Chapter 48: Damned

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        A familiar beer bottle dangled from my fingertips, dangerously loose and right over the countertop. I leaned my stomach against the granite, listening to the hustle and bustle around Alex and Rian's house. It was completely crazy with everyone here.

        Why I even decided to come was beyond me. I wasn't having fun, and honestly, I was more paranoid than I'd been in years. I wasn't even sure why I was feeling that way, but the only conclusion I could come to was the possibility of Jack finding me in the mass amounts of people.

        But, it wasn't likely at this point; when I didn't address him after arriving with the band, he didn't seem to bother acknowledging me either. Maybe he got the hint from two days ago before, when I stormed off after yelling at him. Maybe he caught on when I didn't answer back to his texts, or when I hid form basically everyone after this past concert in Baltimore. I was happy, because I didn't want anything to do with him at that point.

        The music boomed through the speakers, shaking the tile on the floor underneath be. People brushed past me, reaching into the sink filled with ice and booze. While partiers would pass, they brushed against my back, and I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder in fear that it would be a memorable, thin hand,  suggesting something else.

        I rolled my eyes at my own stupid thoughts. Why the hell was I so worried about someone else? Since when did I give two shits about anyone else? I really needed to get my head checked, because this was getting fucking ridiculous.

        I was tired, and I still hadn't moved very much since arriving only thirty minutes before. I had a few famiiar faces stop and say hi, and a couple of girls happen to tell me they liked my ethinc-patterened high-waisted skirt, with a black scoop-neck, razer-back tank top. The way I was dressed didn't reflect my mood, and I really just wanted to get back on the bus and go home. I didn't have a choice, especially with Maverick, Porter, Xavier and Kinsley all wanting to stay the night in Maryland.

        Just my fucking luck, right?

        "Excuse me," someone said, breath hitting my ear from behind. I turned my face slightly, noting just who put both his hands on either side of the counter, holding me there. "But, I believe this is a party, not a strip club."

        My mouth tugged up on the side, seeing Stephen's dark eyes next to mine. I placed my beer on the counter, looking completely over my shoulder to meet his gaze. With a lazy smile on his face, his chest pressed against my back. I shook my head, licking my bottom lip.

        "Don't be jealous that I look better in a dress than you do," I teased, turning in his hold, leaning my backside against the counter, hands gripping the ledge lightly.

        I wasn't sure what I was doing. I wasn't even sure if Stephen was what I wanted at that point. Everything running around in my head was just too complicated to deal with, and I wanted to be over it. I didn't want to think about what Jack thought anymore because I hated it. I hated that I cared about how he felt, and I absolutely fucking despised that it made me stop and think about what I was saying before I opened my mouth. For whatever reason, he made me question everything I did, and it only made me resent him more.

        People were filtering through each room, but I couldn't see anyone I was familiar with besides the guy pinning me in the kitchen. It was a welcome home party, with many people I had yet to meet. I didn't mind, because it only allowed me to be alone for a while. Stephen was always the perfect distraction, no matter what was going through my mind.

        "I'm not exactly jealous of the dress as I am of Jack," he taunted, an audible slur in his voice. I let out a soft laugh, hand reaching up to touch the side of his face.

        My mind flickered to the thought of a large nose, thinner lips, and shorter hair before blinking and the picture disappearing. I fluttered my eyes multiple times unable to understand where the thought came from. The only conclusion I could come to was the way his stubble felt against my hand.

        I wanted to kick myself. I wanted to choke the air out of my lungs and render myself unconscious. I couldn't stand the fact that he was affecting me this way. I couldn't live like this. I couldn't keep going on with these feelings. It's been less than forty-eight hours and I already wanted out.

        I needed to fix this, right now.

        "Now why would you be jealous of him?" I asked, reaching for my drink and bringing it to my mouth. I let the cool liquid run down my throat, begging for a buzz to kick in when I knew it wouldn't.

        I ran my finger down the front of his shirt, and he didn't mind much. I saw Stella, Lauren and Kinsley pass behind Stephen, right over his shoulder. I barely let my gaze flicker to them, sure Kinsley's glare would bring my already shitty mood down farther. I didn't want to deal with her, or anyone else for that matter.

        "Because, your little boyfriend gets to see exactly what's under that dress," He gave me a crooked smile, showing his white teeth shamelessly. I clenched my fingers around the fabric of his dark t-shirt. I wasn't sure how to take that sentence, and instead leaned closer to him.

        "He didn't make the cut," I said, whispering softly against his mouth. His hand moved from the counter to my hips, gripping tighter around me.

        "That's unfortunate for him, huh?" his voice was raspy, the same sexy tone I remembered when waking up in a bunk that wasn't mine. I shuddered at the thought before folding my fingers to the back of Stephen's neck, bringing his lips to mine effortlessly.

        Nothing changed with Stephen, he was still a great kisser, and his mouth still moved int he same pattern I enjoyed. When I opened my eyes shortly in the heat of the moment, there was a pair of dark irises staring into mine.

        I couldn't place the emotion etched into his mouth, the way his lips skewed just slightly, how his pupils narrowed on me. The distance between us had to be at least fifteen feet, but it felt like he was staring me down from just inches away.

        And for the first time since I've known Jack, he was completely one-hundred percent speechless and motionless. It was like our gazes were glued together, unable to pry away from how he was staring at me. My stomach clenched when I noticed the smallest hint of a frown on his face, insides twisting enough to bother me.

        I closed my eyes, forcing my body onto Stephen's aggressively, only gaining a similar response from his oblivious mind. I forced all other thoughts out of my head, because thinking about caring about him made me sick to my stomach.

        I'd be damned if I didn't do something about it.

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