Chapter 8: Not You

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        I groaned while slouching into the front seat of Kinsley's car after getting ready. I absolutely could not stand mornings, especially being jet-lagged to insanity and exhaustion. I had no idea how some people could bounce back so quickly from traveling, even three days after getting back.

        "You're always so cheery in the morning, Natalia," Kinsley said sarcastically and much too loud while backing out of my driveway. I rolled my eyes at her, running my nails through my hair with a deep breath.

        "We better be getting some coffee if you got me out of bed this fucking early," I muttered, hands clenching in annoyance. She rolled her eyes back at me, putting her car in drive as she hit the street and headed to the only exit on my road.

        "We'll hit a Dunkin Donuts before going anywhere else, you big baby," she sighed, while putting on her directional. I sighed in relief, knowing that was the only way to make my headache go away. It probably wasn't healthy that I functioned because of coffee.

        It was eight in the morning, and Kinsley had called me to inform me that the CDs arrived way earlier than she planned and that we had to pick them up from her PO Box because her parents missed the day before and forgot to tell her. I didn't know why she insisted on going so early, or in me joining her, but she did and was a raging ball of fucking sunshine.

        Where the hell is my medium iced coffee with extra sugar all fucking ready?

        "How the hell are you going to survive on tour if you can barely get up one time at seven thirty in the morning?" She questioned as we got closer to the city line for Boston. Her PO Box was so far away, and I had no idea why she even did that.

        "Because I'll just be too hung over to care about how tired I am," I grumbled, leaning against the cool glass of the window. I heard Kinsley snort out a laugh.

        "And how are you so sure you'll be drinking, little Ms. I'm-Twelve-Years-Old?" she joked, looking at me for a moment before focusing her attention on the road. I was one of the youngest of my friends, mostly because when I was in high school, I didn't like to hang with people my age. And, on top of that, I had a late birthday, born in the middle of July. Honestly, that's never stopped me before.

       Nothing's really stopped me from doing this before, actually.

        "You think I won't be able to get a guy to buy me a drink?" I questioned her, looking at her with a smile. Her mouth turned into a straight line, and she knew exactly what I was talking about. I knew how to get what I wanted, when I wanted it.

        "Touché," she said with a short laugh before taking a turn into Dunkin Donuts. She pulled into a spot and cut the engine quickly. I didn't understand why she was always in such a rush.

        We both got out of the car, meeting around the front. I began to dig through my shiny black purse, searching for my wallet. I had to have at least five dollars on me for some kind of drink or I would quite possibly die.

        Kinsley held open the door for me, pulling on the sleeve of her sweater. I unbuttoned my black petticoat as we entered, eyes falling on my bag for the search. I swear, I could get lost in this thing.

        "Of all the places in this town," Kinsley trailed off quietly, drawing my attention while I walked further into the room. My gaze fell upon the worker behind the counter, causing a small smirk and a quiet laugh to leave my lips in disbelief as an all too familiar dirty blonde boy eyed me from a distance.

        "Look who we've got here," he said with the usual confidence drpping from his words. I rolled my eyes, unsure of why he always was so sure that I wanted to be with him. That was the absolute last thing I wanted.

        "Just make me a fucking iced coffee, Hunter," I muttered, waiting for Kinsley to give her order as well. He typed it into the computer, but didn't move. The older worker in the back began to move slowly, handling it without making Hunter do a damn thing. I would have loved nothing more than to watch him make my coffee.

        "Always so touchy," he smirked, leaning against the counter. I could see the challenge I always found in his bright eyes. I raised my eyebrows back, unable to fight the urge. When someone challenges me, I fight back, no matter what.

        "The orange and pink is a good look for you," I said sweetly, licking my lips. His eyes averted to my mouth as I did so, biting the inside of his cheek in frustration. I knew how badly he wanted it; I could just tell by the way he watched me. I could never miss the lust in any guy's eyes. It was always so easy to see.

        "What are you doing today, Ms. Rockstar?" He asked, arms folding over his chest. I snorted with another laugh, shaking my head.

        "Not you," I said slyly, jutting out my hip and leaning against my right leg. His smirk fell slightly, eyes dimming in annoyance.

        "Hasn't stopped you before," he answered back quickly. I shrugged, glancing down at my nails without a care. I didn't regret the things I did, or who I slept with. If it happened, it happened. I wasn't going to deny it.

        "Doesn't mean I'm looking for a boyfriend, honey," I smiled, running my fingers through my hair. I could see the twitch in his mouth, the way he was still so convinced I wanted to date him. I didn't get why he didn't get the hint. He pissed me off, and he had a nice body. It didn't mean anything.

        Even when we were on and off in high school, it wasn't anything more than a very physical relationsihp. Whenever I got sick about him nagging me about talking with other guys, it was over. When he was new and exciting, we'd hang out. That was it, nothing more to it.

        "Stop while you're behind Hunter, you'll never win," Kinsley tried to get us to stop, but it was never enough. I would never stop until he got the hint, that no matter how hard he tried, I would never admit or believe that I wanted to date him. It's a waste of hist ime.

        "Yeah, listen to the girl who knows what she's talking about," I nodded towards my best friend, noticng the woman making our drinks walking towards the counter. She placed them down, noticing the way Hunter was looking at me. She took that as her cue to walk away, retreating to the back of the shop to make the drive-through orders.

        He never gave me, and I could tell he wasn't discouraged when he was grinning wickedly at me again.

        "Our parents are having dinner this week. I'll see you there," he said smoothly, pushing the drinks towards us. We both reached forward an picked them up, going into our bags for money, but Hunter shook his head. "It's on me."

        "Thanks," I said, index finger touching the top of the cap, wiping off the excess ccoffee and putting it into my mouth. "But don't start to think free coffee will get you a girlfriend."        

        "We'll see," he said with a smile, eyes following my hand against my lips. I rolled my eyes again, turning and walking towards the door with Kinsley muttering softly about how naïve Hunter was to think that I would ever go for that.

        He had a lot more coming to him if he ever thought that sleeping with me meant that we would end up together. Sex for me wasn't making love, it was getting rid of temporary lust. He was going to understand that one way or another.

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