Chapter 10: David

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        My voice faded from the speakers while I let out my last note, bowing my head in the smoke and alcohol scented room. The dark, yellow tint made it difficult to see the crowd, unable to make out faces, only silhouettes lining the sides of the floor where I was standing. Cheers erupted in front of me, the best noise I could ever hear. I lifted my head, smiling happily, squinting against the lights radiating from above us.

        I could feel the sweat dripping down my neck, sticking to my thin white t-shirt. It was so hot in this club that i was sure I was going to pass out. My damp hair was curling in its ponytail. The chord of the microphone was wrapped around my forearm, whipping it out of the way as I walked across the stage.

        "You guys are amazing," Xavier laughed incredulously into his microphone, flipping his wet hair form his eyes. I glanced before turning my attention to Porter.

        "Can we hear it one more time?" Porter asked fingers on his bass. Another explosion of voices fell over us like a wave, and I continued to beam across the stage, listening to Maverick beat on his drums as a response to the applause. I laughed, raising through the speakers.

        "Thank you so much Boston! Have a good night!" I yelled into the microphone, looking at the lights and putting my hand in the air before they faded and we were lost in a sea of darkness. The cheers continued, and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as we listened to the sensation and vibe we created in only an hour.

        We were greeted by the manager to the side of the stage while we exited with our equipment, watching her smile happily. We returned the gesture, pausing in front of her while she gushed about how amazing we sounded, and to thank us so much for performing.

        "You guys are welcome to stay as long as you'd like, fantastic job," she said while fixing her glasses on her nose before disappearing through the hallway that led to the hectic night life that was fixed in this club opening.

        "We have to load the van," Xavier sighed, looking at Porter and Maverick with knowing eyes. It was always like them to bail on putting their equipment in the back of the truck. I laughed at the expressions etched in their faces, groaning loudly.

        "Fine, let's go," Porter said reluctantly, lifting his bass from around his neck and into his hand.

        "I'm going to go find Kins," I said lamely, gaining an eye roll from the boys as they walked back towards the stage for their things.

        "Sure you are, have fun," Mav scrunched up his nose, turning away from me without another glance. I laughed again, shrugging and heading out into the madness of the large space.

        It was packed with adults, including some that were in their thirties and some that were in college. I sometimes wondered how college was, what it was like to go out with roommates and get completely smashed. On nights like this, it wasn't something I pondered. I loved where I was right then and there.

        I brushed past groups of people, giving smal, half-smiles when I pushed my way through. I saw the bar in the far right corner, almost calling my name. There was a halo of light around it, and I was greedy for any kind of drink. My throat was burning for something, even after the two bottles of water I'd downed in the second half of the show.

        I could smell the sweat and tang of liquor in the air. I reached up for the elastic in my hair, pulling it out as I got closer to the bar. I ran my fingers through my curls, leaning my head back slightly while licking my lips. If I was going to get what I wanted, I had to go all out. People would be amazed at how hard it is to get a bartender to loop past your ID in Boston.

        I was only ten feet away when fingers wrapped around mine, twirling me around. Their hand caught my bare hip, shirt too short to touch the top of my jeans. I smirked at the tall male that was grinning down at me, eyes fixed on mine.

        He was a good looking guy with dark brown, slightly curly hair. His bright blue eyes were lustful, something I was more used to than people would think. My fingers touched his, curling to the shape of them while leaning towards him slowly.

        "Well aren't you a pretty, little thing," he breathed out, his alcohol scented exhale hitting my nose. I ran my tongue over my lip, head tilted to the side. He had to be in his late twenties.

        "I've heard better pick-up lines before, you know," I said teasingly, raising my eyebrows at him. His smile grew, leaning closer to my ear, trying to speak over the music that started up after we finished our set.

        "You were incredible on stage," he tried to say sweetly, but it only gained a laugh from me. Apparently this guy had been out of the game loner than I thought. "Can I buy you a drink?"

        "Now that's more like it," I said slyly, turning away from him to lead him towards the alcohol. His hand found mine through the crowd, trailing behind me. I smiled to myself, knowing I had this guy before he even got to the bar. I was going to get exactly what I wanted.

        In a few minutes I was sitting at the counter waiting for a Mojito, but when it arrived, I gave my new friend a straw a wink before bringing the straw to my lips. His hand found my waist when I leaned against the bar, mouth at my ear again.

        "What's your name, Beautiful?" he asked, hot breath meeting my skin. I pulled my mouth away from the drink, flipping my hair out of the way and putting his lips near my face.

        "Natalia," I said back, smiling while he put his hand on my thigh. He was extremely eager for a guy that seemed to forget how to get a girl's attention. My hand fell over his, keeping his grip in one place.

        "I'm Daniel," he answered without having to ask. I smiled, taking another sip of my drink. I would never remember that, it was always in one ear and out the other.

        "I think we both know neither of us cares about each other's names," I said honestly, looking into his eyes. He only gave me a blank stare, unsure of what to make of the statement. I felt my mouth turn up slightly, another laugh bubbling in my throat. He relaxed at my reaction, thumb rubbing against my jeans.

        "Want to go somewhere a little more private?" he offere against my cheek. I met his light eyes, not seeing the lust fade from his gaze. I bit my lip with a grin, nodding.

        "Lead the way, David."

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