Chapter 4: Right On

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        "You're the god damned woman, aren't you supposed to know how to cook?" Maverick complained while I read the directions on the side of the pancake box. I glared at him from across the room.

        I never really cooked, not often anyways. It was especially difficult in a hotel room where I have nothing to work with. We bought a plasti cbowl from the grocery store we went to because we didn't have anything to put it in. I was trying to make due and Maverick always did a great job of pissing me off.

        "And you're a guy and can't get it in, so kiss my ass," I snapped at him, bringing up one of Zave's least favorite conversations. I heard him groan from the couch, putting a pillow over his face.

        "You guys are not going to have the sex fight again. It's nine in the fucking morning!" He hissed, muffled through the fabric covering his mouth. I smiled to myself, chuckling softly. Maverick's eyes lit up, he always loved to push Xavier's buttons. He opened his mouth to make a comment about my sex life but was cut off by knocking at the door.

        "Behave," Zave barked out from under the pillow, long finer pointed at Maverick, whose mouth fell open in shock. Porter laughed from the small seat he'd fixed himself in, texting Brianna most likely. I couldn't imagine being that attached to someone. It almost made me want to throw up.

        I put down the box, walking the few feet to the door to unlock the latch and pull it open. Lauren was standing with a smile hidden under her dark sunglasses. I grinned back, moving to the side to let her in. Lauren was about my only savior until we headed back home to pack our things and fly to Philadelphia for the start of tour.

        "Lauren's here," I called out, letting the door close behind her. Maverick popped up from the cushions, smiling happily. Zave offered an extremely enthusiastic wave that barely reached over the top of the couch for her to see.

        "Hi Lauren," Porter said, tucking his phone into the front pocket of his jeans. Oh, now he puts it away.

        "Hey guys, I just wanted to go over a few things to make sure everyone was set for when you leave in three days," she said holding her day-planner and binder in hand. I nodded, motioning for her to join the three hooligans sitting on the couch.

        "I suggest sitting next to Zave, he's the only one what won't bite," I joked, wiping my hands on my jeans. She rolled her eyes and smiled before proceeding to listen to my advice and park it at the end of the couch as Xavier sat up comfortably. I followed behind her, flopping onto the couch next to Maverick before draping my legs over his lap. He didn't do anything but sink further into the couch, hands sitting on top of my knees comfortably.

        "Okay, so these next few days are going pretty packed. The guys want you to get out there before we take off in a few weeks. Almost no one knows about The Lovely Broken being on tour yet, so we have some interview set up with Buzznet, Alternative Press, and a couple popular Youtube names. Tomorrow we have some time to get to know the producers, and you guys have an early flight the third day, so you really don't have too much to worry about then."

        She opened her organizers, pulling out a pen that she had tucked into the notebook. She clicked it, tearing out a page of paper while jotting down some information neatly on the lines.

        "We'll be doing everything at the Hopeless' building, and it starts at 11:30 sharp, both days," she underlined, glancing towards Porter who winced at the time. I think she realized in her time with us in Boston that Porter was one that refused to actually be human until noon, even if he was awake.

        "Just the generic interview, right?" Zave asked, running a hand through his hair. She glanced over at home with a nod and a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear.

        "Nothing too challenging, you're just going to be sick of the same questions by the last interview at five," she mumbled quietly, hoping that none of us would catch the last part of her statement. Maverick groaned loudly, head falling limp to the couch.

        "Five?" he complained. I wanted to moan myself, knowing how he can get if he's kept in a small space for too long. Lauren let out a small laugh, shrugging.

        "You guys will have breaks. Zack, Jack, Alex and Rian will be there most of the time, getting to know you before you leave," She tried to offer some kind of positive. She paused for a moment when she realized she got no such response. "You guys get free food all day long, too."

        "Thank you Jesus!" Maverick exclaimed, sitting up again to listen. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his dramatics, flicking his ear when he looked the other way. He shook his head immediately after, eyes meeting mine before his grip on my knee tightened.

        "Don't you dare," I said darkly. He knew how much I hated when he pinched my knees. All he did was give me a knowing smile, grasp growing firmer. I latched my hand on his, nails digging into the skin when he screeched instantly.

        "You tramp, that's cheating," he protested, pulling away his knuckles to rub them. I retracted my legs from his lap, shrugging with the same smile he had moments before.

        "That's not cheating. It's the same way I can piss standing up and you can't, just becaue you can't do it doesn't mean anything," Porter joined in, and I was almost surprised at such an early time of the morning.

        "Just because you don't have a dick and nails, doesn't mean that you can lash out and claim cheating, it's just not right," I sighed dramatically, patting his shoulder with my hand. He glared at both of us, crossing his arms over his chest as he retreate back into his seat.

        "Lauren, you can shoot me in the face now if you'd like," Zave stated in a monotone voice, resting his elbow on his knees with his chin in his hand. He glanced around at us, shaking his head. Even if he acted like this, I knew he really cared about us. He wouldn't be here if he didn't want to be.

        "You guys are charming in a sick and twisted kind of way," she said with a small half-smile. "Don't forget that in the interiews. I think you guys could attract a lot of attention with the way you guys talk to each other."

        "You think we have a shot at this?" I asked curious. I knew that we could do it. I had all the faith in us in the world. I was always interested to see what other people thought, what went through their minds when they formed an impression of us.

        She looked around the room, meeting all our eyes for a short moment. "I think there's a really great chance that you guys will kick some serious ass in the Alternative Music Industry. You're going to be giving people a run for their damn money," she said, surpring us with her language. She seemed so innocent.

        "Right on," Zave smiled, offering her a knuckle bump. Her grin grew, hand brushing Xavier's before turning back to our hectic schedule for the two days ahead.

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