Chapter 24: Pool

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        "You should have listened to me when I told you she would kick your ass," Xavier muttered lightly, taking a sip of his Captain and Coke. I smiled happily, leaning my arm across my pool stick, ankles crossed in my knee high boots.

        We were in Orlando, Florida, and had just finished or only show hours before. For whatever reason, the bands really wanted to stop and get drinks somewhere other than our busses, so we tok over the second floor of a two story bowling alley only forty minutes away from the venue. All the bands were in the large room, buying from the bar and shooting around.

        The lights that hung above the tables were the only ones int he room other than the few near the bar, leaving the room a dark tint of yellow. The green carpet was ugly, the walls were a dark stained wood. Thew ay the place looked was the last of anyone's worries.

        I was competing with John Gomez after he explained how awesome he was at pool. I had to take him up on the challenge, and I could see Porter, Maverick and Xavier's smiles when I stepped up to the plate.

        Back in Boston, we started off playing a lot of shows in old bars and run down bowling alleys. I spent hours upon hours shooting against men in their forties who had been playing their entire lives. It was something that came easily to me, and I picked up all of their tricks. None of my guys would ever pay me, mostly because I had a habit of taking their money. No one on this tour knew that, and John was just another guy who thought they could beat me.       

        I had one more solid on the felt, glancing at his six stripes still scattered around, proving my point exactly. He flicked his dark hair out of his eyes, revealing his big glasses. He was a good looking guy, just the same way his older brother was. He was funny, which just made it easier for us to get along.

        After missing his shot, I set my stick back on the table, bending over to get an eye level view with the cue ball. I let out a deep breath, focusing on the ball and which pocket to go for when I felt air hitting my cheek, and suddenly a body was hovering next to mine, chest pressing against my back and breathing in my ear.

        "You know, you're going to miss the shot," John explained quietly, trying to make a distraction. From the looks of it, it might have seemed like he was helping me learn how to play, but when in reality, he was trying to mess up my game. I guess he didn't like losing.

        I smirked, turning my head to the side to see him wiggling his eyebrows at me. He was close enough to me for me to smell his sweet cologne and breathing on my skin. I could hear the radio cackle in the background, and the talking of all the bands around us.

        I didn't take my eyes off of him when I jutted the stick forward, hitting the ball before smacking into a solid, purple four, and rolling easily into the top left pocket. John's eyes traveled to the invisible ball, cursing softly before standing up.

        "Fuck, Natalia. You're hustling me!" he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. I gave him a grin, straightening up, hand sliding down the length of the pool stick.

        "Zave tried to warn you," I teased, leaning on my left leg.

        "You're getting your ass handed to you, bro," Sean O'Donnel pointed out, hand landing on his shoulder in pity. I laughed, looking down at my boots and back up at the small crowd around the table, watching the game intently.

        "Thanks man, I didn't notice," he said with a chuckle. Porter and Maverick were standing next to Xavier, watching with smiles on their lips.

        "It takes year and year of practice, I'll teach you when you're older," I taunted him, touching his arm lightly. He rolled his eyes at the age comment, probably as sick of being called young as I was. But, it was the first time in a while that I was hanging around with someone younger than me, and I was taking the opportunity to tell the world.

        But the thing about john was that he didn't act like an eighteen year old, at least, not the same way I remember Maverick or Porter being. He seemed more mature, and maybe it was because he was in a band with his older brother and his friends. Maybe he was just lucky that way.        

        I looked for my last and final attempt at the eight ball, walking around the table, thinking about the way I wanted to tackle the awkward shot. I either had to reach all the way across the pool table, or sit on the edge and take a behind-the-back shot. I leaned against the table, lifting my stick to put it behind me while flipping my hair off my face to get a better look. I ran my tongue over my bottom lip in concentration, pushing myself onto the edge of the table, legs crossed while I balanced effortlessly.

        I let out a deep breath, noticing just how quiet it was before looking around once. There were quite a few faces following my every move, seeing if I could sink it. I noticed Jack from the corner of my eye, gaze traveling the length of my body while I sat on the table. I tried to stop the smirk from forming on my mouth while turning my attention back to the game.

        I nodded towards the top rght pocket. "Top right." I murmured, calling my shot before pushing the stick forward, watching the ball soar towards the black marble, tapping it into the hole with grace.

        "Damn it," John groaned with another laugh, leaning against his pool stick. I smiled, satisfied with myself before pushing off of the table and back onto the ground. There were a few cheers for my win, and the moaning of the loser just off to my side.

        I placed my stick on the top of the table before offering John a high five, and a bright smile. He rolled his eyes at me, a sexy smirk fixed on his lips before returning the gesture and pulling me into his chest for a hug. I wrapped one arm around his back for a moment before pulling away.

        "I believe you have your reward for winning behind you," John said with a grin, looking past my shoulder. I joined his gaze, noticing Lauren standing there with a froste glass of beer in her grip. My eyes lit up, when she stepped closer, offering it to me. I knew that was the deal, that the one who won would get free booze from their manager. Courtney Swan, The Summer Set manager was at her side.

        "Thanks," I said happily, unable to stop myself when I reached for it. She let out a breath, shaking her head.

        "Why did you even go into the music business? You could play pool professionally," she joked, crossing her arms over her chest. I shrugged, taking a small sip before offering it to John. He didn't decline, only grabbing it and bringing his mouth to the side.

        "I like music better," I said with a smile.

        "No one ever beats John at pool, I think you put him in his place," Courtney teased, raising her eyebrows at him. He waved off the idea while drinking again.

        "She can win as many games as she wants if she takes shots like she did that last one," he winked after swallowing and I rolled my eyes at him, reaching for my drink again.

        "Amen to that," Jack's voice interrupted the conversation from my left. He smirked at me, and I let out a breath. This boy was almost as persistent as Hunter, almost.

        I couldn't help but notice how close he stood to my side, chest brushing agianst my arm as he let out a breath. The conversation continued easily, but before long, we were being told by Flyzik and Duncan Johnson, Hey Monday's manager that we needed to hit the road.

        Only a few minutes later did we disperse, band members wandering to the exit, trying to down the last of their drinks before leaving glasses on the empty tables. I still hadn't moved until Jack's hand touched my back, nodding for us to head to the exit. I responded only with a sly smile and trudged forward, well aware that his hand never left my back.

        For a guy with a girlfriend, he was making it really hard not to be tempted, and I wasn't going to be held responsible for my actions.

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