Chapter 52: Call

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        I was in the middle of putting my clothes together for the next day's trip when my phone lit up, indicating that I had a text. I ignored it from my seat on the floor, continuing to fold the remainder of my jeans and put them in the bottom of my suitcase.

        It was growing hotter, even just for the middle of spring in Maryland. Both of my windows were wide open, with my fan circulating quickly above me. I let out a deep breath, unsure if I was ready to leave home just yet. I felt like I needed a few more days, just to make sure I had everything straightened out in my head. I was jumpng right back into a situation I didn't want to be in in the first place.

        I finally pulled myself away from my tank-top pile and reached for my phone sitting on the corner of my bed closest to me. I let out a deep breath, feeling it vibrate in my hand to singal I had another message.

        I scrolled through my phone, unlocking it and bringing up my messages before seeing that the latest text was from Xavier, checking int o make sure I was packing. I grumbled, rolling my eyes and answering him back quickly, saying that I was old enough to know when to start getting things together before looking at the text I had from fifteen minutes before.

        I read the familiar name at the top of the message. I bit the inside of my cheek uncertainly, not sure if I wanted to just delete the message or not, or read it first, but it was so hard to do with my pulse thumping in my ears.

        I cursed at myself internally, squeezing my eyes shut before rolling my thumb over the message and clicking on it. Even if I didn't want ot deal with it, I had to. I had to learn to deal with it because it was going to be a huge part of my summer. I had no choice at this point. It was either put up with it or walk away, and there wasn't an option to walk away.

        Hey, it's Lauren. My phone is dead, so I'm borrowing Jack's, can you call his phone? I have a few things I need to talk to you about before we leave tomorrow. Thanks, L.

        I let out a relieved sigh, clicking on his name and hitting the call button. I lifted my phone to my ear, picking at the carpet of my floor. The phoen rang continuously, and I let out a deep breath impatiently.

        Before I thought it would go to voicemail, the ringing cut, and the shuffling sound on the other end of the line indicated a pick up. I looked at my leg, showing through my cut-off jeans, licking my lips and looking for something to play with.


        It was weird hearing his voice again. I wasn't sure what it was about it, what sounded so different in the short time I hadn't seen him. His lisp was audible, his tone seemed natural, only confused. It wasn't anything Ih adn't already heard come from his mouth before, so I couldn't understand why it felt so unfamiliar.

        "Hello, earth to Nat?" he questioned, voice slightly annoyed.

        I shook my head, erasing the thought before clearing my throat. "Sorry, Lauren texted me earlier on your phone and wanted to talk to me."

        My free arm wrapped around my middle, hunching over slightly. I wasn't sure what was coming over me, but I was already flustered with the way I was carrying myself even over the phone. Jack wasn't any different than any other person I'd met before, he might have been slightly famous, but he wasn't anything special. So, why the fuck was he doing this to me?

        "Hm, I see," he said casually. "Well, she's right here, so here she is."



        Before anything else was said, the line went silent and Lauren's voice broke through it.        

        "I'm sorry, Nat. I didn't realize he took his phone back earlier," she trailed off, unsure of what to say. I almost felt bad for the girl, because this wasn't her problem and she was going to be stuck in the middle of the whole thing.

        "No problem, what's up?" I muttered quietly, staring at the shirts I still needed to fold and put in my bag. My clothes were in a messy pile next to my side, the reminder of what would happen in the next few days.

        "Well, I just wanted you guys to know that I sent a package to Kinsley's PO box for you guys to take with you when you leave. Hopeless wanted me to send you flip cameras so you can document the experience of recording with the guys, they're hoping it'll give you guys some more publicity."

        "When should they be in?"

        "Today, actually. If Kinsley goes to her box sometime this afternoon you guys can have them for the plane ride tomorrow."

        "Your timing is impeccable, Lauren," I said, rolling my eyes. It was so funny how scheduled she was, because that was the opposite of our band. She was the perfect person for our group, I couldn't think of someone better for the job.

        "Yeah, yeah," she said, sensing the tone I had. "And I just wanted to make sure you guys are packing and know when your flight leaves tomorrow."

        "Jet Blue, five in the morning, sharp, and yes," I grumbled angirly.

        "And will you do me a favor and check up on Porter and Maverick, please? I know Zave can handle himself, because most of the time he juggles the rest of you. I don't trust Maverick's ability to ship out his drum set properly, and he won't use the one Rian offered, so I need to make sure it gets here in one piece."

        "He was suposed to send it out two days ago, but I'll make sure he did."

        "Thanks Nat, I appreciate it," she said happily, and I nodded though she couldn't see me. "See you soon!"

        My stomach bubbled at the thought, but it wasn't the good kind. It was the way I knew it was inevitable. It was the way I knew I didn't have much time to figure everything out and I would go into recording with unsure thoughts in my head. I was trying so damn hard to make this easy, but it wasn't, and I was honestly scared for what it would bring when I arrived in California in less than seventy-two hours.

(4) Out of Control: An All Time Low FanFiction RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang