Chapter 79: I Love You

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        Another three weeks came and went, much faster than I would have liked, bringing us much closer to the end of July, to Stella and Alex's wedding, which were both a little more than a week away, two months of being with Jack was only a few days away, and the end of our recording time was also coming to an end. We had a fair amount of songs recorded, including one written about Jack and the two duets I'd sung with Alex. We had only a few left to record before the songs would be edited and we could pick which ones we'd put on the final album.

        It seemed that so many important things were coming up, and time in LA was going by quicker than I hoped it would. These next few weeks were going to fly by, with the wedding and the ending of our recoridng. I almost felt bad, knowing that Stella and Alex were postponing their honeymoon until after we were done with the album, so Alex would be in town to help, but Stella expressed over and over that she was more than fine with that. She was so patient and understanding, which only seemed to make her more suitable for Alex and his usually hectic schedule from being in a band.

        She'd also somehow persuaded Matt to give us a day off for a dress rehersal of the wedding, and had convnced him to let us out early yesterday for the bachelorette and bachelor parties Lauren, Kara, Jack, Rian and Zack had planned separately for Stella and Alex. We still had to come in today, however, although we were coming in later than normal, premeditating the hangovers all or most of us would surely feel.

        It turned out to be slightly useful, because at the studio today, it was clear we were fighting headaches and exhaustion, dealing with it through Advil and coffee and waiting until the medicine made our headaches subside.

        It made the first few hours in the studio quiet, with the exception of the sound of my singing and Porter's bass or Xavier's guitar. Anybody who wasn't needed with Matt was reclined in the chairs in the studio, either watching TV or talking as we were now, waiting for Porter to finish recording and then we were calling it a day.

        Xavier and Kinsley were currently taking up the red love seat, Alex was in the recliner with Stella perched on his knees, talking quietly to him, the two of them looking as if they were the only two people in the room. Maverick was sitting in a low folding chair, arms crossed over his chest as he watched television. Lauren, Zack, Jack and I were sharing the three-cushioned couch in similar fasion. I was curled between Jack and the arm of the couch, my feet pressing against the crack where the cushion met the edge of the couch, leaning into Jack's side with my arm curled around his. Lauren was leaning her back against the edge of the couch, her knees bent, folded over Zack's legs, her feet planted on the other side of his legs, thumbs moving in small circles across her bare legs. Rian and Kara were standing at the back of the room, Kara leaning up against the wall, the two of them talking softly, standing in a way that caught my attention.        

        "You know, I think you're right," I whispered to Jack, resting my chin on his shoulder so if I looked out the corner of my eye, I could see Rian standing before Kara, only a few inches away.

        "Huh?" Jack said, turning his eyes from the TV at the sound of my voice. His head tilted down so his eyes met mine, watching me.

        "About Kara and Rian," I said quietly, so only the two of us could hear me over the other noises of the room. "I think they're going to end up getting together again. She has that stupid look in her eyes when she talksto him, that ridiculous one I make fun of Kins for getting when she talks to Zave, like there's nowhere else in the world she'd rather be but right beside him."

        I held Jack's gaze, my head leaning slightly to the side as I waited for him to say something. Instead, his chocolate eyes focused intently on mine for a few seconds. The gaze made the corners of my mouth twitch up into a smile, cheeks warming slightly.

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