Chapter 11: Slut

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        "Everything is shipped to Philly, and when I meet you guys in Pennsylvania, I'll have everything packed into the bus and we'll be all set," Kinsley sighed, leaning into my butterfly chair. I nodded, sitting cross-legged on the top of my black comforter, tapping my pencil against the notebook in my hands.

        I was barely listening when she continued to speak. I was lost in the song I was working on. I could get the chorus right. It was getting so frustrating to me, and there was no way for me to fix it. I thought I was going to have to ditch the entire idea.

        "Are you even listening to me?" I felt the pressure of something soft hit my cheek. A pillow fell into my lap, and my mouth opened, gaping in her direction.

        "Listen bitch, you're the one that came in here when you knew I was working on a song," I answered honestly, putting my hands in the air in surrender. She rolled her bright eyes at me, crossing her arms over her chest. I always noticed how tiny her frame was, how thin her arms were in the t-shirts that hung loosely on her body. I always had curves, and just looking at my best friend made me want to go on a diet.

        "I thought you'd like to know, bitch," she retaliated with eyebrows raised. I shrugged once, looking at her with a small smile.

        "It's probably better to tell your little boyfriend about that one, the whole business deal of this band isn't my thing," I said, referring to Xavier. Kinsley blushed, shaking her head in disbelief. I snorted at her coy reaction, looking back at the sheet music.

        "Speaking of him, I have a lunch date to get to," Kinsley stood, letting out a breath as she did so. I pretended to gag at the thought, seeing her move closer to me from the corner of my eye. She pushed on the side of my head, making me tip slightly, before moving to the door.

        "See you later," I mumbled, eyeing the cluttered paper once again. It was making me angry to try to write this one.

       "Yeah, yeah," she chuckled, opening the door while looking at me. I noticed the way she faltered while walking through the threshold, and I cursed softly when I saw the reason why.

        "Hey Kinsley," Hunter said politely, and I could hear her try to stifle a laugh.

        "Hunter," she continued past him, leaving me to fend for myself with a guy that thought we should date. I'm going to fucking kill her.

        He leaned against the doorway nonchalantly, arms crossed over hischest. My pencil froze in my hand, eyes not leaving him while he smiled at me.

        "It's sort of creepy that you're in my house when no one invited you," I mumbled, biting the inside of my mouth. I didn't want him here, honestly. All we ever did was fight when he got mad that I talked to so many guys, friends or more than that. It just got old and annoying.

        "You leave in two days. I thought maybe I'd stop in and say goodbye," he was trying to be civil, but I could hear the resentment that was permanently dripping from his words. I could see him picturing me with other people, screaming other guy's names instead of his.

        I still didn't understand why he'd ever waste his time when I'm not interested.

        "Goodbye," I said with a fake smile, bearing my teeth obnoxiously before turning my attention elsewhere. I knew I couldn't make the excuse that I needed to do something, neither of my parents were home.

        There was no way out of this unless I physically kick his ass out of my house.

        "Come on, Natalia."

        I wasn't sure why, but hearing him say my full name made me cringe. I looked up again, noticing how he moved closer to the side of the bed. His light hair fell in his bright eyes, watching me carefuly.

        "Come on what? You act like we're dating or something," I said, annoyed. I could see the hurt that caused him, but I needed to get it off my chest. He just didn't seem to care.

        "Just one more time for old time's sake," he said, still inching his way to the side of the bed. I shook my head, waving him off with my hand. I didn't want any part of this, I didn't want to give into him and feel pity after it was through.

        "I'm not a prostitute, Hunter," I gritted my teeth in frustration while he sat next to my hips. He leaned back, face a few inches from mine.

        "I'm not paying you for it," he touched my thigh lightly. "I just want to spend time with you."

        "Why the hell would you want that, anyway? We piss each other off more than we get along, so why the hell are you here? Why the fuck do you keep coming back when I don't want you?"

        His fingers hesitated on my leg while I slapped him in the face with my words. I didn't want to make him upset, he's been in my life for so many yars; I'll always care about him slightly, but he had to get the point. He had to understand that I wasn't looking for the relationship he wanted. I wasn't attracted to him that way. I didn't want to settle down with one person.

        He retracted his hand from my skin, putting space between us by standing up. I felt a small pang of guilt before shaking it off while he shook his head in anger at me.

        "You know you're a bitch, right?" he said darkly, eyes fixing onto mine. I nodded, believing his statement. I wouldn't make up excuses for myself.

        He paused, back towards the door, hands curling into fists. The vein on the side of his neck popped out, red and furious. Sometimes, it was almost funny how we played the opposite of common roles between a boy and a girl. I was the one that didn't care; he was the one that wanted one. I guess there was a lot about me that would be considered uncommon.

        "You're a whore and a slut. I have absolutely no fucking idea why I even waste my time," he huffed, hand falling on the door handle before whipping it open, allowing it to smash against the wall behind it.

        I didn't respond, only letting him walk out of my room. There ws nothing I could do to make him understand what I wanted, an calling him back to argue would only counter-act what I was doing. So, all I could do was run my fingers through my hair and let what he said settle into my stomach, already sure that it wouldn't upset me any further than a small ache.

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن