Chapter 26: Stephen

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        Before I had time to think about what exactly had just happened, a new arm draped around my shoulder, and I looked up to my left, meeting Stephen's dark eyes, still bright even in the pitch dark night.

        "You know, if I didn't now anybody, I'd say you've got Jack hooked on you," Stephen said quietly, turning his head to his lips were speaking right above my ear. If he hadn't been standing so close, I might not have heard him correctly. Everybody on the tour was out right now, grouped into the small space as we had just a couple weeks ago.

        "Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?" I wondered, tilting my head slightly to the side in curiously as I looked up at him.

        "Well, I think it's kind of obvious. I mean, the poor guy never stops looking at you," he said, a sly smile pulling at his lips. "I guess I don't blame him either, it's kind of hard not to stare at gorgeous girls." I leaned my head back marginally at this, laughing lightly.

        "Well too bad for him, I'm not like that," I said quietly, feeling Stephen lift his arm from around my shoulders as I started to walk away. He slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans walking close to me. I opened my sweatshirt, pulling it over my arms as we walked, leaving the zipper down. I pulled my hood up, a habit I had when I wore sweatshirts.

        "Not like what?" he asked, turning as I veered towards the coolers filled with alcohol that had been filled for the night.

        "Well, he has a girlfriend, and I don't think he'd cheat on herr, I just think he needs to be reminded of that every once in a while. I don't do relationships either. I'm not that kind of girl," I added, watching as Stephen's eyebrows rose in curiosity, but not surprise.

        "So, what type of girl are you, then?" Stephen wondered as we stopped in front of the coolers and a table packed with drinks. He reached into a cooler pulling out a beer and holding it out to me after opening it, other hand still holding up the cooler. I took it willingly, smiling at him. He pulled out another bottle and cracked it open for himself, letting the lid fall shut.

        My eyes moved up to Stephen's looking for a moment before he turned to me. He wasn't bad looking, to be honest, and when he met my eyes and his lips turned up at the corners, I noted how well his slightly crooked smile added to his features. He tipped the bottle back against his lips.

        "I just look for fun, you know? I don't want strings. It's too much work, and it's sickening watching other couples," I watched as Stephen laughed lightly, nodding his head a little.

        "I guess you've got a point," he shrugged, resting a hand on the table. He pointed his beer bottle forward, motioning at someone. I followed his motion, eyes landing on Xavier and Kinsley. She was leaning closely into his side, arm wrapped around his waist, fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt.

        "Like that?" he questioned, glancing down at me. I laughed, bobbing my head as I raised my own bottle to my lips, taking a long pull before lowering it.

        "Exactly like that. They're the worst. And they're like my brother and sister, which just makes it even more weird and annoying."

        I started walking again, heading the same way we'd come, Stephen still walking at my side. We passed jack, and although I tried not to notice, I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes flickered momentarily towards Stephen and me before looking towards Zack, Lauren and Mike. The look had been different this time, though. He wasn't wearing his same goofy grin, with the lustful look in his eyes. His expression was normal, and his eyes were plain as they held mine for the slightest moment before he'd looked away.

        Stephen must have noticed too, becuase his head turned towards me as we walked, heading towards the edge of the space, towards the busses.

        "His constant gaze doesn't bother me, by the way," I added, before he opened his mouth and had the chance to speak. "I've gotten used to it. It's become relatively normal." He nodded in response.

        We walked further than I thought, and we found ourselves standing between two busses, only a small distance between us from the closeness of the busses. I lifed my bottle to my lips for a moment before leaning against the back of our bus, now holding the bottle loosely between my fingers.

        I could see part of Jack's figure from where I stood, and his eyes were on me so I could look at him freely, wondering if his change in attitude had simply been because he finally knew that I wouldn't go for him while he was committed, as much as he tried, or maybe it'd be something else.

        "For somebody who isn't into relationsihps, you seem awfully interested in Jack," Stephen dared to say, dark eyes watching me from about a foot away. I turned to him, eyebrows raised at his comment.

        "So, you're an expert on how people feel now?" I wondered, watching him carefully. Stephen chuckled, shaking his head.

        "I'm just saying," he shrugged, moving from his position against the bus in front of me, walking across the space to stand next to me, leaning against the bus. "I mean, watching the two of you, if we all didn't know that Jack was dating Holly," Stephen started, "And that you aren't a relationship girl," he added, "it would look like you two were dating."

        "Really?" I laughed, amused. I looked at Stephen, his dark eyes fixed on my face, closer than I'd expected. I cocked my head to the side slightly, holding his gaze. Behind him, the rest of the bands and the crew were walking round, their loud voices floating over to where the two of us were standing.        

        Neither Stephen nor I had finished our first bottle, and we were fully aware of our actions, and yet, I found myself reaching up with my free hand, fingers curling around the collar of Stephen's shirt, pulling his face closer to mine. He didn't pull away, or protest. Instead, he moved his body closer, his chest pressing lightly against mine as our lips moved together.

        I didn't know what I was doing, or why I was doing it. Maybe I was trying to protest a point, to show that I could do wahtever I damn well pleased, with whoever I wanted, or to show that I was exactly who I was, somebody looking for fun rather than commitment.

        Maybe it was because I had known somebody was watching, their eyes flickering over in our direction the way they had been all night. I was beginning to understand what he meant at breakfast that one day, how he liked the chase, and I was just doing my part, playing the game I knew all too well.

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