Chapter 1: The Flight (Natalie's POV)

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        The stale, disinfected air of the plane clouded my senses for the last seven hours. The large plane had televisions fixed in the back of the seats in front of each row. I was hoping the rest of our seven and a half hour flight to Los Angeles from Boston would be as short as possible, but with my luck, it was longer than any of us could bear.

        I pulled my hood over my head, long spiral curls sticking outs from the sides of my sweatshirt, fingers brushing my gagues as I let my hands fall back into my lap. I leaned my head back against the seat, only to be shaken consantly by the brown haired drummer behind me. I growled under my breath, looking athte space between the seats to glare at Maverick with murderous eyes. He gave me a cheeky grin, fingers haning loosely from the side of my chair, purposely rocking me back and forth.

        "Keep moving my chair and I'll castrate you," I said through my teeth.

        "I wouldn't doubt her Mav," my attention was drawn to the front of me where our new manager, Lauren, sat. She glanced through the split between the seats, giving me a smirk. She slouched confortably in a pair of jeans and a hoodie, just as the rest of us were.

        "Looks like someone woke up on the top of the douchbag  meter," Porter teased me, sitting beside Maverick. The bassist's dirty blonde hair fell in his face, nose piercing shining in the terrible florescent lighting of the jet. They were both so lucky I wasn't sitting next to them right now. There would be hell to pay.

        "Porter, shut the fuck up. It's too early for this shit" Xavier sighed in exasperation to my right. His tattooed arm fell against my side, but I was too tired to care. All I could do was look at his face, noticing the way his dark brown hair curled over his closed eyes.

        It was true. We were all exhausted, even if Porter and maverick didn't show it as much. Our flight was at two in the morning, and I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to last on the plane if these morons constantly shifted my seat. Fortunately, we were in a smaller plane with only a few other passengers further ahead of us, minimal casualties to our constant bickering.

        "How do you guys stand to be around each other when all you do is fight?" Lauren questioned through the seat once again, a teasing expression etched into her face. I shrugged, fiddling with my lip piercing between my teeth. I still wasn't sure how I hadn't murdered Maverick and Porter and had their bodies shipped to Mexico yet, so her guess was as good as mine.

        "We promised their parents at a young age that we wouldn't abandon them because they were so annoying," Zave grumbled from my side, unable to get comfortable with his long limbs. The twenty-three year old shifted the arm rest between us, leaning his head against my shoulder in an attempt to sleep. I couldn't help the way my head slumped against his, letting it serve as a pillow for the time being.

        "We heard that and are extremely offended by it!" Maverick shouted, hovering over the seats. My eyes opened, looking up at Mav before rolling my eyes once.

        "I'm going to kick you in the teeth if you don't sit down and shut the fuck up!" Xavier's eyes darted open, looking up at him in frustration. Maverick was unfazed by his comment, only mimicking him while listening to his command. Xavier was th eleader, and whatever the guitarist says, goes.

        "It isn't going to be easy with you guys, is it?" I heard Lauren's voice again, and gave her a smirk at her comment. It was never simple with the four of us together. She'd realized that soon enough.

        I still wasn't sure why she'd sign up for such a job. She took it willingly, flying out a week ago to meet us in Boston and get to know us a little. All we knew was that were were going to be signed to Hopeless Records as another band's project for the year. They heard our EP somehow and went out of their way to have the record label contact us.

        Everything was changing so fast that it was making my head spin just thinking about it.

        "You're probably going to hate your life in five months," I said to her, yawning once and stretching in my seat. There was no point in trying to sleep with these two idiots behind me.

        "Trust me, I've dealt with bands much worse," she seemed to smile as some weird joke that only she understood. I didn't understand how she ever managed a band before, she couldn't be much older than me, and I was only twenty. There was no way she has had a career before us.

        "I'm not sure about that," I mumbled to myself, thinking of all the crazy times we've had in the last few years. Being the lead singer of this band had been a handful, but it was what I needed, what I wanted.

        I never really wanted anything else. Nothing has ever kept my interest for more than a minute. Honestly, I was never concerned about that. I was the one that didn't care, that never really wanted to care. I did what I wanted, when I wanted because I wanted to do it. I was quick to make stupid, rash decisions, and snappy remarks. I never really had morals, and acted as I pleased.

        I couldn't breathe without being part of The Lovely Broken. I couldn't survive without them.

        "Please fasten your seat belts, return your seats to their upright position, and prepare for landing," the speaker cracked as the flight attendant spoke quickly. Xavier let out a sigh, leaning off me and following the directions. I looked down, clippng my belt and glancing out the window, seeing the California sun rise as the ground got closer and closer.

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