Chapter 21: Nothing

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        Our breakfast ended, and after leaving money for the bill and a fairly good sized tip, considering our waitress had been a little star-struck after first walking to the table, we stood up, chairs scraping on the floor, earning us the eyes of the people around us. We couldn't hang around, seeing as most of the other busses were still on the road, miles ahead of us now, and we still had a few hours left before we reached North Carolina. It was hard to believe we'd only just started a week ago and we've already played five shows. After moving from Philadelphia for the opening, to Sayreville, New Jersey for the next two shoes, back to Philadelphia and then down to Washington DC, it seemed to be much shorter, but much longer than a week.

        The amount of things we'd done int he last week made time fly quicker. Between shows and meeting with people afterwards, catching a few short interviews and spending time with the other bands during any time off, it was as if this entire week turned into a day, and everything just kept rolling toether. At the same time, the short weeks had created a fast friendship between the Lovely Broken and the rest of the bands, the quick kind of relationship where you were comfortable to have people think you'd known them for longer than a few days.

        Everything had changed so quickly, but I wasn't complaining.

        We all filed out of the restaurant, Stella, Casadee, and the guys veering left towards their bus, while I headed straight for our bus, where my friends were probably still fast asleep.

        I couldn't help take note of it, when I glance over at the group, how Stella leaned into Alex's side when they walked, their fingers twisted together between them. Rian and Cassadee were walking in a similar way, except there was a little space between their bodies. It was just like Kinsley and Xavier, who I had to deal with more often than I'd liked to.

        This morning, for example, when I'd stood by the bunks to ask everybody if they wanted to come out, I pulled back the curtain of Xavier's bunk, to meet his eyes as I spoke to him. I wasn't surprised to see him looking at me from around Kinsley's head, which was laying beside him, stomach to stomach in the small space, her head resting underneath his chin. I'd pointed my finger down my throat, pretending to gag before smirking at him as he reached up to pull the curtain back. After that, I'd left, knowing there was no shot of me waking up Maverick or Porter.

        Going back onto the bus now, I decided I'd wake them up if they weren't up yet.

        I stepped onto the bus, meeting my driver who was leaning back in the seat, reading a newspaper. He smiled at me, nodding in a greeting as he folded up the paper, shifting in his seat as he readied the bus to follow behind All Time Low's bus. I moved back to the bunks after seeing that the other areas were deserted. I banged against the walls on either side of me, pulling back the curtain of Xavier's bunk.

        "Rise and shine, beautiful," I grinned, noting that Kinsley was no longer with him. I turned my hea to the door of our bathroom opening; Kinsley trudging out, blonde hair falling helplessly out of a bun.

        "Aren't you just a ray of sunshine," I smiled at her, watching her eyes narrow as she moved slowly past me, twoards the tiny seating area and the small amount of food we had.

        "Why are you waking me up? Again?" Xavier groaned, rolling away from me.

        "Because, I'm up, so, you're getting up," I said simply, pulling his curtain back all the way. I knelt down and pulled the curtain of the bunk below him, eyes turning down to the back of Maverick' shead. I smield to myself, one hand gripping the wall to hld myself up, the other reaching forward to flick the back of Maverick's head. I watched him flinch and shift slightly.

        "What the fuck?" He grumbled, rolling over. He squinted at me through one eye, staring blankly for a moment before closing them again. "Go away, Nat," he muttered, rolling onto his stomach.

        "Nope, you're waking up."

        Maverick's hand reached out blindly and lazily, moving around before coming in contact with my knee. He pushed against my leg, pretty hard for someone who was barely functioning, and I tipped backwards, landing on my butt.

        "Asshole," I muttered, kicking him gently with my foot. I watched, amuzed as he pulled his curtain back, disappearing from my vision before muttering something like, "Leave me the hell alone."

        I laughed, twisting my body around to face Porter's bunk. I pulled his curtain back noisily, seeing that his eyes were already open, fixed on the ceiling of his bunk. He glanced at me, looking annoyed.

        "I guess I already woke you up," I chuckled, and he rolled his eyes before looking back upwards.

        "Yeah, thanks for that," he grumbled. "Where are we?"

        "Still in Virginia, we have a few hours to go. We just got back in from breakfast," I answered, crossing my legs, facing Porter in the small space.

        "Bitch," I heard Maverick mumble from behind me. "You're waking us up for no fucking reason?" I laughed, smiling as Porter shook his head.

        "You know, you'll pay for this later," Kinsley said to my left. I turned to her, seeing her sitting in one of the chairs at the table, her body twisted towards me. I just shrugged, pushing myself off the ground as Porter disappeared behind his curtain again.

        "Eh," I smiled, dropping into the seat across from her, watching as she turned to me, her hands gripping a small bowl of cereal in front of her.

        "You really should have come out to eat with us," I said, as I looked down at the bowl, and then up at her face. I couldn't stand eating cereal for breakfast. I needed something hot and cooked, even if it was just a pop tart or something.

        "You guys shouldn't have gotten up so early if you wanted us to come with you," she sighed, lifting a spoonful of cereal into her mouth as she watched me carefully. The spoon hovered right above her mouth, her eyebrows knitting together. "You have something to tell me," she said, before tipping the cereal into her mouth.

        "No," I said quickly. "It's nothing."

        "You sure about that?" Kinsley questioned. I nodded quickly, knowing that whatever Stella had seen in Jack at breakfastw as nothing to be worried about. It wasn't bothering me, and Kinsley would probably just make it into something bigger than I wanted.

        "Yeah, it's nothing."

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