Chapter 68: Domesitcated

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        "I really don't want to hear what they all have to say about us," I muttered, arms hanging loosely at my sides while Jack and I walked slowly down the same hallway the studio was located in. The air conditioner pumped a cool breeze across my skin, leaving goose bumps on my forearms.

        "You're now dating the hottest guitarist on the face of the earth, you should be excited to show me off," he teased, fingers bumping against mine once before attempting to curl to the shape of my hand. I rolled my eyes at him with a groan before tugging my hand out of his.

        "Please, don't tell me you want to be the couple that holds hands," I sighed, unable to fight the smile from my mouth. It was strange, using the word 'couple', and hearing the word 'dating' when it was directed towards me. It still left an unsure feeling in my stomach, but I was almost sure I liked it.

        "Please, don't try to tell me you don't hold hands when you'll openly make out with me while playing laser-tag," he countered, a grin spreading across his mouth. He folded his fingers to my bicep, causing me to turn towards him, stopping dead in my tracks.

        "Holding hands is.." I trailed off, unable to find the right words.

        "What couples do?" he questioned, getting a real kick out of the conversation.

        "No," I ignored him, continuing to blink. "It's just so typical, I don't know. Hunter used to always try when we were with mutual friends, and it always just pissed me off."

        He laughed quietly, leaning the short distance between our faces and kissing me briefly. I was almost caught off guard, head bending away from his before reacting and hand molding to the side of his face.

        "No hand holding, got it," he said simply, shrugging once before letting his grip go. I smiled softly, my hands replacing the contact by curling my hand to the crease of his elbow lightly. "But back to more important sunjects, such as telling everyone that you're now dating the sexiest guy on the universe."

        He began walking to the door that was only a few feet away from us, my hand never leaving his arm. I didn't mind it too much, maybe this was good enough.

        "I thought it was in the world?" I taunted, licking my lip lightly. "I mean, the universe is a damn big place."

        "I'm choosing to let that go because you'll be doing a lot of talking for the next half hour," he smirked, reaching for the door and pushing it open.

        I didn't get to glare at Jack because I was too focused on all the faces that turned from the soundboard and couches to look in the direction of the new people entering the room. There was a silence that fell over us, and I shifted my weight from one foot to another.

        "No fucking way!" Stella was the first to speak, a smile on her lips. "I thought Lauren was lying to me!"

        "Why would she lie to you about that?" Zack questioned form the couch, Lauren at his side, legs resting on his lap.

        Even in my loose, razor back tank top, I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. From my stance, only half a step behind Jack, I rested my head against the back of his arm trying to hide the visible blush on my face.

        "Well, obviously the sex was good if you guys are a half hour late," Maverick taunted from Matt's side, a smile on his mouth. "I bet you're not mad I brought Jack to the apartment now, are you?"

        "Fuck off, Sage," I grumbled quietly, having nothing else to say.

        "So, at least she won't be such a bitch anymore now that she's putting out," Porter commented, but Xavier's hand reached for the back of his head, giving him a good, hard smack.

        "Not now," he hissed before turning towards me with a small smile. "I guess I owe Kinsley ten dollars. I didn't think you'd ever give the guy a fair chance."

        "What are you even talking about?" Maverick questioned.

        "Holy shit, are you for real?" Porter asked, and Jack let out a laugh. I lifted my hand to hit his side lightly in protest to the humor he found in this situation.

        "Hello, is anyone going to tell me?" Maverick asked, looking between Jack and I, and the rest of the group.

        "I know exactly what this means," Porter said. "Natalia and Jack, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g."

        I could have punched him in the jugular for singing that stupid nursery rhyme.

        "You domesticated the beast!" Maverick yelped, eyes going wide. "Holy fucking shit, is this a joke?"

        "Maverick, shut the fuck up because I rea.." I started, but he laughed ove rmy words.

        I was sure Alex, Stella, Lauren, Zack, Rian and Matt were thoroughly enjoying this conversation.

        "I never even thought you'd ever get a dog because it was too much commitment for you!" He was as pleased with this as much as everyone else was. "So much for never having a boyfriend, huh Nat?"

        I mumbled quietly, something incoherent to everyone. Even Jack turned his head to get a look at my face, eyes landing on my flustered expression before letting out a breath and repeating myself.

        "I'm going to kick Maverick in the crotch if he doesn't shut the hell up," I said, detatching myself from Jack to run a hand through my hair. "Now, is this out of everyone's system? Because I'm pretty sure we've got an album to record."

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