Chapter 29: Next Move

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        I squinted down at my phone, fingers moving quickly across the keyboard as I responded to a message my mom had sent me. She was more or less the only person I texted anymore, seeing as my closest friends were here with me, and I'd never really hung out with anyone besides Kinsley and the guys. I hadn't even heard from Hunter, which left me with a little feeling of surprise, but also relief, hoping that it was because he was taking my advice, and finding someone who wanted him as much as he wanted them.

        After I sent the message, I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my jeans, reaching for the water bottle I had tucked under my arm. I was leaning against the back of our bus, parked at the House of Blues in Las Vegas, waiting as crew members packed things and then waited for All Time Low to close the show before they packed up their set. After that, we were headed to Anaheim, California for our next show, two days from now.

        We would be all the way across the country from home, a place I wouldn't mind being right now. It had taken a few weeks, but I was starting to miss my own bed, my own room and my own private space. I even missed my parents to some extent.

        Sighing, I checked the time on my phone, seeing that the minutes were inching past eleven o'clock. I knew All Time Low would be done any second now, and then it wouldn't be long before we piled into our busses. I knew a lot of the guys wanted to spend the night in Vegas, heading for the stop and staying in a hotel instead of busses, but whether or not that was happening was still up in the air.

        The thought of sleeping in an actual bed and now my small bunk was something I wouldn't pass on, so a large part of me was hopng the bands would unanimously decide to stay here and leave tomorrow. Sleeping on a moving vehicle was something I'd grown used to, but I missed the feeling of sleeping on something stable. Actually, I just missed my own bed.

        I twisted the cap off my bottle, tipping it back against my lips for a moment before lowering it, turning the cap back on lazily, looking to my surroundings. It was a peaceful night, cool so I was comfortable in jeans and a loose sweatshirt, hood pulled up to cover my head, still slightly damp from the shower I'd taken not too long ago.

        The only noise I could here were the crew members moving to my left, and the sound of the crowd exiting the House of Blues, letting me know the concert was over. The sudden voice beside me was another indication.

        "Waiting for me?" Jack's voice floated through my ear, causing me to jump, head turning quickly to face him.

        "Christ! Can you not do that?" I hissed, glaring at him. He grinned at me, teeth looking even whiter in the darkening light. His hair was plastered to his forehead, his shirt sticking around his collarbone from sweat.

        "Sorry," he grinned, standing close to me. I looked up at him, waiting.

        "So, how come you're standing back here by yourself?" Jack asked, shoulder leaning against the bus, body facing mine as two of his fingers curled around my belt loops, tugging softly. I moved involuntarily at the pull, shoudler hitting his chest.

        "Avoiding somebody?" he continued when I didn't answer.

        "Yeah, you," I retorted, looking up at him. His grin didn't falter.

        "Or maybe Stephen? Growing tired of him already?"

        "Don't you wish?" I chuckled, turning slightly so I was facing him more, only a few centimeters away from his body.

        "How long can you string the kid along before you do what's right and stop leading him on?"

        "I don't really think you should be questioning me on doing what's right, Mr. I-Have-A-Girlfriend-But-I-Can-Barely-Keep-My-Dick-In-My-Pants."

        I watched Jack's lips part as he laughed lightly, fingers curling tighter arount my belt lop, pulling me closer with another tug so my chest hit his.

        "You can't say you don't like it," he said quietly, bending down so his head was closer to mine.

        "Mhm, but you know what?" I responded, keeping my voice low and soft. "I think your girlfriend would like it a little more."

        I pulled myself away from him, walking past, my shoulder brushing against his as I went, moving towads the groups of people packing up the rest of the equipment. I noticed Alex standing with Stella, Xavier, Ryan and Cassadee along with a person I couldn't really see. As i neared, the person's face came into view, and I recognized her as Jack's girlfriend. Smiling softly to myself, I glanced at my shoulder, seeing Jack talking to somebody, but his face turned in my direction. I noticed him excuse himself from the person and start making his way over to us.

        I turned, stopping next to Xavier, across from Holly. She stopped talking, eyes dancing to my face.

        "Oh, hi," she said happily, a genuine smile on her face. "You're Natalia, right? I've heard a lot about you. I saw the show tonight. You were great."

        "Thanks," I said, pushing my hands further into my pockets. "I've heard a lot about you too. Jack here can't keep his mind off you," I sad, eyes shining as they met Jack's, who came up beside Holly, eyes on my face. Holly laughed lightly, arm snaking around his waist. I almost felt bad that she had no idea how he acted when he wasn't around.

        Xavier shifted beside me, elbow hitting my shoulder. I glanced, his eyes on my face, giving me a look. I ignored it, turning back to Holly as she spoke again.

        "So, I was just telling you guys that you should stay in town tonight, since you don't have a show tomorrow. That way I could show you around," she stated, eyes glancing towards Jack's face. He looked down at her, his eyes previously on my face. He nodded, giving her a warm smile before both sets of eyes returned to my face.

        "Sounds good to me," I shrugged, holding back at the idea of being around Jack while he was with his girlfriend. It was thet ype of thing I'd been waiting for, to see how he could hold himself together around what he wanted and what he had. By the way he'd been acting, knowing full well his girlfriend was around, told me almost everything I needed to know. What he had might have been standing next to him, thin arm wrapped around his waist, but what he wanted was standing across form him, waiting for him to make the next move.

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now