Chapter 40: Cheerios

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        I was slightly thrown off for the next day or two, the next show almost passing by me in a strange blur. It was never like me to over think things, because I forgot about them almost as soon as they happened. But what Stella was saying stuck in my head, strangely enough, and I couldn't shake the feeling after she told me about Alex.

        While wandering around back stage after the show, I barely noticed anyone around me. I was focused on going to my bus to take a shower, then hopefully come back inside and sit with Kinsley for a while. I felt bad leaving her all alone, and maybe time with her would leave me to sort out my unusual thoughts.

        My skin was moist, and the entire room was humid while I found the exit, making a b-line straight for it.

        It was strange Jess thought Jack and I were dating. I never thought I was leading him on that way, though I knew I had an effect on him similarly to the way he had on me. But it was all the same between each other, at least, that's what I was hoping. It hadn't been the first time anyone's ever questioned my relationships, I was always with Hunter some way or another in high school, whether it be by temporary choice or momentary pity. But this time it just felt so damn different, and it was making me frustrated.

        I pressed on the door handle, greeted by the cool night air, unable to contain the shiver running through my body when the wind kissed the back of my neck, reaching down my spine.

        It was never like me to not know exactly what I wanted, what I was feeling, or anything of the sort. I was always the first person to state herself, and here I was, not even sure what the fuck I was doing anymore. Did I really look like I was dating Jack? There is no damn way, no way had someone caught onto that.

        The only noise I could comprehend was the busy highway just behind the parking lot, the small buzzing of the street lights overhead, and my wedges clicking against the ground with each swift step. Everything seemed to echo in my damn head, it was driving me insane.

        It seemed clear to me that it was lust that pushed us together. It wasn't the want of his presence, and it wasn't his goody little smile and busy eyebrows wiggling whenever he made some sexual reference towards me. What the hell was everyone else seeing when I wasn't.

        Just as I neared the bus, and reached for the door, a hand snaked around the front of my waist. I didn't have to be a psychic to know whose mouth pressed to the back of my neck that way, but I wasn't sure if I wanted it right then.

        "Always in such a rush to shower and see me," his lisp was audible in the night breeze, a confident tone clear and bold while his fingers brushed against the front of my stomach. I let out a deep breath, trying to pull myself away from him.

        "I'm tired Jack, let me go," I muttered quietly, placing my hands on top of his to pry it off of my torso. He was reluctant, long arms freezing around me. I could almost feel the confusion radiating off of him.

        "Who pissed in your cheerios?" he questioned, voice completely serious. I rolled my eyes, stumling out of his grip when it let up just enough for me to pull away. I caught myself on the side of the bus, right next to the door.

        I leaned my foreehad against the cool metal, unable to figure out exactly what was bothering me. I absoltely hated not knowing what it was that had me this way. Unless it was the morning, I was always in a decent mood. I never let things bother me as much as this did, and I couldn't even confront my problems because I still wasn't even sure what the hell had me so upset.

        "What's wrong, Nat?" he asked quietly.

        I could see him lean against the bus next to my side, body positioned towards me, arms crossed over his chest with his shoulder holding him up against the large automobile. It was almost hard to see him in the lack of light, but there was still a reflection over his eyes, which were casted on me.

        "I'm not entirely sure," I said, letting out another defeated breath. I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my cheeks. I wanted my brain to shut up for a fucking second. All of the thoughts running around were enough to make me go crazy.

        "Anything I can do to help you fix it?" he asked, fingers curling to my belt loop as they always did. The small tug made me fall involuntarily into his side, holding me up while I slumped, still annoyed. "Or help you forget about?"

        His breath tickled my gage while he whispered in my ear, creating a small warm spot on the side of my face. My hands curled into fists, finally finding myself meetin ghis gaze.

        "What am I to you?" I asked curiously, not quite sure where it came from.

        His dark hair was pushed perfectly to the side of his head, flipping it from his dark eyes while he grinned at me, t-shirt hanging from his thin frame.

        "I don't know, you're just Natalia," he said simply, unable to find another word.

        "What are you expecting between the two of us?" I asked again, letting the uncensored inquiries fly from my mouth. I bit down on both of my lips tightly, not wanting to say something else that was completely and utterly stupid.

        Where the hell was I thinking of these things? None of those thoughts even passed my mind and here I was, asking him about something I didn't even care about. What the fuck was wrong with me?

        He paused, thick eyebrows coming together in confusion once again. "Where is all this coming from?"

        "Just answer me."

        My tone was quicker than normal, and I was sure I was finally losing my marbles. This tour was making me sick, I was one-hundred percent sick and no longer myself because of it. It had to be common among new bands that are touring for the first time, they go absolutely insane right past the halfway point. That had to be the reason, because I didn't have any other excuse for why I was acting like such a lunatic.

        "We're having a good time, I don't expect anything really," he said hesitantly, like he wasn't sure how he wanted to put it, ot even if it was what he wanted to say. But his smile grew before he added. "I mean, besides a quickie before the show or something."

        I licked my bottom lip, nibbling on the side lightly. I wasn't sure what answer I was looking for, but by the relief I felt in my chest, that seemed to be the right one. Maybe my head was just telling me Jack was getting the wrong idea like everyone else. Maybe I was just over-thinking what Stella said and what Jack and I had was good enough, because I was sure to never find someone to settle down with.

        His fingers found the bottom of my chin, angling my face to his before capturing my mouth on his firmly. I let out a breath against his lips, turning my body to reach for his shirt, the same burning sensation and aching feeling I felt every day before. I leaned my body against his, attempting to pull him closer while he let out a small chuckle.

        My mouth finally twitched up, and I realized I was smirking like I always did. I felt my body and mind returned to normal while Jack pulled on my hand towards his bus when our mouths fell apart, allowing me to forget what was bugging me so much, because I didn't want to care about that frustration anyway.

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