Chapter 14: Perfect

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        My face was ducked into my pea coat, breathing heavily and waiting impatiently in the freezing cold at the bus dealership where Lauren and Matt were filling out the last of our insurance papers. The Lovely Broken stood at my sides, huddling near each other for warmth in the Pittsburg afternoon air. Our luggage was placed in front of us, standing next to the windows and watching their every move. She needed to hurry the hell up so I could get out of the cold.

        All of our equipment was at the venue, ready to be carried by small vans to each place we stopped. Apparently, All Time Low had enoughr oom in their storage vans to carry ours as well. We didn't exactly complain. It was one less thing to worry about.

        "You know you guys can hang out on our bus until they're done," Zack offered kindly from fifteen feet away where they were shuffling and stuffing the rest of their bags and stuff under their black and chrome bus.

        "How in the hell do you guys afford that thing?" Porter asked, a huff of fog escaping his lips as he spoke. Zack gave us a grin, shrugging once. His nose was a shade of pink, just as miserable as the rest of us.

        "We sold Rian into prostitution a few years back," Jack chirped form the entrance of the bus, his body covered in a sweatshirt, leather jacket, and gloves. His hood covered his his hat, his glasses sitting on his abnormally large nose. His crooked smile was sexy, but I turned my attention almost instantly when the next person spoke.

        "It's easier to buy one than it is to rent one, actually," Rian sighed while exiting the bus behind him with an eveil eye roll, shoulder shoving his as he passed. It was a huge contraption, worth more than my parents' house probably.

        "Rian's days as a hooker haunt him deep down, he doesn't like to talk about it," Alex yelled from inside, door wide open. I caught a glimpse of the inside, head spinning with just how expensive it looked.

        "You guys are so weird," Alex's fiancé said with a breath, continuing to jam her things into the undercarriage. Even in the freezing cold, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her light brown hair swayed form side to side while she used her little strength to get her things to fit. I smacked Maverick's arm when I noticed him gawking, glaring in his direction.

        "You're a pig," Kinsley muttered, looking at Mav. He glanced towards my friend who was cuddling into Xavier's side, way too willingly. I didn't think I would ever not feel nauseous around them.

        "I can stare at you too, if you'd like," he wiggled his thick eyebrows at her, and she proceeded to gag.

        "I'd rather throw myself off a twenty-story building," she answered slyly, tucking her head under Zave's arm, shivering.

        "Amen to that," I said, laughing out the words. Porter and Xavier chuckled silently while Maveirck gaped at us, clearly offended. I was about to make a comment as the door opened, revealing a warm Lauren and Matt.

        "They're bringing the bus around now," she said quckly before we could ask, taking in a shaky breath. "Holy shit it's cold out here."

        "Didn't notice."

        "Oh, really?"

        "I thought it was warm."

        A mixed response came out of Porter's, Maverick's and my mouth. It only gained an eye roll from Lauren and a laugh from Matt. I think he understood just how we functioned by the amount of time we've spent together.

        "Hey Vinn, asshole, why don't you come help us?" Rian called into the bus, looking up towards the entrance, but he got no response. I imagined that the assistant and merchandise guy were hiding in there, trying to keep feeling in their fingers and toes.

        "Thank God," Lauren sighed, and our eyes followed her as our new home came rolling around the side of the building. My mouth fell open at the size and condition. This navy blue and silver bus had to be pretty much brand new, why were they giving us a new bus?

        "Holy shit," Xavier finally spoke, tone in as much awe as mine. Lauren picked up her bags without a second glance, walking towards the door as the dealer parked behind All Time Low. I was unsure of what to say or do, because there was no way that bus was ours. We couldn't afford it, even if we sold ourselves.

        "Come on guys, we don't have all day," Lauren smirked over her shoulder while the door opened, allowing her to hurry inside. Hesitantly we reached for our bags, walking cautiously towards the mobile home, like it might disappear.

        "Consider it a gift from Hopeless Records," Alex said as he wandered over, smile on his lips.

        The dealer exited the bus, already listing off the features it had while unlocking the undercarriage for us to put some of our things in it. He was speaking so quickly and directed his attention towards Lauren with warning he probably expected us to listen to, but we were so blown away by the bus that we couldn't find our words after putting our stuff underneath and taking the first few steps carefully into our sleeping quarters for the next two months.

        "No fucking way!" Mav yelped loudly, being the first to enter. He scrambled further inside, claiming the left top side of the triple-decker bunks. My breath caught in my throat because the whole thing was just too much to handle.

        After walking up the steps we were greeted by a large television on the wall directly to our left, and a counter and small kitchen just two feet left of that. There was a plush, leather couch gunned to the floor across the way with a table and window directly above it. Everything was stained a dark shade, with built in lights that gave the entire space a glow

        I was speechless.

        "This is fucking ridiculous," Zave breathed out, eyes wide. Kinsley nodded, staring at the bus in amazement.

        "You guys like it?" Lauren said, reentering the bus after finishing her conversation with the dealer. I couldn't find the words to tell her how unbelievable this was. We barely made it ten feet, too shocked to go any further.

        "If it weren't completely wrong, I'd kiss you," Porter said with a smile. She laughed, looking to meet my gaze. Her brown eyes were so warm, and so excited.

       "You alright?" she asked me with another smirk, putting her hand on my shoulder. My smile grew and I let out a small bubbly laugh. Everything was just too surreal for me.

        "I'm perfect."

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now