Chapter 62: Couldn't Stand

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        "And you just made him leave?" Kinsley's tone though the receiver of my phone was shocked, appalled, and overall annoying as hell. "Is that some kind of fucking joke?"

        I let out a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair while hitting the elevator to head down to the lobby of the hotel. The doors shut in front of me, leaving me in the secluded space with instrumental music flowing from the speakers above my head.

        "Oh yeah, April fucking fools, Kins, you caught me," I muttered sarcastically into my phone, switching hands and ears while adjusting my purse on my arm. I could see the broken reflection of my body in the golden doors.

        I hadn't gone to the studio with the guys that morning, or the one before. Matt thought maybe if I got more sleep, I'd be more apt to getting the song done. I was using it as the perfect excuse to not deal with anyone from my band, or the band that never seemed to go away.

        I wasn't sure how I ended up on the phone with Kinsley that morning. I wasn't even sure how much Xavier knew from that get together, or how much he was able to tell her, but when I answered her third call, she was running her mouth, asking a million questions.

        "Why would you do that?" she groaned through her words, I could almost picture her expression. "The poor kid is like, head over heels in love with you and you're so fucking stubborn."

        I wasn't even sure why I told her anything. It was probably because she was my best friend and the only person in the entire world that had never made me speak when I didn't want to. She always had this way of getting information out of me, even if it was like pulling teeth.

        "No one is in love with anyone, so slow your roll," I said while the elevator stopped, opening the threshold to show me the lobby. I walked out quickly, giving some of my new neighbors small smile with the phone still attached to my ear.

        I was greeted by a blast of hot, humid California air while I exited the building through the large glass doors. I pulled at the loose hair at my neck, almost wishing for the winter weather I hated.

        "Nat, we both know what kind of guy he is. He isn't like Hunter. He doesn't wait around for a girl that won't give him the time of day. He could be sleepng with a blonde, ex-Playboy bunny for Christ's sake. He has to want something more than a two month relationship with you!" 

        "Oh, come on Kins," I sighed, turning down a familiar sidewalk. I need to cool off. "It's all about the chase, that's all it ever will be about."

        "If it were about the chase, you guys would have been done the first time you slept together," she pointed out annoyingly, a confident tone in her voice. "This guy really -- and I mrean, really, fucking likes you."

        "Yeah, whatever," I huffed, tugging at my white tanktop. "I'm still pissed I ever let it happen. Maverick's going to get a swift kick to the groin next time we're alone."

        "Well, i'd usually agree with you," she trailed off in thought before continuing, "but did it help you come up with more lyrics for the songs?"

        I bit the inside of my mouth, squinting up into the LA sun. It was so damn warm, warmer than I had ever felt before. The palm trees swayed slightly with the minimal wind, cars rushing by in colorful blurs. I felt dizzy, almost.

        "That's not the point," I muttered quietly, brushing past the few workers and tourists who were talking too long to move up the walkway.

        "I knew it would help!" she exclaimed proudly.

        "Fuck off," I whispered, almost to myself. It was obvious she heard though. She was scoffing on the other end of the conversation, informed me beforeshe questioned the lyrics, wondering if she could hear them.

        "Come on, just a little bit. Zave said it was really good," she was buttering me up, but I wasn't going to budge. "I won't tell anyone about it, I swear!"

        "No, because you just said not even a second ago that Mav didn't deserve to get beaten up," I said while walking into an intersection, hitting the walk button and waiting impatiently.

        "I take it back, you can hit all you want!" I could hear the sarcasm dripping in her words.

        I smiled, almost to myself. Even if I was completely pissed off, I'd spent much of my night sitting in my room, away from everyone and working ona few more pieces of the song. It wasn't much, and it wasn't sure Matt or the guys would even like it, but I was happy with what I created.

        "Nah, Zave will have to tell you sometime if he feels like it," I taunted, happily turning the tables away form me and onto her.


        I grinned to myself, letting out a small laugh before heading across the intersection and in the direction of a memorable building where I'd been spending my past week and the rest of my summer.

        "I gotta go, almost at the studio," I said easily, listening to her farewell and hitting the end button swifty. I tucked my phone into the elastic of my running shorts and pressed forward, towards the studio, where I knew my new lyrics would be appraised and torn apart all at once.

        She never believed in love
        She never believed at all
        His burning kisses were enough
        Enough to make her stall
        She hesitated, fingers curling to his shirt        
        She couldn't bring herself to do it
        Even if it stopped the hurt
        She craved him, every inch of skin
        But with shaking hands, she pushed him away
        She couldn't let it show

        The only thing I was really praying for was for Jack not to be there. I couldn't stand the thought of his face when he got to listen to the song that was meant for him.

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