Chapter 15: You're Welcome

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        "This is fucking amazing," Maverick sighd, as he stepped out of our bus. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure how they pulled this off with five tour busses either, and standing under the contraption was almost as scary as wondering when it was going to collapse.

        Somehow, the guys from Yellowcard had come up with this strage idea when we arrived at the venue. They didn't want to go to a hotel, and they sure as hell wanted to start the tour with a bang. So, they contacted the bands on the tour to listen to their directions when we got to the venue, All Time Low informing us through a phone call to Lauren three minutes before pulling into the parking lot.

        All five buses curved into a tight group with the nose of each bus inches from the end of the next, creating a skewed circle or awful looking pentago. Before we could ask question, All Time Low and Yellowcard were running, unlatching their undercarriages and pulling out tents that they'd stored underneath. I almost questioned what they were doing, but instead sat and stared out the window above the couch in the bus and stared in amazement.

        Forty minutes and five rolls of duct tape later, the nine boys set up a small community in the center of the circle. I had a feeling the other bands were just as scared to try and help as we were, and watched form the comfort of our moving homes. After the corners were sealed off by buses and ceilings taped against the buses, they set up camp for the night.

        With the dry pavement under us, the two slightly insane bands piled out the summer equipment such as their camping and lawn chairs, small plastic tables and fold up tables. It was only ten minutes later that they started sending managers on a mission to get alcohol at a store they were sure was just down the street and would take five minutes to get to.

        It was just above forty degrees outside, but was hard to tell with the doors of the busses open and the way the tents contained the heat. I had no clue how any of this made sense, but it did, and it was definitely interesting.         

        "You're telling me," I laughed lightly, scaring him from my position against the side of the bus next to the door. He jerked his head, reaching for his chest dramatically.

        I laid my head back against it, hands in my pockets. It was only a moment after did Kinsley, Zave and Porer make their way from the bus, astounded the same way I was. It was at the same time everyone else was emerging from their motorhomes as well, terrified of the tent collapsing.

        In that moment, I had never been so scared in my entire life. I was the last person to care what people thought of me, but with so many talented bands casually walking out of the buses and around like normal people, it was almost too much. This wasn't what I was used to, and I was fucking petrified.

        I lifted my head, looking at the sight in front of me. Alex and Ryan Key from Yellowcard were already pouring shots. Alex's fiancé was talking with Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday like they were best friends.

        "Natalia," Jack's voice bounced over the growing voices. I twitched my head slightly to see him wandering towards me, dark hair hanging in his eyes. He was in the same attire he was when he got on the bus. "What's cookin' good lookin'?"

        He leaned against the bus next to me, bending his knees to get to my level. I rolled my eyes with a smile, unable to contain it while he gave me a small, goofy grin.

        "You know, I'm not surprised you get so many girls, your lines are so smooth," I said sarcastically, turning my head towards him. He chuckled, straightening his legs.

        "I get all the bitches, I don't know what you're talking about," he winked, stuffing his hands in the front pocket of his jeans. "So, have you talked to anyone yet?"

        I shrugged, trying to play it cool, "Not yet," I said quietly, biting my lip-ring. For wahtever reason it might have been, he didn't believe my false-casual statement. His mouth grew into a large, cheeky grin.

        "Oh, come on, don't be a baby. Let's go say hi," he sounded like a child, and before I could protest, he was pulling me by my arm into the crowd of people. I pulled back, feeling an unfamiliar panic ripple through my veins. It wasn't an issue, even if he was tiny, his bony fingers had a death grip on me. I was trapped.

        "Brian, get your fucking ass over here!" Jack announced loudly, waving over the member of The Summer Set like it meant nothing at all. I swallowed my spit as the twenty-one year old singer approached us; light brown hair gelled to perfection with a crooked smile on his lips.

        "Jack, I'm going to fucking kill you," I hissed under my breath before giving a pained smile in Brian's direction. I head Jack chuckle, enjoying the torture he was employing on me. I wasn't sure why he was trying to be so nice anway, I understood we were their project, but he didn't need to go out of his way for me.

        "Brian, this is Natalia, you remember that EP we played for you guys a few months back?" he asked rather normally, standing confidently at my side. I suddenly realized the grip he had on me was suddenly reversed, and I was holding onto his elbow.

        "Oh yeah, I remember," he beamed from Jack down to me, reaching forward with an open hand. "You've got some fucking power in those lungs, you could knock down a damn tree."

        I looked to his palm, reaching forward slightly and placing my hand in his. His fingers were warm when they wrapped around mine giving a short, raspy laugh after speaking. I laughed as well, I felt like a fucking fan girl.

        "I hope that's a good thing," I said unsure, retracting my hand and running my fingers through my hair. He nodded, crossing his arms over his chest comfortably.

        "Most definitely. If these douches didn't snatch you up so fast then we definitely would have," His smile was sext, just the same as every other guy on this tour. "You know who really wanted to meet you? Cassadee and Jess, they've been dying for more girl singers that sound as amazing as you."

        My eyes went wide as he excused himself to grab the drummer of The Summer Set and the lead singer of Hey Monday. My mouth went dry asn I wanted the nausea in my stomach to subside. This was too much for me to handle.

        "You're welcome," Jack said with confidence, reminding me that I was still griping his arm. I let go, looking up to meet his knowing gaze. It was like he'd planned this or something.

        I couldn't deny that he helped me, because I wasn't sure how I was going to introduce myself otherwise. I wasn't even nervous when we met the guys in California. I was sure it was the abundance, and the fact that we didn't know what the other bands thought. We know All Time Low wanted us, they thought we were good and that's why they invited us out in the first place. It was everyone else that scarred me, because it could make or break us.

        "Thanks," I barely muttered before the girls approached me with smiles, putting me in the same state of shock that I was in five minutes before.

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now