Chapter 13: We'll See

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        "So, how was the flight?" Lauren asked from beside me, head turning away from the guys to meet my gaze for a second. I shook my head at the thought, huffing.

        "Long," I answered. "It's like they don't understand that they're in public and people are watching them." I let my eyes fall back onto Maverick and Porter, who were trying to sit on the luggage conveyor belt as they waited for our bags. Xavier was standing behidn them, stopping them so they wouldn't get int trouble in the crowded airport.

        "But, what's the point of living if you don't have any fun," a voice said from behind us. Both Lauren and I jumped, turnning around to face the person the voice belonged to. Lauren sighed deeply, hand resting over her heart, where it had fallen when his voice startled us.

        "I thought you said you wanted to wait in the car?" Lauren wondered, running a hand through her wavy hair, eyes on his face even though he was looking straight at me. I shifted, putting more weight onto my right leg, folding my jacket over my arms. I hadn't put it on since we got onto the plane, and the sweatshirt I'd been wearing was stuffed into my carry on, leaving me in skiny jeans and a loose, long-sleeved shirt, comfortable enough for the California weather.

        "I got bored," Jack said, shrugging in response. "You guys take too long." His hair was flattened under a baseball hat, and his dark framed glasses were sitting comfortably on his nose, something that surprised me slightly because he'd never worn them in any picture I'd seen of him. I almost hated to admit it, but the glasses only added to his appearance. I could only imagine how his fans thought they made him look "sexier" than he already was.

        "If you want you can take a picture, it'll last longer. That way you can look at me even when I'm not around," Jack offered, mouth turned up into a large smirk, eyebrows moving up and down quickly as he wiggled them at me. I rolled my eyes at his comment, turning away from him.

        I saw that Lauren had moved away from us and was helping the boys pull the luggage from the conveyor belt. I noticed my small suitcase and duffle, but before I could take a step forward, Xavier was puling them off of the belt and bringing them to me.

        "Thanks," I smiled, taking the two bandles from him, dropping my bag by my side and keeping my suitcase in front of me.

        "Sup, dude," Xavier said, his fist held out to meet Jack's by my shoulder.

        "Nothing," Jack answered, before Xavier walked away to get the rest of the bags.

        "Why did you even come with Lauren?" I asked Jack, turning to him. His eyes met mine, unfazed by the bluntness of my question.

        "Just so you would ask me that," he replied, hand reaching down to pull my duffle bag off of the floor as the guys and Lauren made their way over to us. I narrowed my eyes at him, reaching out for my bag but he moved out of the way, smirking.

        "I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own bags," I said darkly, feet planted on the ground, waiting for him to hand me back my bag.

        "But I'm doing the gentlemanly thing," Jack protested, and started walking away, still smiling as he turned. The guys followed after him, their bags in tow. I rolled my eyes, clenching tightly around the handle of my suitcase. Lauren appeared beside me again as I started to storm off, walking quickly to catch up with them.

        "You know you're not going to get your bag back," Lauren said softly, a smile on her face as her eyes met mine. "There's no point in trying." I held her gaze for a moment, trying to figure out the sparkle she had as she looked at me, but only for a moment later I was stopped by colliding into someone's back.

        I grunted, looking up at the back fo a guy, black hair sticking out from behind a red cap. I opened my mouth to say something before I heard his voice talking to someone in front of me. I peeked around Jack's shoulder, eyes landing on two girls, seventeen or eighteen by their looks, gripping napkins with black sharpie on them, listening intently to Jack. Fans, asking for autographs.

        Jack's eyes wandered down to me for a brief moment before traveling back to the girls, never missing a beat of what he was saying. One of the girls, a nice looking girl with blonde hair, followed Jack's eyes, and her dark blue eyes, a shade familiar to mine, landed on my face.

        "Hey, you're Natalia Rislove, right? From The Lovely Broken?" the girl asked, and Jack's voice faded and his eyes found mine, smiling at me as the other girl with curly brown hair, looked my way too. The change of interest from Jack to me had me surprised slightly.

        "Yeah," I answered, slightly taken aback that they recognized me. I knew we'd had some people who listened to our music besides people from Chelsea, but I hadn't expected recognition until after the tour.

        "Can we have your autograph too?" the girl asked, glancing between her friend and me. I nodded, hand reaching for their napkins. I was about to look around, knowing I didn't have a pen on me, when Jack held out a hand, offering the sharpy he was holding.

        "Always go out with something to sign with," He grinned, creating wider smiles on their faces. I shook my head slightly, smiling softly.

        "Yeah, thanks," I mumbled, taking the sharpie and scrawling my signature below Jack's on the napkins before handing them back. "Here ya go." They both thanked me, holding the napkins carefully in their hands.

        "You know, I think you two would be cute together, too," the blonde dared to say, eyes moving slowly back and forth between our faces, as she was picturing the two of us together. I held back a laugh, barely able to even picture her idea.

        "Who says we aren't," Jack winked, reaching his arm up to try to drape it around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, ducking away from his arm, letting out a small laugh.

        "Don't listen to him," I said, laughing lightly. "I barely know this kid." The girls laughed, glancing behind us as somebody called them. They looked reluctant to go, but the did, waving goodbye and clutching their autographed napkins carefully in their hands.

        "We could've started a damn good rumor, the two of us dating," Jack said beside me as we kept walking through the crowds of people in the airport.

        "Too bad I don't do relationships," I responded, seeing Lauren and the guys waiting ahead by the doors.

        "Nobody doesn't do relationships, everybody ends up in one sooner of later," he said, eyebrows raised in an almost challenging way. I shot him a look before turning forward again so I wouldn't run into anyone else.

        "Don't sound so sure of yourself, bud," I muttered, hand tightening slightly on my suitcase as we walked. Jack shook his head beside me, laughing softly to himself.

        "We'll see," he was muttering. "We'll see."


(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora