Chapter 77: I Couldn't

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        "I hate you for this," I muttered while looking out the window of Jack's car. The sun was beating down through the glass, creating a warm spot on my arm. It didn't last long with the AC pumping through the vents, blowing air out on my face.

        We were pulled over next to the sidewalk, right in front of the shop Kinsley told me to meet them at. I could see them walking the racks, looking around happily at all the colorful dresses. It was times like these that I was convinced I wasn't supposed to be born a girl.

        "You're always so cheerful," he commented, an obvious smile on his mouth.

        I turned to face him, hand resting on the top of my plastic coffee cup inside the drink holder between us. I raised my eyebrows at him, noticing how his thicker ones mimicked my actions. His dark eyes followed my movements, lifting my hand to brush the strands of hair from my forehead.

        "Fine, I'm going," I sighed in defeat, unbuckling myself slowly. I twisted the contraption from my waist, letting it fall near the door loudly.

        "See you soon," he said teasingly, leaning over the console on his elbow, angling his mouth down to press to mine effortlessly. I paused for a moment, responding to his request immediately. It was still strange, how he made my pulse rapid.

        He was smiling against my lips, still with the same grin when I pulled away.

        "If I don't kill myself before then," I grumbled, opening the door.

        Jack laughed loudly in response while I peeled myself off the leather seat with my iced coffee in my hand, growling in his direction. He didn't seem to care, though. He was still beaming when I shut the door, waving goodbye and waiting patiently for me to enter the store before he left.

        The summer air was hot against my back, even if I was only in the sun for a few moments. I turned on my heel with my drink, bracing myself for what had yet to come.

        Through the window, I saw Stella, putting a black dress up to Lauren's chest before a pretty brunette girl to her side shook her head. She stole the dress, placing it back on the rack without giving Stella the chance to argue.

        The sun reflected off the glass in my eyes, and I continued blindly towards the door, searching for the handle and pulling it open. A rush of cold air pressed against my skin, feeling the relief of the AC in the store.

        Before the door shut completely, I heard Jack's car pull away from the sidewalk, tires crackling against the rocks underneath it. I couldn't find it in me to turn around. I was taken aback by how ridiculous this store actually was.

        It reminded me of those Bridal Shows on TLC, with the outrageous prices on designer dresses, racks filled to the brim with different colors and styles. I could see past some of the dresses to the back where they had a stand, with a 180 degree mirror and multiple workers who were working with different brides and bridesmaids.

        I brought my straw to my lips, sucking back a breath and a mouthful of coffee. It was going to be a long, long day.

        "Nat!" Kinsley called out from where I saw them in the window, holding an awful brown color up to Lauren's chest, an obvious mannequin for the other girls to use to find the perfect dress.

        "She looks like a mud puddle," I said quietly, taking small steps towards them. My sneakers snuffled against the carpet, and I could see the women in the back of the store eyeing me, probably because the coffee in my hand would stain the carpet if it dripped.

        "So, that's a no for brown," Stella muttered softly, growing frustrated in the short time of being in the store. "What the hell, there are only so many shades on the color wheel."

        "Stick with the colors from your arrangement, it'll look weird if you have brown with green, white and black," the mysterious girl at her side explained happily. It seemed like she enjoyed this conversation so much more than the bride did.

        She had to be Kara, the girl Jack told me about: Rian's ex-girlfriend or whatever.

        She was pretty, with dark eyes and dark hair. She was all natural, wearing no makeup and a simple get up of white shorts and a green tank top. None of the girls looked like they belonged int his store the way they were dressed, actually.

        "You must be Natalia," Kara started without introduction. Her hand jutted out from her side, grasping mine easily. "I've heard a lot about you."

        I was surprised by her strong voice and confident smile, but didn't falter with a grin to shoot back at her while continuing to hold her palm.

        "I feel like I"ve been hearing that a lot lately," I said jokingly while retracting my grip from hers.

        She laughed, nodding slightly. The girls next to us were watching easily, eyes wandering to the racks before being distracted by some new style of short skirt Stella liked. They began talking and wandering around.

        "It's not every day Jack gets a girlfriend he wants to keep," Kara noted casually, smiling. "I heard all about tour, and I'm surprised you haven't gotten sick of him yet."

        It was obvious by her tone that she was joking with me, but this was where the conversation always made me feel awkward. My palms started to sweat and my neck turned hot. There was nothing I could do to work through it, only able to endure the embarrassing reaction to the comment.

        "I'm sure I'm more surprised than you are," I said quietly, almost to myself. I turned slightly, running my hand along the fabric of a dress at my side.

        It was true, honestly. It was nearing almost two months together, and I still hadn't had one moment where I wanted to get rid of him. There wasn't a damn second in my mind where I thought I was over him, and that maybe we should stop seeing each other. To be frank, that scared the shit out of me.

        "From what Jack and Stella have told me abotu you, you're a lot like Alex used to be," she commented without hesitation. It was strange, someone knowing me without having met me before. "Jack's one of my best friends, I want him to be happy, and you're what makes him feel that way. But, I just have to say for Jack's sanity, and mine, please don't turn your back on him the same way Alex did to girls in high school."

        She was so forward, so in my face that it was almost strange. Girls always shied away from me, even when they had a problem. But here was this girl, who seemed so much like Stella, telling me flat out how she wantst his relationship to work. I felt like a boy meeting his girlfriend's father for the first time.  The seriousness in her eyes, the way her muscles tensed at the thought of someone hurting her best friend.

        I thought immediately of the guys and Kinsley, tongue tied and searching for the words that could explain it to her. There wasn't much to get out, especially when I felt my heart beat against my ribs when she said I made him happy. I knew I did, I had to if he wanted to be with me but it was just different hearing it said out loud by someone else.

        "I don't think I'll be able to do what I used to anymore," I said softly, stuttering over my own words. "Not with him in the picture. I just..I couldn't."

        She met my eyes, hearing the strain in my voice to admit that. I still hated talking about my feelings, and the only person I was really working on that with was Jack. It wasn't with some random girl I'd never met before, but I was surprised that I'd found what I needed to say.

        "Good," she smile at me, completely satisfied with what I'd forced myself to confess.

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