Chapter 41: Interview

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        I pulled on the front of my dark, leather jacket in the uncomfortable light, looking down at my black tank-top and dark washed jeans with long, black slouchy boots. I crossed my legs on the wood stool I was perched on, straightening my back while a camera was being set up in front of us.

        We had just made it to The Eagle Ballroom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It wasn't unusual for the concert to do interviews with bands when they performed. They had already gone through Hey Monday, and The Summer Set and we were next.

        I was sitting next to the pretty little blonde girl who had a microphone in her hand, positioned on a much more comfortable looking stool with a back. Her skirt was not the best for the camera angle, but it wasn't my problem, and I did my best to contain the small smile when I noticed her try to tuck her legs tightly across each other.

        I brushed my bangs out of my eyes, happy I pulled my hair off of my neck in a messy and curly bun that hung loose from my scalp. I let out a small yawn, noticing All Time Low and Yellowcard sitting patiently behind the camera man with Lauren watching us carefully left to right, starting with Maverick, Xavier, Porter and then myself. I knew she was taking note of the setup, probably impressed that she separated us appropriately from each other.

        "You guys ready?" The interviewer's voice was light and friendly, giving us a big smile.

        Before we could answer, she was signaling for the camera man to start rolling the tape, and it instantly grew silent in the large room. I sat up straighter, cordless microphone hanging from my fingertips lightly. Each of us had one in our hands, sucking back small breaths while the red light on the video camera signaled the start of the recording.

        "Hey guys! Kim here at the Eagle Ballroom talking with the band of the Dirty Work Tour who are performing in just a few short hours! I'm here now with The Lovely Broken, a brand new band to the touring scene with an interesting story to tell. How are you guys doing?"

        "Pretty good," Xavier nodded, lifting his microphone to his mouth. We looked at him, bobbing our heads in agreement.

        "Why don't you go down the line and say who you are and what you do?" she asked encouragingly us to speak. The all too familiar mic was at my mouth when I gave a bright smile into the camera, picking up my arm to wave.

        "Hi, I'm Natalia, and I sing."        

        "I'm Porter, and I play bass and back up vocals."

        "I'm Xavier, and I play guitar and sometimes help with back up vocals."

        "I'm Maverick, and I play the drums."

        She barely paused, jumping into a round of questions of where we grew up, and what our music was like, how we got together, and how old we were. We barely had a moment to breathe, only cracking small jokes when she was inhaling and exhaling deeply. I could feel the eyes from the other bands on us, interested in whatever made me slap Porter on the back of the head and Xavier punch Maverick in the bicep, hard.

        "So, how in the world did you guys get this opportunity? These bands are pretty big right now, and you guys aren't signed to a label yet, right?" she questioned, leaning closer, like it'd make us admit more.

        "Uh," I started, trying to shorten the story in my head. "About six months ago, All Time Low contacted us because they heard our Ep when they were touring in Boston. They kept up with our progression and decided they wanted to give us the opportunity to go on tour with them, and create an album with thei rhelp as their bands newest project."

        "It was our dream to do this, and we've been working our asses off for years just to get this far," Xavier spoke up, helping me attempt to finish the thought.

        "We wouldn't have had the chance to do this without them, and we're wicked grateful for everything they've done for us," Porter stated, sounding more mature than usual.

        "And our hot new manager, Lauren," Maverick said innocently, smiling past the camera at her. A blush crept to her cheeks and Zack muffled a laugh while she dug her face into his chest. I chuckled while watching her embarrassment, she had to get those comments at least once a day and she still flushed when he did it.

        "You're so luck Zack doesn't kick your ass," I sighed, shaking my head.

        "Hey, I'm single. Player need to play," he said, brushing the invisible dust off his shoulder. I almost wanted to reach the distance between us and punch him.

        "How about the rest of you, single or dating?" Kim asked nosily, a sly smile on her mouth.

        "I have a girlfriend back home," Porter offered to start, a large grin on his mouth. He always loved to show off Briana, for whatever reason that might be.

        "I'm dating someone as well," Zave said, lips tugging up on the corners. I could faintly see Kinsley standing to the side, teeth baring in a stupid, love-struck smile.

        "What about you Natalia?" Kim continued to pry. I hadn't even noticed the very minimal pause she allowed between the words that left Xavier's mouth before her attention landed on me.

        "I'm single," I nodded, always liking the taste of that sentence on my tongue. I heard Maverick begin to laugh to my right. I glanced at him, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "Is something funny, chuckles?"

        "You are definitely not single," he said incredulously. I raised my eyebrows at him, free arm crossing over my torso in reaction.

        "Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.

        "She isn't even close to being single," he acted as if I wasn't even there, talking through me to the interviewer. That gained her attention, face perking up and looking at me expectantly.

        I was definitely going to have to kick Maverick in the groin later.

        "I'm not dating anyone," I said easily, rolling my eyes. "I don't like having boyfriends."

        "It seems your band mate begs to differ," she countered.

        "My band mate is a compulsive liar and is slightly delusional," I said, gritting my teeth and looking at him again. I could tell Porter and Xavier were smart enough to stay out of it, keeping their heads back and out of the crossfire of my glares.

        "Are you sure?"

        Was I sure? How the hell could I not be sure about something like that?

        "I've never had a boyfriend before in my life, and I don't plan on having one in the near future, either," I said unquestioningly.

        Kim took the hint and moved on reluctantly from the topic to something else. I let out a relieved sigh, thankful that Zave stepped in and took the next question without asking. I sunk into my seat slightly, looking up and seeing the silhouette of a tall lanky boy standing just next to the camera. I pulled my eyes away form him, not wanting to think of it anymore.

        I wasn't sure why it bugged me so much when Maverick jumped out to say that. I was certain it was because he said it on the air, for the entire world to see if they really wanted to. I was also sure it was because he was running his mouth about something he knew nothing about.

        There was a small part of me, almost too tiny to feel, reacting in a strange way to his words in a way I had never felt before, and I couldn't figure out what it was.

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat