Chapter 28: IHOP

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        After our show in Los Angeles, we were back on the bus and on our way to a local IHOP that was on our route to Vegas. It wasn't too far from where the venue was, and everyone was starving. We'd realized after Kinsley counted the merch money, that we had more than enough to spare for a late night breakfast, and I could see that we were all thankful for that.

        When the busses parked outside, it was clear that the place was deserted. The lights were on, there were workers cleaning, but only one or two couples sitting in the booths, much too old to know the bands or gone to the concert that same night.

        We all exited in sweatshirts and jeans, most already showered. I was wrapped in one of Porter's old long-sleeved shirts, feeling too warm int he mid-April air to wear anything else. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and my old sneakers scuffed against the sidewalk when everyone else emerged from their mobile homes, rushing to the doors for some food.

        It was only by the time I reached the door with the few normal people on this tour did the overwhelmed waitress admit they didn't have a table big enough for everyone, and to sit wherever we watned, as long as we were grouped together. I still don't think the woman understood how much of a bad idea that was.

        It was like musical chairs, watching the band members call dibs on seats, sliding into the six person booths, taking up a majority of the seating on one side of the restaurant. I watched with a smile, shaking my head at the chaos of just picking who to sit next to.

        I slid into the closest seat, too lazy and exhausted to fake the enthisuasm that my friends had. I slid as far into the booth as I could, letting out a deep yawn, sleeve covering my mouth. My eyes slid shut, feeling the weight of someone's body press on the cushions. My lashes fluttered, a smirk gracing my lips when I saw Stephen slid in close, jeans brushing mine.

        "Fancy meeting you here," he said, crooked grin fixed on his face. I licked my lips with a small laugh when hsi hand touched my thigh. I didn't mind the contact necessarily.

        "Do I know you?" I asked tauntingly, tilting my head to the side. He leaned closer to me trying to close the distance between our mouths, but I looked forward again, letting his nose meet the side of my cheek, an airy chuckle finding my ear.

        "I forgot you liked to play hard to get," he teased, retracting his grip on my leg. My mouth tugged up in the corner, feeling excitement bubble in my chest. Stephen was my new game, he was interesting and unknown. He seemed to play the game almost as well as Jack did.

        "You know the rules," I shrugged, elbows leaning on the table, chin resting on my hands, facing him. His brown hair was wet from taking a shower, the ends curling slightly.

        "I'm learning them," he nodded, a playful grin on his lips. He opened his mouth to say something else, but the conversation was interrupted by the squeaking of the cushions at the other end of the table, indicating someone's arrival.

        I wanted to roll my eyes at Jack when he slid into the booth with Vinny and Jess following behind. Josh fell into the booth next to Stephen, sighing against his bandmate about how tired he was.        

        Jack's gaze never left mine, but he had a look in his dark eyes, a trick up his sleeve. I didn't want to know what he was thinking, because his staring was starting to freak me out. I directed my attention towards Jess, smiling and asking her how she was.

        "I'm fucking exhausted," she sighed deeply, running her fingers through her hair. I nodded, eyes going wide in agreement.

        "I've been tired for like, a week," I answered, yawning again.

        "The time zone thing is fucking killing me," Josh groaned, forehead leaning against the table.

        My head bobbed up and down when the table went around, complaining about the early mornings and late nights. The waitress came and took drink orders from the tables before disappearing again, explaining that it might take longer than normal because of the large amount of orders.

        I slumped my head in my hands, eyes directed at Stephen, seeing the smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him briefly, and he poked my side in response. I raised my eyebrows at him, unable to fight off the same expression on my face.

        "I don't think you want to lose this battle, Gomez."

        "What's the prize?" he asked, tongue skimming his teeth. I only winked, giving him false hope with my mouth turned up. He leaned closer to me, lips meeting my ear lightly as he began to whisper.

        "Is your motive to make Jack go mad?"

        My eyes shifted to Jack while he watched Stephen whisper to me, a smile visible. The corner of my mouth twitched up, causing a visible reaction from Jack.

        I shrugged at his question, expecting him to pull away again, but he stayed, letting out a small laugh, voice still quiet.

        "It's almost funny to watch him," he added, a hint of humor in his tone

        I turned my head to the side, about to speak when a leg touched mine under the table. I raised my eyebrows, stare shooting in Jack's direction. I could see the indent on the side o his cheek as he bit it, trying to hide the sly grin on his lips.

        "Yeah, almost funny," I murmured, half in his conversation and half in my own world. His sneaker rubbed the side of mya nkle, stretching up the length of my calf. My hands clenched in my lap, but made no motion to move my feet. I sat under his gaze, tilting my head to the side slightly.

        What was his aim? I couldn't read his expression the same way I could with others. The lustful gaze he was directing at me only told me he wanted to be physical, but the wayhe talked was more emotional that I could handle. He was a guy that had too many thoughts for me to figure out.

        I was torn in a strange way. He was the kind of guy I would see in a club, hook up with and leave almost as fast as I saw him. Just because of the simple fact that he was taken enticed me, and I couldn't stop the urges I had. It hadn't even been a month on tour yet, and I was holding myself back to see exactly what he would be like. Hell, maybe he wouldn't be good at all, and it would be over as soon as it was started. It was the 'what if,' it was the possibilities that I didn't get to venture into because he wasn't available.

        I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my ankle around his calf, tongue running down my lip, covering my smirk with my hand when his eyes went wide in surprise. His thin legs were easy to wrap around, causing the sensation in my stomach that Stephen did. He was something I didn't get yet, something I wanted just because I couldn't have it.

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