Chapter 2: Meeting

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        "You need to get laid, Nat. You're always so tense," Maverick said, spinning in the conference chair that he had been scoping out since we've been in this room. There was a long, rectangular table in the center that we were sitting around comfortably.

        We tried to separate Porter and Mav from each other for the time being, knowing how rowdy they can be when too close together. Lauren sat at the head of the table, Maverick and Xavier to her left, and Porter and I to her right. And yet, Mav was still managed to get under my skin even when we were sitting in a room waiting for the band that made this happen.

        "I get more in a week than you do in a year," I smirked, enjoying the challenge now that I was fully awake. We managed to fix our sleeping schedules in the last twenty four hours of being in California. How, I'm not entirely sure.

        Zave rolled his eyes at my comment. I knew he hated it when I spoke about my sex life, or argue with Mav or Porter about it. He was like my older brother, and I'm sure he's still trying to convince himself that I don't know what a condom is.

        "It's all the sexual tension she feels towards you, obviously," Porter said, bending back in his seat and looking at the ceiling. Maverick smield at the thought, the twenty-one year old looking at me with fake, greey eyes. He didn't stop his act when the door opened, revealing a group of males walking into the room.

        "Oh, how well you guessed it? I've been waiting years to tell you that I wanted to jump your bones!" I clutched my chest dramatically, ignoring the other people in the room. I'm not sure why their impression of me doesn't worry me, it' sjust not a fear that I had.

        "You want to go back to the hotel together, and talk about your deep, dark fantasties then?" he wiggled his eyebrows, licking his lips obnoxiously. I oculdn't stop myself from smirking, leaning over the table just slightly.

        "Don't threaten me with a good time, sweetie," I said, focusing on his dark eyes. I only averted my gaze when there was a throaty chuckle, reacting to my comment. It only took me seconds to realize who was standing in the room, who thouht we had enough talent to sign us. All Time Low.

        I remembered hearing their music a few years back. They were a band I followed pretty frequently in high school. For some reason, the moment seemed tos urreal to comprehend.

        "Natalie Rislove, I've heard a lot about you," a man spoke. I glanced at him, taking in his piercings, tattoos, flat-brimmed hat, clipboard and blackberry. He had to be their manager. "I'm Matthew Flyzik."

        "Hi," I said, feeling awkwardly about not having to introduce myself. I guess the boys made themselves famiiar with our band. I stood up as he offered me his hand, reaching out and shaking it firmly.

        "Sorry for the short notice meeting a few days ago, it's the only time all the guys have been in town since they finished promoting their new album," he excused his band, and I shrugged, noticing the way Mav was fidgeting in the corner of my eye.

        "It's fine, we were more than willing to make the time," I said, offering a dazzling smile. If I knew anything, I knew how to keep people's attention with the way I acted, the way I grinned, the way I walked. Sometimes I didn't mean to do it, but other times I did it just to make sure I was leaving an impression that I wanted them to remember.

        "Let's get this fucking meeting started!" A voice boomed from the back of the pack, and when I met their gaze, I knew exactly who it was. It was their rambunctious lead singer. I had a feeling we would get along well because he was reading my mind with that statement.

        Matt rolled his eyes at the comment, moving to a seat at the other end of the table. Zack, their bassist, continued to walk around behind Porter and me without skipping a beat. For a moment, I wasn't sure what he was doing until he strolled past us and to the end of the table.

        His fingers curled around the back of Lauren's chair, leaning her back slightly before pressing his mouth to hers upside down. I raised my eyebrows, glancing at my band as they looked in the same surprise I had. But the rest of All Time Low didn't even flinch or change their expressoins when they saw. I think we were the only ones out of the loop.

        Her cheeks flushed slightly while their lips parted, and he grinned down at her. Before a breath was muttered from our table, someone snapped me out of my gaze.

        "They're dating," a voice whispered i my ear softly. I jumped at the close proximity, glancing to the guitarist to my left. The skunk hair that I remembered looking at on CD covers while in my senior year of high school was gone, replaced with his naturally dark brown locks. I never realized just how large his nose was until it was two inches from my own.

        "I thought maybe our new manager was a hooker, but thanks for clearing it up," I answered back sarcastically, biting the side of my mouth with a smirk. He raised his eyebrows at me, thin lips parted in shock. Guess he wasn't expecting that answer.

        "Oh no, she is, Zack just happens to go for the whole STD thing," He bounced back casually, flipping his hair out of his face with a small twitch of his head. I raised my eyebrows, sitting up in my seat.

        I crossed my legs in my tight, black skirt with a tucked in short-sleeved gray top that hung loosely at my sides. I tried to look nice for the meeting, but all Zave told me when I walked out of the bathroom was that I looked like I was going partying.

        "I'm Natalia," I said, offering my hand confidently. He seemed impress when I didn't cower away from his closeness. He gave me a goofy, little smile before reachign his lanky arm over and placing his large hand around my small one. His fingers were cold, but I didn't flinch away.

        "Jack," he said, sizing me up the way I'd done him. There was this glint in his eyes that I've seen before. He found a challenge in our minute encounter with one another, and I was curious as to what it was.

        "Alright guys," Matt stated at the head of the table. I retracted my fingers from Jack's, resting against my chair as soon as he spoke. Zack settled into his seat next to Maverick, stripping himself of the leather jacket he had covering his arms. God, I forgot how good-looking these boys were, "Time to get down to business."

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