Chapter 70: Fight

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        "You know what?" Jack said quietly, his lips moving right beside my ear. I jumped slightly at the sudden noise and then smiled to myself as his mouth pressed lightly against the skin behind my ear. His arms moved around my sides, hands falling lightly on my thighs, preventing me from turning my chair, the barstool at the kitchen counter in his apartment, to face him.

        "What?" I wondered, my hands moving from the random magazine I'd been flipping through to land on Jack's, fingers curling between his own to move them off my legs.

        "I think we should go out to dinner tonight," he muttered, his breath wam against the back of my neck. I felt myself freeze slightly at his suggestion, eyebrows creasing somewhat as I loosened my fingers from his. I felt him step back, hands leaving my body to let me turn in the stool, facing him.

        "Go out like a date, out?" I questioned, trying to hide the uneasiness in my voice. I knew I looked and sounded unsure about it, but actually, going out on a date was something entirely new to me too. It was like everything a normal girl went through in high school was happening now, while I was in my twenties. I was a little late to the game.

        "Yeah it's another thing couples do, like holding hands. They go to dinner, or a movie, or something." Jack teased me. "Usually the guy pays and then brings the girl home afterwards."

        "Shut up, I know what a date is," I groaned, rolling my eyes. Jack beamed at me, still amused every time a new aspect of our relationship was brought up. He was really getting a kick out of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing, or how to act in this exclusive relationship.

        "So, how about it? I'll take you back to your place, you can put something sexy on, and we'll go out. And maybe, if you're lucky, I'll take you back to my place afterwards," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at me as his arms moved to either side of me, hands resting on the edge of the counter on their side of my body. He stepped closer as he talked, too, making me lean backwards, the middle of my back hitting the pointed edge of the counter.

        "Isn't that a little redundant, considering I'm already here?" I questioned, biting gently at my lip. Jack sighed heavily, dropping his head down to stare at the floor, his fingers tapping against the counte rbehind me. I continued to chew on my lip, watching him.

        "You weren't fucking kidding when you said this wouldn't be easy with you," he mumbled, making my eyebrows crease again as he picked his head up, flipping his hair out of his eyes. "The easiest answer would have been yes," he continued, eyes staring straight into mine. I crossed my arms over my chest, shifting slightly in the seat as I stared steadily back at him.

        "I just don't see the point of going somewhere and then coming back here when we're already here together, alone," I shrugged. "We could just order food or something." Jack pulled his arms around me and they fell heavily to his sides.

        "People in relationships go out, Nat. They do things outside, in public, like go out to dinner. It's been two weeks already and all we've done is go to the studio or you spend the night here. How is that any diffrent then what we were doing before? Relationships aren't built on just fucking around with a person, there's a hell of a lot more than that that has to go into one to make it work," he said easily, and I couldn't help feeling the situation would be reversed into a normal scenario. I should be in Jack's shoes, getting mad at him for not wanting to do much besides hook up, because that's how it usually worked. I guess there wasn't much normalcy to our relationship.

        "Sorry that I have work to do that requires me to spend all day in a freaking studio with people who do almost nothing except piss me off," I snapped. "And you know what, it is different because we're together, actually together. We're not just screwing around anymore. And I know that realtionships are more than just the physical shit, I'm not a total moron. But, what's the big deal about going out? We'd end up here anyway, so why not just stay in? Going out now seems stupid to me." I argued with him, watching as he rolled his eyes in irritation.

        "You are honestly the most stubborn person I've ever me." Jack said crossly. "Would it have been so damn hard for you to say yes and not ask fifty thousand fucking questions?"

        "You're the one who brought it up," I exclaimed, standing up and pointing at him. "You're the one who wanted to go out. I was perfectly fine just staying here with you."

        "And all you had to do was say yes!" Jack responded, eyes widening with his expression, his hands flying up in the air. He leaned his head back, letting out a breath before looking at me. "I can't believe out of all the ridiculous things to fight about, this is what we're arguing about. This is a waste of our time." His voice died down, staring at me with fixed, but calmer eyes. I sighed deeply, rubbing my hands aross my face and through my hair before huffing a laugh, shaking my head. I crossed the space between us, extending my arms to wrap them around Jack's thinf rame. I pressed my body to his, resting my chin on his chest, angling my head back to look up at his face.

        "I told you I suck at this," I said meekly, giving a small smile. "Two weeks isn't that long, I'm still getting used to things. I'm sorry."

        Jack's chest rose and fell beneath me as he gazed down at me, his expression much softer now. His arms wrapped around me, resting on top of my shoulders while his hands met behin dme.

        "I think we've got the petty arguments down pretty damn well. I hear people in relationships do that a lot. Fight, and what not." I added, raising an expectant eyebrow. An entertained smile twitched onto his lip as he leaned down, pressing his lips gently to the tip of my nose. I head myself laugh lightly, nose crinkling as his mouth pulled away from my skin.

        "What?" he asked, an amused tone to his question.

        "That's the kind of annoying couple-y stuff I hate," I said, making a face at him. "It's like holding hands. I don't get why people do it."

        "Hmm," Jack hummed. "There seems to be a lot of things about relationships you hate." I shrugged, grinning.

        "I'll get better as time goes on, and you'll learn too."

        "As long as you're giving me the time, I will gladly learn every odd and random quirk about you." I rolled my eyes at him, pulling my arms from around his torso, resting my hands on his biceps.

        "So, are we staying in or going out?" I asked. Jack responded by moving his arms, his hands finding my waist, pulling me closer before he spoke.

        "What do you want to do?" He asked, staring down at me. I cocked my head to the side, thinking for a moment.

        "I guess we could go out, try something new."

        "Trying something new seems to be a reoccuring theme here," Jack mused, chuckling as he released me so I could step away and grab my bag from the counter.

        "Is that a problem?" I wondered teasingly. I stood beside him, wrapping my arm around his waist, fingers holding lightly to the fabric of his shirt as we started walking. His right arm draped around my shoulders, his arm hanging in front of my body. I reached up with my right hand, and laced my fingers loosely through his. His fingers tightened slightly around mine, and he was smiling when I looked up at him.

        "No, not at all."

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