Chapter 59: Camera

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        “He’s going to punch me!” Maverick hissed lowly in the threshold of Xavier’s door, half of his body engulfed by the pitch black room. Porter shoved his shoulder, trying to give him the metaphorical and literal push he needed to continue in the room.

        “Come on, Mav. He isn’t going to do anything to you,” I whispered casually with a smile on my face.

        I had one of the small flip cameras in my fingers, dangling it in front of me while I watched his face through the screen. I woke up in a decent mood, even with the recent string of events happening in my life. It wasn’t long after going through my half-unpacked suitcase did I find the cameras Lauren sent us, and knew exactly what I wanted to do to put it to good use.

        But just because I thought it was a good idea didn’t mean Zave was going to enjoy Maverick’s early morning visit into his bedroom.

        “See, I know you’re lying when you grin like that!” He squeaked, pointing his finger accusingly at me.

        “Dude, stop being such a pussy and go!” Porter growled under his breath, hand gripping the back of Mav’s black shirt and shoving him into the room.

        It was a swift movement, but still had him stumbling and tripping over the rug. He reached for the handle, pulling it shut with a small thud. It was only a moment later when there was pounding on the door from the other side, Maverick begging us to let him out.

        I couldn’t contain my laughter, hand falling over my mouth and camera shaking while I rumbled with laughter. Porter chuckled lightly, gripping the knob tightly and leaning his weight opposite of the door to contain Maverick.        

        “What the fuck are you doing?” Xavier finally roared, gaining more hysterics from me and Porter.

        “I didn’t do it, it was them, I swear!” Maverick was begging. Xavier wasn’t much taller than Mav, and wasn’t any bigger in muscle, but there was something about the leader of the group that terrified him.

        “I don’t give a fuck who did it, get the hell out!” he shouted, sure to wake up anyone within a mile. There was a loud tussle, obvious by the shuffling and crashing of objects.

        “Oh come on, Zave, don’t be such a priss,” I said, motioning for Porter to let go of his hold on the door.

        When I pushed on the wood, it fell open easily, revealing Zave holding Maverick in a headlock at the foot of his bed. I coughed out a laugh, eyeing Zave’s attire of boxers, a t-shirt, and jungle like hair pressed to his head.

        “If you guys weren’t so annoying in the morn…” he started, looking from the top of Maverick’s head to meet my gaze, faltering at the sight of the small camera in my hand. “Are you recording this?”

        “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I said, unable to contain my laugher.        

        “You guys are bitches,” Xavier sighed deeply, grip letting up on Maverick’s head. He gasped loudly, crawling from the bed and towards the door where I followed him with the camera.

        “We have to get ready to go to the studio, asshole,” Porter laughed, leaning against the doorway. Xavier collapsed against his pillows again.

        “Is it opposite day? Porter’s always the last one up,” I amused, flipping on his lights. He groaned loudly, swearing into his blankets.

        I took the opportunity to jump on his queen size mattress, camera and all. I saw the picture move across the screen in a blur before burying farther into his white sheets. I rolled over, back pressing to the top of his legs up to his waist. He grunted with the weight, squirming underneath me.        

        “I really, really hate you Nat,” he said through his teeth. I held up the camera, angling it to be on the back of his head.

        “Aren’t you excited for the studio today?” I asked incredulously.

        Regardless of what was happening with Jack, I couldn’t stop the excitement in my stomach from the idea of recording. It was the most important thing to me, and I was happy to be able to have to the chance to do it.

        “Me? You’re the one with all the lyrics to work on,” he said in monotone.

        “I’m not the only one in this band with a brain,” I commented with a yawn.

        “Well, you can’t count on Maverick or Porter, and I have no creative writing ability.”

        “I heard that, you douche bag!” Maverick said confidently from the other room, comfortable with the space between the two of them to stand up for himself.

        “Alright, time to get ready,” Xavier muttered, almost to himself as motivation.

        He shifted under me, legs disappearing from my back while he stood. I fell to his sheets lightly, letting out a breath and focusing on the shot of the camera on my face once again.

        “Well, I don’t even know what’s going to happen today, so I guess there isn’t too much to say to you,” I said to the recorder. “Well, hope you guys have a great day!”

        I turned off the camera, letting it fall to my side without a thought. I wasn’t sure what to think of today, or if it was going to be anything like I was making it out to be in my mind. All I knew was I had to focus on only the music, even if the attention of the familiar guitarist was enough to drive me insane.

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