Chapter 19: Long Night

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        I settled down into the couch, closing my eyes, trying to cool down. I could have gotten up to take a shower before everybody else crowded the bus, but for the moment, I was content lying down and resting in the air-conditioned bus. Jack's fingers were still moving against my knees through my jeans, but I didn't mind. As long as he didn't try to grab them, we'd be okay.

        After a moment of just lying there in silence, feeling his thumbs move across the fabric of my jeans, Jack's phone vibrated under my legs. He shifted, digging into his pocket to pull out his phone. I cracked one eye open, watching him smile stupidly at the illuminated screen in front of his face for a moment before typing back a reply.

        "How's Holly?" I asked, drawing out my voice and hinting at fake interest as I watched him hold his phone in his hands, shifting his gaze to me from the corner of his eyes before turning his head to fully face me.

        "I didn't know you were psychic too!" he exlaimed, feighning a look of excitement. I rolled my eyes, moving my hands to pull at the fabric of my shirt, lifting it off my stomach to pull it away from my skin. I ignored Jack's staring eyes as I flapped the shirt away from my stomach, skin exposed from holding the fabric up. I fanned it up and down a few times before letting the fabric settle against my stomach again. I folded my hands over one another, resting them just above my waist.

        "Please," I sighed, continuing. "You got that stupid grin on your mouth and your face lit up like it was Christmas. I see it on Porter's face all the time when he texts his girlfriend, or on Zave and Kinsley when they text each other."

        "Well, maybe I was texting Alex," Jack countered, giving me a smart look. I rolled my eyes, sitting up slightly, using my hands to push my upper body away from the couch, my V-neck was sticking to my back even more than it had been before from lying down, pressing it against my skin. I reached one arm back, keeping the other planted on the couch to hold myself up, and pulled at the end of my shirt, fanning it slightly against my skin. I really needed a shower.

        "Whatever you say," I muttered, starting to move my legs off of his lap. Jack's arms fell down over my legs, pressing down slightly, to keep them there. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he grinned back, keeping his expression the same. "I need to take a shower, could you move?" I asked blankly, staring at his arms.

        "Can I join you?" he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows twice in my direction with a large smirk on his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to move my legs again. Jack pressed against my legs once more, making me press my mouth together in a tight line, fingers curling against the couch. "You'll be missing out."

        "Seriously, Jack," I muttered, cutting him off. At the moment, I just wanted to get out of my clothes, not listen to his persistence. "Get your arms off me," I said, voice full of annoyance. It only gained me a wider grin, Jack clearly enjoying this.

        "That's not a very polite way to ask," he said, tilting his head to the side, his expression changing into an expectant look.

        "Get your arms off me, please," I repeated, adding the 'please' but still not changing the tone of my voice.

        "That's still not very polite," he said. I huffed angirly and started moving my legs, squirming to get them away from him. It had slipped my mind that Jack knew my weakness, and my entire  body flinched when his hands clamped over my knees again, squeezing.

        "JACK!" I screamed, kicking my legs furiously while holding onto his hands, trying to pull them off. He laughed loudly, watching as I fought against him. I managed to kick my legs up, making his hands loosen on my knees, just long enough for me to roll away, crashing to the floor. I groaned, feeling the hard ground smash against my shoulder.

        "Asshole," I grumbled, reaching to rub my shoulder. I looked at Jack, meeting his eyes as he reclined in the couch, perfectly still face, arms now spread out against the arm to his right and the back of the couch. I lifted my leg, pushing it forward to make contact with his shin. He pulled away as my shoe collided with his leg, giving me a dirty look.

        I stuck my tongue out at him, pushing myself off of the floor. I stood up, pullin down my shirt that had rolled up higher than usual. I felt Jack's eyes on me as I was looking down to fix my shirt, and as I looked I found his eyes following mine. I smirked at him, turning to take a few steps, smiling to myself because I knew he was watching. The sound of the bus door opening caused me to stop, however, and I turned my head, wanting to see if Maverick came in. Jack and I both turned our attention to the door, waiting to see who came up the steps.

        When I saw him, coming in behind Porter, I turned fully, watching him carefully.

        "What's up, dude?" he said to Jack, holding out his fist as he passed, tipping a water bottle back against his mouth. Jack knocked his fist against Maverick's, nodding at Porter.

        "Hey Mav," I called out, feeling three pairs of eyes flash in my direction. Maverick's gaze stayed on mine while Porter fell onto the other end of the couch. "Come here for a second."

        He gave me a hesitant look, stopping instead of continuing towards me. He raised a cautious eyebrow at me, twisting the cap onto his bottle. "Why?" he asked, setting the bottle down on the table.

        "Just come here for a second," I repeated, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting. I knew why he was hesitant, because he knew why I wanted him to come over to me.

        "No, you've got that look like you're going to fucking hit me or something," he said frowning slightly. I laughed, shaking my head slowly. I knew it.

        "I'm not going to, I promise," I said, giving him a slight smile. He sighed, rolling his shoulders before walking over. He stopped in front of me, eyes looking down as he stood a few inches taller than me. I looked up at him, silent, motionless for a moment before I lifted my hand up quickly, curling it into a fist before punching him. He turned slightly at my first movement, so my fist collided with his shoulder. I let my hand drop to the side, watching as Maverick's hand flew up to his shoulder.

        "Fucking liar!" he exclaimed, his expression mixed with annoyance and pain.

        "Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't tell people about my knees. I fucking hate that," I hissed, glaring at him. I detested when people knew how much grabbing onto my knees aggravated me, because it was probably the only thing they could use against me. I watched through narowed eyes as Maverick's expression changed into an amused smile.

        "Is that what that was for?" he laughed, letting his hand fall, rolling it gently as he continued to laugh. I nodded once as he started to shake his head, finding amusement in something. His body turned slightly, shining eyes meeting mine for a second, a large grin fixed on his mouth.

        "You punch like a girl," he chuckled, walking away as I narrowed my eyes even more at him. I rolled my eyes, turning and heading away from the boys, hearing their voices and laugher behind me. I already knew this was going to be a long night.

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