stephen or any new guy. It was my favorite feeling.

        "So, are you going to make a move or are you just going to stand there and look.." I almost finished my comment, but he cut me off with his lips, mouth moving against mine roughly.

        My fingers raked through his hair, pulling his face closer to mine while I let out a small breath against him. He didn't waste time, hands greedily pulling at my sides, fingesr roaming my backside shamelessly. I let out a laugh against his mouth, feeling satisfaction and accomplishment pumping through my veins.

        Our tongues danced against one another, fighting for the dominance for the both of us. My teeth skimmed his bottom lip before biting down, gaining a response from him I always received when I did so to any other guy. I couldn't stop the smile from tugging to my mouth, enjoying how he kissed. He was better than Stephen, Hunter, or anyone else I'd kissed before.

        His hands found my thighs, lifting me off the ground and pressing my back to the wall of the lounge. My legs wrapped around his waist, hands moving around his neck, head hot and body aching. I didn't even understand the want I had in that moment, because it felt so much stronger than anything else I'd ever wanted.

        I was convinced it was because I'd been waiting almost two months for him to finally kiss me, to finally do something about the tension between the two of us. Maybe it was all built up from the time we met, and I was finally feeling it then. Because he was no different than any other guy I'd been with before, absolutely no different.

        I tried to control my breathing when he placed me on the couch, body hovering over mine while he worked at my neck with his lips. I could feel the shaky inhale and exhales leaving my chest, and could almost hear his erratic heartbeat.

        "Am I getting you all worked up, love?" he toyed with me, tone taunting against the skin of my thoat. I rolled my eyes, hands gripping his shirt.

        "Shut up and fucking kiss me," I barely mustered through labored breathing while hep laced his lips firmly on mine once again. His fingers touched the sides of my shirt, unsure of what to do with it, until I reached the hem, lifting it over my head awkardly to help him get the hint.

        He understood, because his fingers fumbled with the buttons of my jeans, lifting my back off of the couch to get them off my legs. I didn't care where we were, or if there was a ninety percent chance of one of his band mates walking in on us. All I could see was his dark hair, lustful eyes, and devilish grin.

        But that's how I always felt when I was with a new guy. Jack was no exception, no matter how much he tried to be one.

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