Chapter 76: Say No

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        I was woken up the next morning by Jack's voice saying my name softly, dragging out the syllables, his breath blowing warm air across my ear. I heard him laugh as I groaned, rolling onto my side while trying to move away from him on the bed, scoting towards the edge of the mattress. His hand reached out above the sheets, his arm wrapping around my waist, while his hand landed on my stomach to pull my body back to his, despite my poor attempts at protesting.

        "Fuck, leave me alone," I grumbled, lazily trying to pull his hand from me, but still being mostly asleep, I was barely able to move it. I gave up, annoyed at Jack's laughing at my small attempt to fall back to sleep.

        "Somebody celebrated their birthday a little too hard last night," Jack chuckled, amusement dropping from his tone as he shifted beside me. I moaned, turning my head into the pillow, twisting myself so I was lying on my stomach now. I could feel the headache starting to form already, and Jack was walking a thin line by trying to wake me up.

        "Seriously, go away, I'm fucking tired," I groaned, hoping he'd leave me alone, but instead I felt his hand run through my hair, pulling the tangled mess away from my neck. His mouth pressed to my soulder blade that was exposed by my tank top, the back of my neck and the space behind my ear. I could fel that his lips were pulled into a smile.

        "Come on, Love," he whispered again, his breath blowing gently across my skin. I really hated his persistence sometimes.        

        "I fucking said no," I exclaimed into the pillow, my words coming out muffled and barely understandable, which only created another short laugh from Jack. His amusement from trying to wake me up was only making things worse.

        "You need to wake up," he whispered.

        "Okay, clearly you don't know what go away means," I muttered angirly, still talking half into the pillow. I turned my face away from the pillow and finally blinked my eyes open slowly, looking up and out of the corner of my eyes finding Jack's eyes on a few inches from mine, a gleam in his iris's that matched the smirk on his mouth. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut from the daylight coming through the windows. "What time is it?"

        "Shortly after eleven," Jack answered first, and then continued, "but, I have to head out soon. I didn't know if you wanted to grab a cab or if you wanted me to bring you to your apartment." Jack said, ignoring my sour attitude from being woken up and from the headache that had quickly formed, making it feel like something was pounding against my skull.

        "Where are you going?" I asked through a long yawn, rubbing at my eyes, slowly waking up. Jack moved away from me, sitting on the edge of the bed. I pushed myself up slowly, combing through my hair with my fingers as I looked at him. I stretched my arms as he reached behind him, taking something from the stand and handing them to me when he turned around. In his hand was a small glass of water and two Advil pills. I took them willingly, swallowing the medicine whlie Jack spoke.

        "I'm going to Rian's with Alex and Zack because Stella wanted to go look for bridesmaid's dresses or whatever so he's kidnapping Lauren and apparently you and Kinsley to help her. She was going to pick you guys up after she gets Kara from the airport." Jack told me, watching as my expression shifted from confused to surprised.

        "What? Why do I have to go?" I asked, turning to set the water on the table before facing Jack again.

        "You helped her with that center piece thing, so you're some kind of hero now," he shrugged. "I don't know, she probably wants another opinion besides Lauren and Kara. I really don't know anything except that I'm surprised Alex hasn't lost his mind or something by this point, because she's so uptight about everything," Jack chuckled.

        "Alright, whatever," I mumbled, nodding slightly. "Wait, who's Kara?" He'd said the name before, but I couldn't remember meeting or seeing anyone named Kara.

        "Oh, Kara is Rian's ex-girlfriend from Maryland. They were like Stella and Alex, together all the time in high school, but she went to college with Stella and we were touring and things ended. They're 'friends' I guess, but we all think they're waiting for the right moment to hop into bed again."

        "But I thought Rian was dating Cassadee?"

        "They were," Jack said. "They actually broke up a few days ago, the whole distance thing or whatever. Stella loves Cass, but she's so excited now because she thinks Rian and Kara are going to end up back together before the wedding, which would be so amazing because Rian's a best man and Kara's a bridesmaid and it would fit so perfectly," Jack mocked, his voice rising a few octaves in an attempt to sound like a girl. I laughed at the sound of his voice, rolling my eyes as well.

        "Nice," I muttered with a laugh.

        "I thought girls were supposed to know all the latest gossip and that kind of shit. You know absolutely nothing," Jack joked, grinning at me. I reached out quickly and hit him, my fist hitting his arm before I pulled away. Jack's hand wrapped around mine first, tugging at m arm so I moved forward on the bed, falling towards him.

        I landed half on his chest, smiling as he turned, rolling so his body was hovering ove rmine, our feet hanging off the side of the bed.

        "It's too early for me to care," I responded. "Especially because I'm hungover and I'm in desperate need of coffee." I ran my hands up the length of Jack's arm, fingernails scratching his skin lightly, enjoying the bumps that rose on his skin.

        "Well, let's get you some coffee then. You've got a nice, long day ahead of you," he grinned. I scowled at him as he started to pull away, but I wraped my fingers around his bicep, the other trailing around his shirt.

        "We could always just stay here," I suggested, dragging my nails lightly up Jack's stomach to his chest. I felt his muscles clench slightly under my touch, creating a huge grin on my face. "You know, just relax before we go back to spending all day in the studio tomorrow."

        "It's really fucking hard to say no to that," Jack mumbled, leaning his down to move his mouth against my throat, his teeth grazed my skin a few times.

        "But, if you're not with Stella, I'll be the one getting the earful," he added, pulling away with a wicked grin. "So, let's go get coffee and I'll take you back to your place."

        He stood up, still grinning widely at me as he held out his hand and I lifted my torso, holding myself up my by elbows, giving him an incredulous look. He beamed, teeth showing perfectly through his wide smile.

       "Looks like you're not the only one who can say no, Love."

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