Chapter 16: Challenge

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        It was amazing how quickly Jack's one sentance changed everything. He disappeared from my side at Alex's call, something about starting a game of Six Cup, and I was now standing in front of Cassadee and Jess. They both had greeted me easily with hugs, seeming more exited than I thought they'd be at meeting me. I knew I wasn't anythign special, not at this point anyway, but they were still enthusiastic as they stood side by side before me. One of the first things Jess said was that it was always better when another girl joined the tour because most of the time the guys outnumbered the girls. She didn't sounded as if she truely minded the difference in gender. I imagined her and Cassadee both loved the guys in the bands as much as I loved my boys, but I could see why having girls around didn't hurt.

        I realized quickly that it was a lot easier to feel included than I'd imagined. I had yet to really meet most of the people here, but I didn't think it'd take long. In the short time I had been talking to cassadee and Jess, Stephen and John from The Summer Set had swung by, giving an introduction and hovered for a few minutes before moving to a different section of our large tent.

        I watched them move away, heading for two guys from Yellowcard and a few guys who must've been backstage crew because I didn't recognize them. There were groups of people everywhere, talking over other groups and the music that played through the speakers.

        Maverick and Porter were sitting in lawn chairs, talking with Brian and a girl I didn't recognize. Xavier, Kinsley, Lauren and Zack were standing somewhere else, the most obvious couples here. With everybody holding plastic cups or some kind of alcoholic beverage, dressed in jeans and t-shirts, it looked like a high school parrty and a group of kids who didn't care what they looked like or what they sounded like because they were with other people that didn't care.        

        I had a feeling, already, that I would miss this tour when it was over, even though it had just started.

        My eyes shifted back to the two girls in front of me, Cassadee saying something that I'd missed while gazing aound me. She was gesturing behind me to my right, so I turned around, assuming she was pointing to Alex, Jack, Rian and a few other people I couldn't name, crowded around a rickety table. Jack and Alex were standing at one end, plastic cups arranged in triangles in front of them. A small ping pong ball flew across Jack's side of the table, landing in the cups. Jack's arms flew in the air, crying out something as Alex aimed for his shot.

        "The two of them are the most competitive people when it comes to that game," a different voice said from behind me. I turned, seeing that Alex's fiancé had appeared beside Cassadee. She rolled her eyes before they turned to mine, her smile wide.

        "Hi Nat," she smiled warmly, hands resting in the pockets of an oversized sweatshirt, one clearly belonging to Alex. "Having fun yet?"

        I laughed lightly, bobbing my head. "These guys really know how to throw a party," I chuckled, fingers twisting at my water bottle. I hadn't decided if, or how much, I was going to drink tonight, feeling jittery about wanting everything to go perfectly tomorrow. Maybe that should be my reason to drink something, to forget about the nerves that were taking over my stomach.        

        I tipped the open bottle against my lips, taking a sip as a cry came from behind me. I lowered the bottle, my eyes turning to the table again. Jack was doing some ridiculous dance, shouting something at Alex. Everybody watched as he picked up a ball and chucked it at Jack, his aim making it collide with his head. Jack stopped, scooped the ball off of the ground, and threw it back. Alex laughed as the ball flew past him and hit the bus. Alex went to throw it back when someone chimed in, telling them to cut the shit so they didn't lose all the balls. Alex dropped the ball on the table, flipping Jack off instead.

        "Who else wants to play?" Jack screamed out, turning in circles towards the people that stood around them.

        I twisted off the cap on my water bottle, saying a soft excuse me to the girls before making my way towards the group of guys surrounding the table, smirking slightly at the feeling of a challenge in my gut.

        "Would you object to playing a girl?" I asked loudly, stepping a foot or two closer to Jack, hands on my hips daringly. He turned to me, eyebrows raised with a smirk on his lips.

        "Not at all," he grinned, hlding his arms out in the direction of the other end of the table, where Alex had previously been standing. I started walking, feeling my lips turn into a smile, when Jack added something else, "As long as you're up for losing," he said confidently, making me stop in my tracks.

        "Please, I should be making sure someone's on the bus to comfort you while you cry after I kick your ass," I smirked, hearing the guys around us oohing and cheering at the challenge.

        "Alright, alright," Jack said, as he started to set up a new triangle in front of him. He threw the ball in my direction and I caught it easily in my right hand.

        "Ladies first," he said, faking courtesy. I felt his eyes watching me carefully as I rolled the ball around in my hand, eyeing the cups set out in front of him. I raised my arm and tossed the ball easily, watching it splash into the back corner cup.

        I felt the smirk on my mouth grew into a wider grin as I held eyes with Jack after he looked up from where the ball landed.

        I could feel all the eyes on us, watching as we watched each other. I would have looked away, except Jack was still holding my gaze, an amuzed expression on his face. It took a moment for the feeling of satisfaction to wear off before I was conscious of everyone watching me perform, especially Jack. I could deal with the eyes of strangers watching me perfrom, because when I was too into the music to care, but knowing these people were watching me, or us, gave me a different feeling.

        I cleared my throat, running my hand through my hair before speaking. "Your turn."

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