Chapter 74: Present

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        The next few days in the studio only seemed to get progressively worse. I couldn't deny the fact that having Jack to talk to, or vent to, a few days back helped me calm down afterwards, but Kinsley still wouldn't get off my back about doing something for my birthday. I spent every night since then at Jack's house to avoid spending any necessary time wth her. At the studio, I focused all my energy on the music, even if I was just watching Maverick on the drums or Xavier and Porter on their guitars. Any time I wasn't paying attention to them, I busied myself with talking to Jack, or occsionally one of the other people in the studio, some random task that kept me away from Kinsley. She seemed to get the hint eventually, and hadn't attempted much conversation in the last day or so.

        It left a small amount of tension in the air every time we were near each other, and every day that brought us closer to my birthday also made me feel worse. I didn't want to fight with her, but she was so damn annoying I couldn't get over it.

        When the twenty-sixth came around, I hadn't said much more than a few words to her in the last forty-eight hours, and I'd spent th enight at Jack's apartment. It was odd, in a way, not waking up to the guys and Kinsley, the way I had for years and years. Back in Chelseea, every time my birthday was around, Kinsley would let the guys into my house with the key my parents gave her. They told my parents of their plans the first time they did it, so when they screamed and blew horns in my ear the day I turned sixteen, they thought nothing of it. They probably laughed every time the commotion started, finding amusement at the rage my parents ensued by waking me up before nine during the summer.

        Today, however, there was no screaming or horns of Maverick jumping on my bed. Instead, there was almost complete silence, the only noise being the humming from the ceiling fan spinning above my head, the faint sound of the AC blowing cool air around the apartment, and Jack breathing heavily next to me.

        Since he was still sleeping when I woke, I shifted my position, turning to my side to face him. I moved my leg, crossing one of my ankles over his, watching as he started to stir, eyes squinting open at me. His eyes opened more, slowly, after a moment, and then I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling my body close against his. He pressed his lips along the curve of my neck leading up to my jaw, his breath blowing hot against my skin.

        "Happy birthday, Love," he murmured, his mouth opening and closing against my throat before his lips moved to catch mine. I felt myself grinning as I pushed against him so he was lying on his back. I was positioned almost diagionally over his torso, my hands cupping his cheeks.

        A few minutes later, I felt Jack leaning his head back onto the pillows and his hands left my waist to wrap around my wists, pulling my hands away from him. I drew my head back meeting his eyes.

        "What?" I asked, seeing his eyes fixed on my face. Jack's hands pushed me softly away so I moved to sit up, tugging at the hem of my tank-top to cover the exposed skin around my torso.

        "Just wait," he said, holding a finger in my direction. My head tilted slightly to the side, my eyebrows creased in confusion as I watched him open the drawer of the nightstand on his side of the bed, looking for something he didn't find. He moved to his dresser next, opening a few drawers before closing them, and then doing the same with the nightstand on my side of the bed.

        "Jack," I said slowly, voice holding a hint of warning that he needed to tell me what the hell he was doing.

        "Hold on," he muttered, moving quickly away from the bed, muttering something to hmself, a short phrase accompanied by a curse I didn't quite catch. When the door opened and Jack took his first step out, I threw the covers off quickly, standing and adjusting my shorts as I ran after him, down the hallway into the living area of the apartment.

        "Seriously, what the hell are you looking for?" I asked impatiently, following him around the kitchen as he opened drawers, finally opening one under the sink that held whatever he was looking for. He reached into it, pullng out a small black bag.

        "Fucking finally," he sighed. "This is why I never hide things, I always end up losing them." He straightned up, opening the bag, the material crinkling as he reached into it.

        "No," I half-muttered, half-gasped. "I said no gifts. Jack, you fucking promised!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him. He just continued to grin, pulling a black, velvet box out of the bag.

        "I'm not taking it," I refused. "I said I didn't want anything and you promised you wouldn't get me aything and I don't want it, so just keep it." I shook my head, turning to walk away, as if that would've solved anything. A second later, Jack's fingers were curling around my waist, stopping me from moving when I tried to pull away.

        "Humor me, okay?" he said quietly. "I know I promised, but as your boyfriend I couldn't not get you something for your birthday. And, I'm not returning it, so you don't have a choice but to accept it."

        "Oh yeah?" I laughed, "Who said I had to take it?"

        "I did," Jack said simply, kissing me quickly once. I rolled my eyes before running both hands through my hair and then lifting myself up onto the granite counter top.

        "Alright, let's see it then," I mumbled as Jack stepped closer, standing between my legs. He set the bag down, holding the box out for me to take. I took it and his now free hands moved to my thighs, fingers trailing up and down my bare skin as I stared at the box.        

        "You know, you actually have to open it to see what's inside, Nat," Jack said softly, eyes gleaming with amusement and excitement as he stared at me.

        "Shut up," I frowned, biting my lip as my fingers closed around the top and bottom of the box, opening it slowly. I hated how my heartbeat increased, anxiety and excitement running through me. I bit my lip, trying to slow the nerves I had from this stupid gift. It was something new to me, and apparently, something I'd have to get used to.

        "Stella tried to get me into an expensive jewelry store, but I figured you'd get pissed that I got something in the first place, so I figured spending a thousand dollars on a necklace wasn't a wise idea," Jack said, chuckling softly, his fingers moving up the length of my leg.

        My eyes stayed trained on the necklace in the box, two fingers sliding under the silver chain to lift the charms away from the padding. There were several charms along the chain: four silver feathers, along with a dream catcher directly in the middle.

        "So," Jack pushed after I didn't do anything but stare at the necklace for a few minutes. His fingers stopped moving, curving to the shape of my leg as I took the necklace from the box.

        "Put it on for me?" I asked, smiling softly. Jack grinned again, taking the two ends of the necklace in his and taking a few steps back so I could get down from the counter. I pulled my hair up from around my neck, watching Jack's hands as they moved around my neck and then clasped the necklace behind me. I turned when I felt the necklace secure around my neck and wrapped my arms around Jack's torso, stnading on my toes to press my mouth to his.

        "I take it you like it then," he grinned against my mouth.

        "I love it."

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